Hi I'm 25 and in the last few months my IBS has become very bad! I think it's been there for about a year but not it's gotten to a point where it's ruining my life and I'm fed up. I'm scared to eat. I don't ever eat anymore if I'm going out or going on a date or anything social I'm a young woman and I can't live like this, it's really getting me down. I've been to the doctor and after months of trying they're finally letting me give a sample that they're testing for calprotectin. They generally dismiss me though and after diagnosing me they gave no support at all so I still don't really understand my illness.
I've looked up the foods you're not supposed to eat and it's basically everything!!! There's so little food that I can eat that I actually like. I also do have mild problems with anxiety so I don't know what I can do there as I've been tackling that fit years and it's still here. I've got buscopan which has helped abit but I can't take peppermint oil as it just burns and comes up in my breath and I swear it doesn't make it further than my throat!
The flatulence is ruining my life as it's so embarrassing. If I hold it in my stomach makes the loudest and prolonged noises which are even more embarrassing!
Sometimes I get a pain in my stomach that brings me to tears! It's like a pressure so strong all across my belly. Like someone is twisting all of my insides and there's nothing I can do. I immediately have to leave whatever I'm doing and lay in bed writhing around in pain.
I can't even pinpoint a trigger. Some days I'll eat for example, an apple and I'll be fine. The next day I'll eat another apple and have pain, gas and diahorrea. There's literally no way to tell, it's random. The more I try not to think about the more I do and the stress of the actual illness is making it worse! If I'm in a social situation I get so nervous that I might have an attack that I actually do have an attack
I can't take this anymore. It's making me depressed. I can't live like this and i can't find any support.