OK, I posted about a week ago re my IBS. When I get up and have maybe a couple of slices of toast which I had no problems with in the past. About half an hr after eating I get a pain lower down in mid region, it can last from half an hr to several hrs and is quite painful. Sometimes I pass wind and it helps. Today it lasted about 6 hrs, couldn`t pass wind at all. I just couldn`t get my system going. I take cosmocol every day (one sachet lasts me all day with the final drink from it before bed.) I used to have lots of wind but that seems to have shut down. I normally go to the toilet when I get up, it`s always soft due to the cosmocol but generally ends with a blast. BTW I take cosmocol because I have an inguinal hernia that I am waiting to have surgery, I`ve had that hernia for 9 years and it has gotten worse. Anyway today was struggle to go and no blast at the end. I managed to go to the toilet again this afternoon but it was just like water ( maybe because I took more cosmocol than normal. ) It gets to the point where I am frightened to eat breakfast because I know I will have the belly ache. The last time I had a FIT test was in April and all was clear. BTW I`m 79 now. I have managed the IBS for many many years but it has changed, I take tablets for anxiety due to the way the world is now and money is getting tighter. For years I would always have an explosion after my lunch which as you all know can be very awkward depending where you are working. I had so much wind at times in the past that I recorded it and called the disk "farting along with Dave" Anyway, am I telling you something that you have heard before or should I be more worried? People don`t understand that IBS and it`s class mates is one of the worst health problems we have with millions all over the world suffering. I have also been drinking lots of bottled water this year because in the heat I easily get dehydrated and wondered if the many ingredients in the bottled water might be having an adverse effect?
Thank you for reading and any replies.