6 months ago I had a disastrous consultation, was assured FBC was fine and therefore ferritin, vitD, B12, folate etc. would be fine (they weren't) and FT3 below range was ignored. That's when I started experimenting and self-medicating.
I expected to see his colleague and wasn't at all pleased to see him. He looked moody when I told him GP reduced T4 (TSH isn't suppressed as it should be), incredulous when I told him I stopped meds in Nov and we had an argument when I told him I was self medicating with T3 and that would suppress my TSH in future so he should stop worrying.
He said there was no evidence that combined therapy was beneficial. I said there was plenty. He said it was poorly researched and presented. I said there were excellent American studies. He rolled his eyes, I asked if he would prefer European studies. We agreed to disagree.
He put his hands around my throat and I wasn't sure if he was about to throttle me or palpate it
He asked where I would get T3 and I said internet because CCG instructed GPs not to prescribe. He bridled, wrote me a script for 4 weeks and said he'll write to my GP instructing combination therapy!
He was very interested in the fact I take T4+T3 together and at night. I explained that T3 seems to calm the unpleasant T4 effects, particularly palpitations, and I can have a morning cuppa without worrying about taking meds on an empty stomach.
He accepted with equanimity my decision to opt for lower meds and a better quality of life now rather than over medication for 5 years to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
The only downer is the thyroglobulin results weren't available because I tested late but he'll write to me as soon as they are.
Lastly, I managed to walk a mile from the hossie in ten minutes before collapsing panting and aching into a bus.