severe bloating & antidepressant help? - IBS Network

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severe bloating & antidepressant help?

Bobb1e profile image
33 Replies

Hi, I’ve been having really bad bouts of severe bloating & trapped wind enough that I have to loosen /remove clothes. I’ve also been sick a few times because of it. It’s as though I go from being not pregnant to 10 months + in a matter of minutes ! It’s really painful in upper stomach both sides especially rhs. I take buscopan, chamomile tea, paracetamol & get my partner to help massage back to help relieve the pressure. Burbing loudly lots! Very glamorous not. I feel very tired after a bout of this and need to sleep with a hot water bottle . I have IBS d which is controlled food wise by avoiding triggers like dairy, caffeine, spices etc which helps. This is newer, comes along unexpectedly. I do have gallstones but as it doesn’t happen all the time, I don’t think it’s that . I’ve cut fat from diet. I end up not eating . There’s are a few stressful things going on, but I thought I was managing those ok. My Gp suggested antidepressant for the IBS, but I’m confused as to which one as I don’t have diarrhoea at the mo just this sudden painful bloating. I’m leary as the side effects seem as bad.

Gp suggested Prozac (a while ago as a miracle cure for IBS) & another (recent phone consult) said amitriptyline as the prozac makes you gassy, but friend has said amitriptyline flattens you. She said Citalopram as having less side effects would better but often GPS offer the cheapest first. Tbh I’m reluctant to go on anything that triggers more flare ups.

Has anyone experience of this or have any ideas if an antidepressant would help, if so which one ? Thanks for reading all this

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Bobb1e profile image
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33 Replies
M77L26 profile image

I think you must woach wot you eat to start with iv been the same I think some times if you use a food with a lots of fiber in it this does not help I look on Google to see wits the best foods to eat

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to M77L26

thank you, I hadn’t thought about the fibre in food. Keep well

Wallace-s profile image

You are clearly suffering :(

For me personally Amitriptyline was a life saver - I had similar symptoms to yours, and after 3 weeks once it was in my system I had very few flare ups.

It basically worked- which was amazing.

On the downside, yes it does ‘flatten’ you; difficult to explain but you k ow your not yourself, a slightly ‘sleepy’ perhaps.

Also, for me it caused a dry mouth that eventually became intolerable and since stopped taking it.

On balance would I take it again = 100% - I lived without pain, fear etc and just had to accept I felt a little numb in my brain because of the meds.

Good luck with what ever you decide!

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Wallace-s

thank you for replying, it’s useful to have info from someone with similar symptoms. I’ve been trying to avoid antidepressants because of the side effects but getting to the give me something stage to make it stop. Did the amitriptyline affect your driving ? Hope you keep well

Wallace-s profile image
Wallace-s in reply to Bobb1e

no didn’t effect driving- and carried on a completely normal (infact improved) life.

You take them at night, so will end up sleeping very deeply.

They effect you by just dulling your senses - to give you an idea=

If you were functiong at 100% everyday, as in alert and active, they would perhaps bring you to a 97% rating. Just as a guide!

Ultimately IMO when symptoms are that bad, you must trying everything- and if after a few months it’s not working or your just not happy then stop - the dosage is generally extremely mild @ 10mg.

Wallace-s profile image
Wallace-s in reply to Bobb1e

as a side note, although you seem to be aware, there are alternatives to Amitriptyline- that is just the most common prescribed from my understanding .

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Wallace-s

Wallace, I really appreciate your help with this. You’ve given me good info to discuss with Gp & fingers crossed whatever I end up with helps. X

Wallace-s profile image
Wallace-s in reply to Bobb1e

let us know how you get on, and if you need anything else then just ask😁

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Wallace-s


I’ve had my appointment with the Gp, she’s given me nortriptyline to try. Fingers crossed. Thanks everyone for your help. Really really appreciate it. 😄

Wallace-s profile image
Wallace-s in reply to Bobb1e

that’s great - nortripyline is supposed to have lesser side effects, so fingers crossed for you.

You migh feel light headed for a few days but stick with it - best of luck

Edgar77 profile image
Edgar77 in reply to Bobb1e

IBS is one of many symptoms of fibromyalgia. Amitriptyline is prescribed for fibromyalgia. It is not a cure but has helped me a lot. Yes I have a dry mouth so drink a lot a d am tired most of the time but worth it.

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Edgar77

hi Edgar, funny you should mention fibromyalgia, my sister has just been diagnosed. I’ll ask her what meds she’s on. I don’t really have the same sore joints symptoms as her. Hope you keep well & pain free 💛

Edgar77 profile image
Edgar77 in reply to Bobb1e

Fibromyalgia effects the nervous system especially the involuntary system ie heart beat, blinking digestive system ect ect things you can't controll, and yes you can ache all over and it can be exhausting. I also get restless legs syndrome another symptom. It effects your sleep too. Amitriptyline is only one of many treatments. There is no cure but it helps. I hope you and your sister find something that helps. I'm still looking.

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Edgar77

you take care Edgar, it sounds rough 🫂

Bugsmum12 profile image

I have this too. I found Deflatine made by Rennie, it really does as it says on the box. I take it as soon as the bloating starts, with me I start with very smelly burps. It does not completely stop it, I end up with a very mild everyday bloating ( undoing the top button of my trousers ). So far I have not had no side effects from it. Hope it helps

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Bugsmum12

thanks bugsmum. I’ve found for me taking a buscopan at first signs of grumbles can often stop it but these attacks are coming out of nowhere and I end up being floored.

Hope you’re well

edwangy profile image

Amitriptyline can cause constipation

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to edwangy

useful to know. Mebeverine has that effect on me too, so I rely on buscopan. It’s all quite confusing. Wallace-s info is really helpful too.

I have dr appointment this week & trying hard not to stress about it. I think it’s the worry taking wrong meds will trigger a flare up. Oh the joys of IBS.

Sparrow58 profile image

Take a photo of your bloating because you can bet when you are at Gp it is not there. Maybe write down what you want to know as Gp are time limited and you do not want to forget something. All the best x

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Sparrow58

thank you Sparrow58, good ideas. Keep well x

ronij profile image

I had Ibs problems for 4 years and it finally came good when my stress went. I’m on antidepressants and it didn’t really help me at the time. Apart from watching what you eat (my triggers were peanuts, steak and fruit) try relaxing as much as you can and don’t take on too much. Cheers

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to ronij

thanks Ronij. I’ve had ibs for quite a few years, usually control it by avoiding food triggers. But has gotten worse probably hormonal plus family stress. Difficult to avoid that ‘squeezed middle’ at the mo unfortunately. I practise yoga regularly to distress, but a lot going on at the mo. You take care and thanks for replying

ronij profile image
ronij in reply to Bobb1e

it’s a hard one - recently I’ve had issues again, bloating, wind and burping and it’s hard not to worry but obviously something I’ve been eating has triggered it and of course stress is always there on and off. Trying to be calm doesmy always work especially when certain people upset you or push your buttons. Good luck

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to ronij

my sympathies,especially with the people. Deep yoga breathing & a walk outside helps me with them. But it is frustrating, especially when the triggers isn’t there anymore but your body is reacting to everything. I feel for you. I’ve found that if my tum is playing up, then not eating, then bland beige food is best. I use buscopan if my stomach is gurgling lots before I eat ( give it 20 mins first). You take care

Zantecat profile image

Amitriptyline is great if you don’t mind being slave to a drug. I don’t think it really helps with IBS that much, but it does kind of help you tolerate it more, I think I felt more myself somehow on it, but getting off it is horrific.

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Zantecat

I’ve been trying best to avoid it to be honest. Thanks for your reply

Jadiegirl profile image

i am on sertraline (generic Zoloft) since this past March,2023 and it has helped me with my IBS tremendously with bloating and insomnia. Stress and anxiety and some foods bother me but mostly I am doing well as long as I eat 3 or 4 small meals a day instead of one huge dinner. mine is mostly anxiety driven GAS-X helps with gas and bloating too

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Jadiegirl

thanks Jadiegirl, that’s useful to know and it has been effective for you. Trying hard not to be stressed . Keep well x

Bobb1e profile image

I’ve had my appointment with the Gp, she’s given me nortriptyline to try. Fingers crossed. Thanks everyone for your help. Really really appreciate it. 😄

Zantecat profile image

let us know how you get on with it, always good for everyone to know 👍

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Zantecat

will do 👍

Outsidegreen profile image


I’ve been suffering with really painful wind like that and I’ve discovered that deflatine ( over the counter) works really quickly and it lets me release trapped wind without embarrassment.

Also I take sertraline which is a seratonin re uptake blocker.

It works really well, I just feel like a happier version of myself, the old me!

For previous questions, I get bad pain low down on my left hand side, which remains a mystery.

Good luck 🍀

Bobb1e profile image
Bobb1e in reply to Outsidegreen

Thanks for your reply Outsidegreen.

I’ve been given nortriptyline to try from the GP. Unfortunately I had a bad flare up before I could take it, probably stress of going to Gp (hate having to go) & the scoffing of Jaffa cakes- I got tempted 🙄. I’m going to try tonight. It’s good to know that Sertraline helps you. It’s very embarrassing as I burb like a builder after a pint . V hard wind 💨 sorry if tmi x

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