So about 2 years ago my stomach problems started to occur. I’ll tell you guys how everything happened. So 2 years ago I came home from my friends house and I thought I had to use the bathroom. I started pushing and pushing and nothing came out. Later that night when I went to bed I started feeling these intense abdominal pain(near my belly button area) I thought the pains would just go away but it just got worse and spread to my lower right and lower left abdominal part(hurts mostly right). So fast forward to now and the pains are still occurring with more. It’s affected my bladder and I have to pee pretty often and sometimes I feel like I really have to pee but very little pee comes out. The main pains are back pains and stomach pains when I breathing in deeply, very bad tenderness, cramping, wearing tight clothing irritates it badly, diarrhea, constipation, very bad bloating and sharp pains when I eat a lot, sharp pains while stretching the lower abdomen and unable to digest some foods and some testicle discomfort also flexing the abs makes me feel sharp pains in lower left and right. I went to a specialist did some test and there were no bacterial problems in stool. I’m going back to the doctors soon but for years of much pain research I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. I haven’t felt a normal stomach in forever it seems like. Please help me and thanks
Stomach problems. Please need help: So about... - IBS Network
Stomach problems. Please need help

You should see a gastroenterologist and get to the bottom of this. Have whatever tests you need to have. This is not a good way to live and I am sure it causes a lot of worry in addition to all the pain.
That sounds more like a hernia to me rather than a problem with the gastro tract.
Sounds like IBS & maybe Interstitial Cystitis. Just 2 things to mention to your doctors. You NEED to have a scan of your abdomen & pelvis to make sure it’s not something else. It will put your mind at ease. Good luck!
I had a colonoscopy recently due to similar problems. While on the low residue diet I discovered that my problems were due to a diet that was too high in fibre. I know it sounds stupid, we are told we should be increasing our fibre.
Maybe give it a try for a few days and see what happens. You can find info on low residue diets and low fibre diets on the Internet if you do a Google search. a low residue diet should not be followed for any length of time, although a low fibre diet can. The low residue is mainly to give your bowel a rest.
Is you stomach normal now? Or are you still seeing problems
I am fine providing I don't eat what sets it off, ie the Weight Watchers malted bread. I dare say there are other foods I won't be able to eat, fruit/veg with skins/pips/seeds for instance. I bought a quarter pound of cherries last Tuesday. I was blaming them, but on reflection it might not have been.
Do your pains typically tend to come on after a period of exercise followed by a meal? I ask because they sound similar to a problem I experienced for a long while. I had already been diagnosed with IBS years before but these pains were not quite the same and would be intense just like you describe, even so that clothing touching the area was unbearable. I had all sorts of inconclusive tests including scans - external and internal (I’m female), blood tests, chest X-ray, ecg, tube down throat etc. The pain could manifest anywhere - in my ribs, chest, diaphragm, stomach, back shoulders etc. After a panicky trip to A&E late one night and loads more tests, It was finally decided it was a form of acid reflux (but without the heartburn) - the acid leaking through the gut walls before being properly digested and into the surrounding muscles. I now have to be on a proton pump inhibitor all the time (tablet, omeprozole). This has helped enormously. I do watch what I eat anyway because of the IBS but now I also have to make sure I don’t rush about too soon after a meal to help prevent an attack. I’ve tried cutting out the tablets but the symptoms returned, so I think the diagnosis was correct. All that pain for something basically fairly simple!
It might be worth keeping a diary of what you have been doing/ eating/ drinking before you feel pain each time so that when you see a doctor or specialist, triggers can be pin pointed. Hopefully it will be something easily sorted for you too!
Wishing you luck, hope you get a diagnosis soon.
Thank you very much for the feedback. After I eat a meal I feel almost clogged of stuffed and if I eat a lot(which is really not that much just a lot for me) I feel intense sharp bloating pains a long the side of my abdomen. When I used to go to the gym and work out abs I get soreness in the area of the stomach pain which is lower left and lower right and sometimes near bladder. When I run I get the cramps in middle of chest and lower and right side. This is very annoying but I’m on the road to figuring it out. Thank you!
I had the same symptoms and did a full cleanse using this Also, you may want to check your ileocecal valve. This video will explain how to massage it for relief:
I have felt much better since doing these things. Now I avoid alcohol completely, bread as much as possible, and I drink bone broth as often as I can to restore my stomach lining. The results have been amazing.
Hope this helps!