Hi, I would be very grateful for some help.
I have been feeling, and looking, really unwell lately (dehydrated, fatigued, kidney pain) and my new GP kindly agreed to help me try to get to the bottom of the problem. He arranged for a number of blood tests including FBC, TFT, B12 etc. I suspect Sjogren's but he doesn't seem to have ordered the antibody tests we discussed.
When I phoned the surgery they said that my results were all normal with no follow up required. I asked for a copy and received them today.
The following are highlighted in bold:
Estimated GFR 89ml/min/1.73m2 (>90) "Low"
Serum Vitamin B12 >1500 ng/l (180-900) "High"
Total white cell count 3.8 10*9/L (4.0-11.0) "Low"
My TSH is looking much better (down from 2.9 to 1.31)
I think the tests were sent to my old GP (who I only saw once) and not my new GP, which explains the lack of follow up I guess In the meantime I have been prescribed Cipro antibiotics for a kidney infection after visiting the local hospital's drop-in gp surgery in desperation. Within a day of taking the antibiotics I felt better than I have in weeks but the right-sided pain and pressure has now returned (abdomen and lower back).
Sorry for the rambling My question is, could a kidney infection have caused my ferritin to drop from 40 to 25 in a few weeks? Should I ask to see a GP about the low GFR and white cell count?
Thank you for your help x