I thought I had got my head round the Thyroid actions, but now I have got all confused again. I have no active Thyroid - (Radioactive Iodine Treatment killed it 3 years ago.) I am still up against the daily struggle of getting enough Thyroid replacement meds, since the doctors are so keen for 'someone of my age' (58!) to be on as low a dose as possible to protect against stressing my heart. Which is all well and good, but being seriously overweight and unable to shift it with little energy to exercise either, I say my heart is worse without a stronger dose!
After a lot of argument, I have had my vitamins done - first the B12 was v.low, so they gave me high doses and retested - then noticed Vit D very low, corrected that and now Folate is low so am taking extra of that - funny how they only tested each one individually, so it has taken 6 months to get back up to strength with them! I am hoping that all my vitamins are now up to scratch, I may start to feel some improvement but so far it hasn't made a huge difference.
My question about the TSH is that mine is very low - 0.17 (0.30 - 5.00) and my FT4 is 8.6pmol/L (7.0 - 20.0)
They will not test for T3 because only and Endo can order it (!!!) - I still feel that my FT4 should be higher but they say it is perfectly satisfactory! But if the TSH is for the purposes of STIMULATING my Thyroid to work - it won't because it can't therefore isn't it expected to be low?
If I have no thyroid working - would you think a daily dose of 75mcg Levothyroxine plus 25 mcg Liothyronine is a decent enough dose? I know everyone is different, but having looked at other people's reports, I feel mine is still too low.
Opinions please! Is there a chart with all the values of acceptable ranges for the normal blood test results anywhere too please? Thanks for reading - sorry if its a ramble! (My brain fog is better since I upped the T3 by another 5 mcg, but still a bit misty!) Jackie.