Hello 😊,
I've been having some stomach issues for a little over a year now and I'm getting real fed up because I have no idea what is causing it and all the doctor's I've seen don't seem to care a whole lot. I've scheduled several doctor's appointments and seen a gastroenterologist and all they've ever told me is that I should take a variety of laxatives/stool softeners/fibers to help with my constipation. I've found that if I drink a whole bottle of magnesium citrate, followed up by water with two tablespoons of Benefiber, followed by one serving of Miralax in water, I am finally able to have easy bowel movements. Doing this for a week or two can clear me out. At my second to last doctor's appointment I had an X-ray done which found that I had around 10lbs of poop in me. I'm a relatively small person so I feel like that's a bit too much. At my last appointment my doctor told me to continue to do this when issues arise, which honestly made me a bit mad because I want to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place, not treat them when they do occur. The main symptoms I have include constipation and lower abdominal cramping along with occasional blood on the toilet paper and nausea when it's really bad. I have pretty bad gas usually and do feel very bloated. I'm also extremely tired all the time and could sleep forever. I don't think I'm depressed but I know I have anxiety (not diagnosed but pretty obvious). The only thing that seems to relieve the cramping pain is when I take ibuprofen, which leads me to believe it is inflamed. The pain comes and goes and varies in severity. Usually I can function in my day to day life, but there have been a couple times where it was so bad that I couldn't go to work or school. I've had blood tests done along with other various tests, an X-ray, and an ultrasound, which did not show anything out of the ordinary. Currently, I am trying to go gluten and dairy free to see if that has any effect. It's been about a week now and I feel less bloated and gassy but still a little constipated. The past couple days I hadn't felt any abdominal pain until today. However, the pain I am feeling today is a little more mild than it usually is. Ive done so much research and I'm just not sure what could be going on with me. I eat unhealthy here and there but I drink a lot of water (never pop) and eat more veggies then most people i know. I'm not perfect but I try super hard to eat right so it's frustrating to feel so crappy when I'm trying so hard. That's why I'm seeing if cutting dairy and gluten help at all. I just need help.
This is really taking a toll on my life and I'm getting so frustrated so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been doing some research, but am by no means a professional in any of these topics and after seeing countless doctors I feel like this is completely hopeless.