Advice please on possible constipation. - IBS Network

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Advice please on possible constipation.

Picasso10 profile image
27 Replies

I was told by my GP that I was constipated because I had taken Imodium for too long.Apologies for being so graphic but I don't know how else to tell you my symptoms.My symptom was not having a normal bowel movement,just passing wind with a small amount of faeces.She gave me Movicol-half and I took it a week past Thursday,1 sachet per day on Thursday,Friday and Saturday.My bowels were moving again so I stopped taking it.My bowel motions were like small round balls approx. the size of a 10p piece not my usual.This has continued for over a week and I have never had a normal size bowel motion.Yesterday,I passed wind again and a small amount of faeces,same as it was when I was told I was constipated.My bowels are still moving twice a day but still small round balls.My question is do I continue with the Movicol but increase it to 2 half sachets at a time rather than the 1 I was taking and should I take them more than once a day?Any advice would be very welcome because I don't want to go back to the GP if possible.

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27 Replies

I would definitely increase the Movicol to at least one sachet per day.

My husband had this type of problem a few months ago and had to take 3 sachets a day until everything cleared out, now he has one dose every other day just to keep things moving.

As a more natural alternative, ground linseeds are brilliant for bowel motility and can be eaten in a variety of ways.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to

Thanks for the reply.1 sachet is half a dose,Should I take 2 sachets (which the leaflet says is 1 dose),at the same time or will I take 1 sachet twice a day)

in reply to Picasso10

I've just checked the leaflet in my husband's Movicol and it says: 'A dose of Movicol is 1 sachet dissolved in 125ml of water. Take this 1 - 3 times a day according to the severity of your constipation.'

His sachets contains 13.8g, if yours are only 6.9g then you've been given the junior size. I'm assuming you're an adult with no other medical problems.

Best advice is try 1 sachet at night and 1 in the morning first, if this still doesn't do the trick, suggest you take 1 at lunchtime as well.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to

Thanks for the advice.I am an adult,only other problems I have is COPD and an enlarged prostrate.

in reply to Picasso10

Since you have COPD, perhaps you should give your doctor a ring just to be on the safe side.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to

Dr. knows that I have COPD and I've already had 4,3 last week and one last night.No adverse side effects so I should be safe enough,but thanks anyway.I'm going out tomorrow so I may not take any tonight but when I come back in the afternoon,I'm going to take 2 sachets together which constitutes 1 dose.I don't think the 1 sachet is helping much and I remember her saying to try 1 and if that doesn't work to take 2.Thanks for all your help,it has put my mind more at ease.I lost my wife 4 years ago and she always kept me right but now I've to make decisions myself which I don't find easy.That's where I find these forums very helpful.

in reply to Picasso10

Yes, it must be very difficult when you lose your partner as there's no-one to bounce things off.

If an increased dose of Movicol doesn't work or causes problems with wind and/or bloating (which it can do), do give the ground linseeds a try as I suggested in my first reply; they work for a lot of people on here including me.

Best wishes,


Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to

I will try to get them tomorrow when I am out.Thanks again for all your advice.

Nicki1984 profile image

I'd carry on with the Movicol but would really ask gp as they know best - you could always ask for a telephone consultation if you don't want to go in x

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Nicki1984

Thanks for the advice.I'll carry on with the Movicol.My GP doesn't do telephone consultations.I know I'll have to go if it doesn't clear up but I'm sure it will if I increase if I up the dose of Movicol.Dr. had told me to try 1 but if that doesn't work to take 2.

Hi there, agree with Pagan below in that ground linseeds are really good for bowel motility. I soak approximately a rounded dessertspoonful in around a 3rd of a mug of water and leave to soak for around an hour and then drink. Works for me but I'm not saying it works for all but worth a try.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to

Thanks for the reply.

Tibblington profile image

Hello Picasso10. Your GP has told you that you are constipated but he doesn't seem to have suggested the reason. Knowing the reason is part of the solution. Doctors get little or no training at all in nutrition. Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food".

This is a little worrying for you but generally the problem is down to diet however, you do need to get "things" moving and in principle I would prefer to use natural methods. My wife was in hospital for a few days and the same problem manifested itself; we dealth with it both with figs and prunes. Figs are the most effective; dried figs soaked in a little water over night and eaten with breakfast or after any meal are effective but don't expect miracles as it will take a few days. You should see some effect within 24 - 48 hours. There is absolutely no reason why you should not continue the treatment daily for your life-time if it solves the problem, they are only fruit.

To understand the problem you might like to read an article at: and also an update on a subsequent page.

You can help yourself too with your diet; stay away from all white flour products and that includes bread and pastries. Biscuits, pastries and cakes should be a treat. Your bread should be real 100% wholemeal bread not the stuff sold in supermarkets which in general, is a traversty of the real thing. Sugar too can be constipating; that is not sugar as in fruit and vegetables but refined sugar added to food so try to cut it down to a minimum. We buy about 1 kg a year and some of that is eaten by visitors. Eat plenty of green vegetables and fruit.

I hope that I have helped you with a very unpleasant problem.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Tibblington

Thanks for the reply.My Dr. told me the reason for my constipation.Taking Imodium for too long.Thanks for the advive and ideas you gave me.The only thing is I can't eat wholemeal bread,it gives me abdominal pain.You mention prunes,that takes me back years when my uncle that I stayed with had prune juice everyday and it certainly worked for him.Lived till well into his nineties.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Picasso10

Hello again Picasso 10. I understand your pain in the abdomin. Probably again down to your diet over the years which has cause shrinkage of the intestine due to lack of bulk. The wholemeal has a lot of bran which increases the bulk and you really do need it by the sound of things.

Although I don't know whether this site applies to you it does describe the shrinkage of the intestines and explains the problems and the causes. Have a read of an article written by a consultant surgeon:

This explains why you must deal with your constipation

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Tibblington

Hello again Picasso10. I forgot to mention that the bran in the wheat which is contained in real wholemeal bread is good for bowl action, the very thing you seem to need.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Tibblington

Thanks again for the firther replies.The problem is I tried wholemeal bread and it pained me.However ,I'm thinking about getting 50/50 bread to try that.At least it's a compromise.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Picasso10

Hello Picasso10. That's a good idea the 50/50 to start off with. Why not make your own? I make all of the bread; I make two at a time and put one in the freezer. I use a recipe that you can find at:

I've never made 50/50 so I can't say that the details are correct but it would be worth trying. You can check that it is properly cooked by tapping it on the base when you remove it from the tin; it should sound hollow. Put it back into the oven for a further five minutes or so without the tin if it sounds a bit solid.

Making your own you can adjust the proportions until you reach the 100%. Even if it takes 6 or 9 months it would be worth it.

Good luck.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Tibblington

Thanks for the reply.I'll just buy it from the supermarket.

Shibby profile image
Shibby in reply to Picasso10

Vitamin C is supposed to be very good for helping bowels move. If you don't get enough from your diet maybe supplementing for a bit would be good? Ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate form should be gentle on your system. I would take 1000mg or less though so it isn't too much on your system. Not sure if that helps , but you could try it.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Shibby

Thanks for the reply.My constipation is away now but I'll remember your tip if it ever happens again.

Tibblington profile image
Tibblington in reply to Picasso10

Hello Picasso10. The trouble is that bread should be just, flour, yeast, salt and water. Supermarket bread has all sorts of other additives to make it factory friendly; it is made by machine so has to be chemically risen etc. and will have had too much of the important bran which you need, removed. Try to find a traditional baker if you can.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Tibblington

Thanks for the reply.I will try to do this.

TRISHLIN profile image

I am sorry you are going through such agony with B.M.'s. I ordered green powder from Swanson, named Green Max Powder and I slip about 1/2 tsp. (they have a little spoon) of this green powder into tomato juice, milk, whatever, stir it good, not bad, and this makes bowels work very well. It has things like spirulina in it, its very good for you, plus it makes everything move more freely, at least it did for me. I'm just checking the label, it has spirulina, apple fibre, what greens, alfalfa leaf, barley bran, brown rice, chlorella, beet root. It is so full of fibrre, and its healthy. Cost was only $13.99 Swanson Its especially good if one doesn't eat that many greens in the diet. This little powder could take the place and maybe get things flowing again. Blessings. P.S. I had had the stomach flu, was so weak for 3 months. I remembered I used to take this, bought another jar and it brought me right back, have lots of energy now. It was this little jar of powder that did it. I can't say enough about it. Wishing you well. When I take this, I have energy coming out of the woodwork and I am in my 80's. I take a scoop a day in either tomato juice or fruit juice. I do hope you will feel better, so awful to feel bad all the time. Good luck.

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to TRISHLIN

Thanks for the reply.I will look into this.Much appreciated.

Lulububs profile image

Did the dr or pharmacist tell u that u need to drink ALOT of water aswell coz that how it works it takes in ur water intake and make u poop so if ur not drinking enough it wont work.

I found after i used this for a month that because i had upped my my water intake i started pooing regulary anyway

Picasso10 profile image
Picasso10 in reply to Lulububs

Thanks for the reply.Yes,I drunk a lot of water after it.

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