I've had hashi since I was 6 (now 22) always had thin hair since it started and always remember moaning about it falling out more than it should. But the last 6 weeks (especially last 2-3 weeks since a change in meds) it is falling out at an extremely alarming rate.
I was on 50mg T3 only but was not doing well on that so have now as of a few weeks ago gone back to a T3 T4 combo (30mg T3 75mg T4) and despite feeling better in myself and my arm/leg pains have gone, my hair is falling out.
I don't see any point going to the dr's as they'll just fob me off, schedule me a thyroid blood test even though I know exactly what the results will be, or tell me it's falling out due to 'overmedication' (suppressed TSH despite no clinical symptoms of overmedication)
I'm taking 2x spatone a day, sublingual B12, evening primrose oil and multivitamins...
It's falling out from the root and the hair on the rest of my body including eyebrows is fine.