I am experiencing a sharp stabbing pain what feels like in my colon on my left side just below waist level. It feels like something sharp has got stuck. I haven’t an IBS or UC flare up at the moment. Have been eating seeds with my meals but surely it can’t be that. Any ideas please.
SHARP PAIN : I am experiencing a sharp stabbing... - IBS Network

Could be diverticulitis. Might want to get it checked out
I was told to avoid seeds as I have diverticular disease. But general you get pain in your left side.
I have had Diverticulitis pain there but also kidney stone pain there too. Only difference is kidney stone pain moved to the centre of my tummy when passing the stone but that was weeks after the initial left sided cramps.
Best to discuss this with your GP.
I have had this pain on and off for about 10 years. My doctors are very dismissive and don't seem to know what it is. Nothing showed up in a colonoscopy. One even suggested it could be my hip as I do have osteo arthritis. It usually eases up after a bowel movement but sometimes worse if it was difficult. So could be muscular. I simply don't know what to think so will be interested in any other replies you get. Only reassurance I can give is that 10 years on. I'm still hear no better no worse.
I have a similar pain on my right lower abdomen. It comes and goes but is generally ‘just there’. I have IBS C and it seems to be worse if I’m constipated. I’ve worried about it a lot in the past but have found that if I can relax I notice it less. The last time my GP examined me she said that it was my bowel twingeing as it was a bit unhappy! She sent me for a pelvic scan but nothing was found. I too have hip arthritis in my right hip so have wondered if it could be linked to that. I’m trying to accept that we have various aches and pains as we get older!
I have it too, always in the same place on the left hand side. I think its because my colon is loopy and thats where it bends, so food gets stuck there. Like another lady's comments sometimes it eases, but other times the pain gets worse after a movement. Otherwise it could be diverticular problem, no one will say one way or another
during a flare up I found seeds to be an issue. Not sure why but could literally be a physical thing. When i have a flare up my colin becomes inflamed and more sensitive, the seeds were passing straight through so I just assumed that because they have a tip this was aggravating the colon.
If seeds is new, exclude them and see if it subsides.
I also discovered I developed an intolerance to tomato which triggers a sharp pain on my right lower flank where the small intestine joins the large. Then I end up with trapped wind under my right rib.
If not seeds do explore intolerance.
the only way to find out is to have a ct scan or colonoscopy , it could be diverticular disease as for eating seeds that myth has been debunked if you have diverticular disease they are safe to eat but avoid if u have a flare of diverticulitis
I've had a sharp pain at my splenic flexure , where the colon bends, and it has been gtting progressively worse for 5 years. Used to be referred to as a stitch pain but now much more like a stabbing pain. I've had several colonoscopies and only diverticula found. Haven't been able to link it to anything I've eaten. I eat no obvious processed food and only go to the loo once a day, but the pain is debillitating. My consultant tells me it must be diverticulitis but wanted me to have a CT scan as a final check that nothing else is going on, and I'm awaiting results.
However, after trying buscopan and colparmin on numerous occasions to no effect, I picked up a pack of Buscomint, which stated the pill should betaken 30 minutes before a meal, which is not something I had done with colparmin. I now take buscomint 30 mins before breakfast and 30 minutes before my evening meal and there has been a definite improvement. I still get quite bad pain when I wake up and sit up, but it now goes off after I've moved about and been to the loo, and hasn't bothered me very much for the rest of the day. Early days but a definite improvement in the last 2 weeks. Theoretically, Colparmin is the same active ingedient as Buscomint, so it may just be that I should have been taking it 30 mins before my meals.
Might be worth a try.
Also diverticulitis is NOT a stabbing pain its a sharp/burning type of pain for those who didnt know