Hi there, suspected Hashimoto's sufferer here diagnosed hypothyroid in May and on 125mcg Levo. Blood test in November was TSH 4.3 (0.27-4.2) and FT4 15.3 (12-22). I can post past results on here if needed.
Whilst I'm waiting on my endo referral to come through and the blood test results I thought I would post this question as it's been playing on my mind ever since last year: is it possible for someone with Hashi's to not have a goitre? Or to perhaps have one that has since gone down?
At the start of last year the front of my neck swelled up - I put it down to a very bad throat infection and stocked up on cold and flu remedies. This was before a thyroid problem was flagged up.
By the time a thyroid problem was thought of, the swelling at the front of my neck went down and an ultrasound revealed the gland was in the sonographer's words "a little bulky". The GP who I was with at the time mislaid this report and so no more action was taken.
Exactly a year later when I changed to another GP I was told I had high thyroid antibodies in a blood test result but I was not told which ones were high. I have since had my blood retested for this as well as folates, iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, plasma viscosity, coeliac and autoimmune profile, the results of which I'm expecting next week.
I keep examining my neck despite my boyfriend telling me to leave it alone, but it has not since swelled up and feels fine. I'm wondering if I have got Hashi's at all.
My symptoms seem to be a mishmash. My GP fully appreciates the symptoms as well hence the referral.
My symptoms are:
* Migraines
* Constipation (although I've been getting some diarrhoea)
* Cold intolerance - my BBT readings say otherwise
* Sweating/flushing a lot more
* Fatigue
* Trouble sleeping/insomnia
* Mood swings
* Problems with periods - painful, heavy, early, short and spotting
* Muscle/joint pain
* Cramps
* Weight loss - finding it hard to put on any weight despite eating more.
Would an endo order another ultrasound to be done and is there anyone else out there with a similar issue?
Jo xxx