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IBS Network

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All posts for August 2024

Back pain

Having a bad flare up at the moment, about three days in, getting a lot of back ...
Almostthere12 profile image


having real problems at the minute bad flare up having to get up through the nig...
Harold2 profile image

IBS-C - have had this for life and is playing up again now

I remember being taken to hospital at a pre-school age because I had a 'blockage...
Miserere profile image
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I started taking Ferrocalm about 18 weeks ago and suffered adjustment symptoms ...
Hidden profile image

Guts won't restart properly after op

I just had a minor op (Wednesday) when they numbed my bum (and around there, int...
XDjames profile image

GI Doctors in Europe

Can any recommend a GI hospital in Europe?
Nomorelinzezs profile image

IBS - yellowish tint urine/stool while on colpermin?

Hello! I have been suffering from IBS for years with test revealing am also lact...

Atopic eczema

I was diagnosed with IBS C and then SIBO but I do not have slow transit of food ...
Skyline4 profile image

New drug

Hi I'm wondering if anyone has tried the new drug FeroCalm,I'm on a 8 week tria...
Rustyrose profile image

wasted days

Fed up as I feel I have wasted several days with IBS, not getting out of the hou...
Jackie1612 profile image

stomach burning, acid reflux and anxiety

I would appreciate any help in combatting a burning stomach. I have had IBA for ...
Fizzbond profile image

Could this be IBS-C or slow transit?

I'm 79 and suffered with constipation on and off for more than 10 years and got ...
Bazh profile image


I’m an ex-health professional, who was accustomed to dealing with many patients...
Hidden profile image


Hello everyone, Ive probably asked this question before but i cant remember. Has...
Julie182 profile image


Hi - I have suffered from IBS - D for over 25 years & have tried most things . M...
Jess54 profile image

Flare up of severe abdo pain starting in the night .Not had this before Its usually when I wake up and not so bad!

Hi Im new to this forum. I have woken with lower abdo pain the last 3 days at 3 ...
Luna64 profile image


any tried the tablet form of colestrymine. Since being switched to questran from...
Clare- profile image

Flare up.

I am experiencing a flare up. Haven't eaten for a week. What foods should I try ...
Zambia2010 profile image

Website: "Gut Microbiota for Health"

For those who are looking for some more in depth information: https://www.gutmic...
Meleber profile image

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG

I would be interested to hear about your experiences with the Lactobacillus Rham...
MikeOr profile image


I’ve had IBS for too many years to remember! I have always used Loperamide but ...
hantslady profile image


It’s taken soooo long to pass bm finally, high fibre, no laxatives, strict routi...
Dudders123 profile image

Statins with BAM

After a recent blood test that shows I have high cholesterol my doctor has pres...
Edgar77 profile image

tummy trouble on holiday.

Long story short, a long cocktail of antibiotics since last December plus third ...


Hi, I’ve had stomach discomfort for more than 30 years. Had every test endoscopy...
Korybut profile image

Bad cramping and pain under ribcage with IBS?

Hi all! I have had IBS for most of my life, since early teens. For the past sev...
AC0921 profile image


Hi everyone, new here. Recently been troubled with bloating and constipation. Ta...
ginx54 profile image

On going problems

OK, I posted about a week ago re my IBS. When I get up and have maybe a couple o...
OldTimer74 profile image

Worse after bowel movement

Why is it that even after a normal bowel movement that was easy to pass, do I fe...
Edgar77 profile image

My internal organs are on a strike and everything is connected I think

I don't feel well enough to do anything. That pain in my guts and in my esophagu...