Hi fellow sufferers, I am suffering badly with bad bloating pain with Funtional Bowel Disorder, and the area around my right hip and thigh has become very painful and goes down my leg to the knee with a numb sensation. It has also started up on the left side, but not as bad at present. I saw a nurse practitioner this w eek, who said it wouldn’t be coming from my tummy, but I doubted that he really knew. Standing makes it worse and along with the bad tummy pains it’s all so depressing and debilitating. Anyone else had the same symptoms. Thanks.
Severe bloating and inflammation around hips - IBS Network
Severe bloating and inflammation around hips

Could it be sciatica? I too have pain in my right knee, hip & back & when I was last in hospital for an IBS related problem I was diagnosed as having osteoarthritis & scoliosis which had shown up on a scan. I don't know if this is part & parcel of IBS but having had sciatica in the past the pain feels very similar.
My right sided pain goes down my thigh but not far, it’s mostly low right side and back waist. Do you do a lot of exercise such as running, cycling as this can cause tightening of the psoas muscle, even sitting for long periods can cause this. Look up psoas syndrome and ibs. Hope this helps.
I had very similar pain for months and it would change sides. Found sitting especially in a car or in bed very uncomfortable. I googled sciatica and started doing exercise every morning. On floor with legs bent then lifting my bottom off the floor and stretching my back. Also took to sleeping with cushion between my knees when on my side. Pain has now gone and if I feel a twinge just do the exercise.