I’m 19 and have been suffering from ibs for 3 years and when I say suffering, I really mean suffering!!!
At first my doctor told me to just eat more fiber and honestly that was not working no matter how much fiber I ate!! She gave me duphalac (think that’s how you spell), movicol, buscopan and colpermin. Buscopan was amazing and takes the pain away in literally 15 mins. Colpermin also works wonders for me and gives off a lovely peppermint smell and taste! Movicol and duphalac I only take when incredibly necessary as I don’t want my bowels to get used to these. But all that was great until I stopped taking them and the pain was back! I was crippled, doubled over in pain because of it!!
My mom is a coeliac and so she suggested that maybe I didn’t eat gluten and too my surprise the pain suddenly went away! Every now and then I still get constipated (obviously as not eating gluten doesn’t automatically give you lots of fiber) but mostly as long as I don’t eat bread I’m ok.
But really? I’m looking for another treatment. This pain is excruciating, I sometimes go a week without going to the toilet. I’ve read about lemon water first thing in the morning and then people said they’ve developed stomach ulcers and stomach reflux and I just don’t know what to do anymore.
Please help??