Bad cramping and pain under ribcage with IBS? - IBS Network

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Bad cramping and pain under ribcage with IBS?

AC0921 profile image
4 Replies

Hi all!

I have had IBS for most of my life, since early teens. For the past several years, I have the symptom of severe cramping under the ribcage on both sides. It sometimes feels better after I use the bathroom, but sometimes it feels worse after. I’ve had all of the GI tests done, and my GI doctor can’t give a reason for this. Has anyone else ever experienced this and if so, what helps you, if anything? I’m at a loss and in loads of pain. :(

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AC0921 profile image
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4 Replies
Eivissa profile image

Hi, my pain is under my right ribcage after eating and when I'm in an upright position. For years the Drs diagnosed IBS but turns out it is a vascular condition (MALS / SMAS).

AC0921 profile image
AC0921 in reply to Eivissa

Hi! Hmmm, I’ll ask my doc about maybe that being a possibility for my pains next time I see him. I guess it could very well be vascular in my case too. I just would like answers, or at least a piece of a doctor’s interest in investigating my symptoms! Are they treating your condition? I hope there’s something you are able to do to feel better! Thank you for your response, Eivissa. :)

CockeyMoor profile image

I have had IBS since I was 32 ( 30 years) and at that time I always noticed when I went to the loo properly I got a weird dull ache under my ribs. It would disappear so I didn’t take too much notice.

As I have got older I now suffer scatterred Diverticulum of the Sigmoid and get lots of lower left sided bowel pain and rectal pain. But in addition I have suffered a very sharp stabbing twisting pain under my right rib for 5 years just if I bend down, stretch over or even just sometimes when I am eating. The GPs and specialists have never taken me on about it.

I have just found out from a CT scan for COPD that I have a hernia under my right rib. This has got to be bowel pushing up under there or a Diverticular hernia. The GP & Specialist aren’t interested . So my deduction is that some of us are born with rubbish bowels and connective tissue and after years of intermittent pain on going to the loo I now suffer permanent tummy and back ache every morning which is relieved a little by going to the loo but it aches afterwards for hours.

I have a history of inguinal hernias ( Dad’s legacy)

So I think it is in our make up. Nothing sinister has ever been found on two colonoscopies and one sigmoidoscopy and a colonograph.

I am sorry to hear you are struggling too. It makes you feel weary, tired from waking up in discomfort and worn out with trying to find out what foods may be aggravating things.

My only saviour is using glycerin suppositories to help. I keep more hydrated and drink less caffeine.I have actually deduced I am not actually constipated because if anything , my motions are far from hard pellets etc.. it is just my bowel motility is not working properly and so there seems to be a back pressure that gives me tummy pain. I get a lot of relief after using a suppository and then I take two paracetamol to face the world. The paracetamol generally take most of the pain away. Nobody in my family understand my weariness and the fact that I would say I spend every morning with tummy ache/ back pain from 5am -12 noonish every day and sometimes in the evenings but mainly mornings. Some sort of sluggish bowel condition and then the bowel presses against other organs when it gets full giving pain.

I have yet to see any specialist who is interested. I am currently awaiting a Sigmoidoscopy again. I waited 11months to see a General Surgeon who I thought was going to discuss my kidney stone which luckily I think I have passed to find out he wasn’t discussing that and was discharging me. I wouldn’t let him. I argued. Guess what he suddenly took notice and tells me he will do my sigmoidoscopy personally!! Think I am supposed to be honoured. So now I have got him on side I am going to interrogate him more when I see him about the rib pains and the dull aches in that area. Sorry to ramble but I do think you are very similar to me in degree of suffering in silence .

AC0921 profile image
AC0921 in reply to CockeyMoor

Oh my, you have been through it too! I’m so sorry. Not only is it miserable and a daily struggle, but getting ANY doctor to actually engage in any attempt to help is futile. If your “standard tests” are clear, off you go… never mind that you’re in pain and taking meds each day just to function! I do think you’re right, that some of us are just born with bowel oddities. I’m wondering if a hernia might be my issue as well (?) My GI doc did say I have sharp bends in my large intestine, where it curves under the ribcage, so maybe that’s causing it. (But of course he couldn’t answer to what I could do to cope with the pain.) Thank you so much for your response…I’m hoping so much that you can get answers after your “personal sigmoidoscopy” is done. :) It sounds promising since the GS is actually interested, which is a huge step. Sending hugs to you…I’m sorry you suffer too. :(

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