Hi, I'm new here. I have just collected some blood test results yesterday and have tried unsuccessfully to decipher them. Just looking for some help and wondering if anyone had any knowledge they could give me. I went to the doctors last week with what I suspected to be Lichen Sclerosus and a low thyroid. I have been suffering for months with feeling tired, lethargic,cold, heavy periods plus few others symptoms of low thyroid the doctor wasn't convinced and suspected low iron and b12. Could anyone please let me know if anything stands out on these tests. I have been going to the gym since beginning of February, I lift weights and do cardio and have struggled to lose 4 lbs in total and i go to the gym 5 days a week. Also doctor thinks I have Lichen sclerosus and has referred me.
Ferritin 59 ug/L 6-102
Vit B12 * 1000 ng/L 160-980
Folate 6.9 ug/L 3.0-17.0
Haemoglobin 142 g/L 115-165
Total WCC 5.4 10*9/L 4.0-11.0
Platelet count 177 10*9/L 150-450
Red blood cc 4.47 10*12/L 3.80-5.80
Haematocrit 0.417 L/L 0.360-0.470
MCV 93.4 fl 80.0-100.0
MCH 31.8 pg 27.0-32.0
Neutrophil 2.73 10*9/L 1.70-7.50
Lymphocyte 1.87 10*9/L 1.00-4.00
Monocyte 0.30 10*9/L 0.20-0.80
Eosinophil 0.34 10*9/L 0.04-0.40
Basophil 0.04 10*9/L 0.00-0.10
Erythrocyte sediment rate 8 mm/hr 2-16
TFT results
Free Thyroxine (FT4) 13.8 pmol/L 9.0-23.0
Thyroid stim.Hormone 1.17 mu/L 0.20-4.50
Sodium 141 mmol/L 133-146
Potassium 3.9 mmol/L 3.5-5.3
Urea *8.9 mmol/L 2.5-7.8
Creatinine 79 umol/L 50-100
Random Lipid Profile (non-fasting)
Total cholesterol *5.8 mmol/L 2.5-5.0
Triglyceride 1.4 mmol/L 0.4-1.7
HDL Cholesterol 1.23 mmol?l 1.20-2.10
Total/HDL cholesterol ratio 4.7 2.0-6.0
Liver function tests
Albumin 46 g/L 35-50
Alkaline Phosphatase 45 iu/L 30-130
Alanine Transaminase (ALT) 33 iu/L 12-60
Total Bilirubin 10 umol/L 0-21
Estimated GFR (4v MDRD) 71 mL/min/1.73m2 60-150
Glucose 4.2 mmol/L 3.5-7.7
I was told that all tests came back as no action needed, but I'm not convinced. Does anything stand out as not right? Even though they are in range especially as Lichen sclerosus is an autoimmune disease. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time