Had to go yet again to ER for an enema for impaction/constipation. Doctor's office could not get me in, and they would have sent me to ER anyway. Have had "C" since childhood, but it became worse (my Digestive system shut down) after coming off cold turkey off prescribed Opiods. I was on the lowest dose. I was constipated then, but somehow managed..but aging (56 years), having appendix removed, Left ovary removed..I guess took it's toll on my late 40's. I have been off opiods for over 15 months, and I was better off being on them..no cramping, bloating, pain..I could eat anything I wanted. Now the smallest meal, I cramp (lower abdominal..Levsin, peppermint oil, and Bentyl do little to help). Have been to two Gastroenterologists..a waste of time, have me some awful drug Linzess. Have another visit scheduled August 30th, supposedly he has a 5 star rating and very reputable. I need help bad. I am so frightened. I have lost over 100 pounds in over a year. I feel I can manage to eat well, but many times I cramp. Fiber, flaxseeds, Psyllum, Ortisan cubes, prunes, more water does not work. I walk 5 days a week. Doctor's dismiss me, had rude colon and Rectal Surgeon said she could not help me with surgical removal of prolalpsed hemmorrhoids. I can't find anyone to help me. Medicare pays for nothing basically as I am on Medicare only. Senna-Lax is the only thing that works. Miralax just horrendous cramping, Milk of Magnesia, Fiber supplements, olive oil, coconut oil, home remedies..nothing helps. Have read good things about "Magnesium calm powder". I am at my wits end..have no social life anymore..nothing. No life. I look so old now from all of this weight loss. I tried calling a clinic, where I thought they would help with getting off Laxatives as I take Senna every Saturday night, but I can't live this way. They would not help me, just referred me to national toll free number for eating disorders which I don't have. I don't know where to turn for help. Thanks for reading. ☺🌸🐼
Does anyone take "Magnesium Citrate Calm" for ... - IBS Network
Does anyone take "Magnesium Citrate Calm" for severe and chronic IBS-C..has it helped?

- Magnesium
- Enema
- Senna
- Intestinal and stomach conditions
- Bladder conditions
- Laxatives
- Peppermint oil
- Linzess
- Miralax
- Bentyl
- Magnesium citrate
Can you possibly afford to go to an alternative health doctor?? I wish you all the best Eliana.
Medicare won't pay..it's the only insurance I have. Thanks and have a great Sunday..☺💐
and the health care costs and insurance battles are only getting worse.... I KNOW your suffering and symptoms are 'real' but have you ever considered therapy to deal with all of this...there ARE ways of getting help... You deserve any and all kinds of help.... Don't accept a 'no' answer right away from ANY of your medical staff...keep pursuing every avenue... (want to add) contact some therapists personally and ask if there is any kind of way you could work things out financially)
Dear Eliana, I am so sorry you are having such a horrible time of it. I have experienced many of the issues that you are having. I have some suggestions for you that I want to share that may help. The only thing is that I won't be able to to write to you about them until tomorrow. I am sorry for that, I just wanted to reach out & let you know now & I promise to be back. Take care, Terry
Hi Eliana,
I am not recommending this particular make but if you read the reviews on Magnesium it has got to be worth a try for you, I would definitely give it a go what have you got to loose, my husband takes them for constant headaches and he has fewer now.
I hope you try them and get some relief.
all the best to you.
Linzess was the worst it gave me more cramps. my gastro prescribed me trulance and it is way better! No cramping and is very gentle. I take magnesium in pill form daily but have never tried the powder. I’ve noticed it helps with my anxiety but not my stomach maybe the powder would be better.
I tried the pill (tablet) form too..and someone on here who takes it, suggested that the capsules do work, not the tablets, but you have to take 800-1200mg a day! Yikes. Still have yet to take it. Just got the capsules from "Now Foods" or "Life Extension" can't remember which. I am going to start off slow, I got the 400mg. One capsule twice a day (making it a combined 400mg). Anything more than that is magnesium overload, as woman are only supposed to supplement up to 310mg a day. I also heard Magnesium Glycinate capsules are well absorbed and have helped many people. I don't know what to do..have both of them..sitting on my desk..have yet to take them..I think I am giving up. Will talk to Gastro about Trulance. For some reason, I thought that was just for Chron's disease. I tried Amitiza..and the other ones (Relistor) are only if you are on Opiods. I am going to force myself to take this powder. I fear I am one laxative (Senna) away from wasting away.
Hi again Eliana5 , First off did you got better when we talked in the previous post and how are things now because you don't look and sound good .
Secondly : Why do you ask if you can Take Magnesium Tablets for long term ? Are they helping you so you are confused if you can take them ? Otherwise you can take any Magnesium product every day forever or for as long as you need except Milk of Magnesia (because it draws too much electrolytes from the body ) ,In your previous post for Fiber Manace the fiber helps for some one and its a burden for somone with constipation i personally for me made my constipation worse because iam inserting more stool and bulk that doesn't want to move normally and its slow . next did you tried Bisacodyl or Dulcolax instead of Senna because it could be better on the colon , I have been taking Magnesium Citrate Powder and Liquid for 7 years and here i am just iam felling better , do you have any other symptoms than IBS C or this issues that might be causing this have you tried to calm yourself or your anxiety or even if you are deppressed cause you are saying that no social life and stuff you need to discuss this with your doctor . Can you elaborate what are all of the symptoms that inhibits the most of your daily lifestyle purpose . Again take care .
I can literally feel your pain. You don’t need to go to ER for an Enema if you’d rather have it I’m the comfort of your lovely clean loo at home. Fleet Enema works like a charm. Remember to put your feet up on a little stool to get into the right toileting position. 😀
Thank you so much. Unfortunately, these enemas don't work or other over counter ones. I know they do work for a lot of people. Only thing that comes out is the fluid. Not enough volume of liquid, to really produce anything like the hospital ones. My gastro said it is bad to take too many enemas..thank you for replying..☺🌹