Hi, I’ve been having really bad bouts of severe bloating & trapped wind enough that I have to loosen /remove clothes. I’ve also been sick a few times because of it. It’s as though I go from being not pregnant to 10 months + in a matter of minutes ! It’s really painful in upper stomach both sides especially rhs. I take buscopan, chamomile tea, paracetamol & get my partner to help massage back to help relieve the pressure. Burbing loudly lots! Very glamorous not. I feel very tired after a bout of this and need to sleep with a hot water bottle . I have IBS d which is controlled food wise by avoiding triggers like dairy, caffeine, spices etc which helps. This is newer, comes along unexpectedly. I do have gallstones but as it doesn’t happen all the time, I don’t think it’s that . I’ve cut fat from diet. I end up not eating . There’s are a few stressful things going on, but I thought I was managing those ok. My Gp suggested antidepressant for the IBS, but I’m confused as to which one as I don’t have diarrhoea at the mo just this sudden painful bloating. I’m leary as the side effects seem as bad.
Gp suggested Prozac (a while ago as a miracle cure for IBS) & another (recent phone consult) said amitriptyline as the prozac makes you gassy, but friend has said amitriptyline flattens you. She said Citalopram as having less side effects would better but often GPS offer the cheapest first. Tbh I’m reluctant to go on anything that triggers more flare ups.
Has anyone experience of this or have any ideas if an antidepressant would help, if so which one ? Thanks for reading all this