Since my GP mentioned I was showing symptoms of Graves recently with my autoimmune attack, I did a little reading up on it and am confused as ever.
My high antibodies early December confirmed I was autoimmune with Hashi's (advised on here). Also read that during an attack I can cycle back and forth between between Hyper and Hypo (which Clutter confirmed).
My confusion now is how can it be confirmed whether I am definitely Hashi's or indeed Graves? I have also read that you can have both. Surely there must be a test to separate the two?
Also been reading contradictory info as regards Iodine. Do I need to get that tested to see what my levels are? If they are low, do I need to supplement? Have read "Pit gland releases TSH to thyroid when body is running low. Thyroid converts iodine into thyroid hormone and regulates body's metabolism. No need to supplement as thyroid is not functioning properly to absorb"
Just compiling some notes to take with me tomorrow for my next appointment as regards any further tests I can have done and also discuss supplementing as I am now going GF