I have been having a flare up of my IBS for the past 6 Days.I have not had diarrhoea for a few days now but my bowels have been moving a few times a day which is not my usual.I had this bother 2 years ago and my GP gave me Imodium Classic to slow my bowels down and it cleared up but I can't remember how long this took.I started vtaking these Imodium again yesterday and I've took 2 this morning as well.I haven't had a bowel movement today which I expected but I have passed wind and what looks like a wee drop of brown sand.Sorry to be so graphic but it's the only way I can describe it.Anyone had this and any advice would be very welcome.
IBS-Help required.: I have been having a flare... - IBS Network
IBS-Help required.
Hi there, it's actually a nonsense to take medication for IBS, it will worsen your problems over time, i speak out of experience, had IBS (diagnosed by "reductio ad absurdum" only after all my tests, and they were many, were all negative) over a 5 years period (think it was triggered, maintained and accentuated by overwhelming stress, poor diet and lack of exercise) by the end of which period i literally thought I will die. I healed myself last year, in a short period of 3 months, by avoiding any type of medication (not even an aspirin), avoiding any type of medical doctor, changing my diet to a raw organic vegetarian one and exercising everyday for at least 30 minutes. YOUR BODY IS SMART, IT WILL HEAL ITSELF, YOU JUST HAVE TO LET IT WORK AND DO NOT INTERFERE STUPIDLY!!! Since then I feel much stronger, have an outstanding physical and psychological stamina, my digestion got back to normal (after horrifying diarrhea bouts) and life is wonderful again! No more IBS - by eradicating the root causes of it, and not trying to repress the symptoms... This guy helped me a lot, with his short explanations, he made me change my lifestyle and although I do not personally know him, I am very thankful I got over him on Youtube accidentally... life changing experience if you suffer from a dis-ease and do not know the REAL causes... hope it helps you too: youtu.be/MYKdLeL3SGo
I watched this with interest and yesterday was ready to go for it. Last night I had a awful night with my first major flare up for 2 years and I went for the medication in desperation to relieve the awfully painful cramping. Now I know it will be months to get on track again. I am already vegetarian and gluten free and still it happens , so frustrating
I don't mean to be rude but I am concerned that Kory seems to be cutting and pasting in the same information into everyone's post on here about IBS all except for the first paragraph. I hope Kory is not just promoting a YouTube video. I would not recommend anyone to stop taking medication especially if I didn't have some medical knowledge. I apologise if I have kory wrong but I have checked all of kory's other replies and they say the same thing with the same YouTube link
Hi Terry, you wouldn't have said this if you would have watched the video I put out for you and for some other sufferers as well... of course I am copy pasting the essence of my writing... because it is the same for the same problems... the first paragraph is my thought for that specific post, the next few are the general essence.
I am not promoting a specific youtube video, even if you say it is the same in all posts comments... but promoting the guy behind the video (actually his youtube channel because he has plenty of other useful videos as well) who really helped me a lot when I was searching for a solution to my problems... it/he helped me a lot, hope it will help you and other sufferers as well... that is the only reason I "promoted" him... take the help or leave it, your choice, I was acting only for helping sake.
I am not recommending to not take medication as well... only if you have some kind of common sense and you understand what those medication do to you... watch the video, that is why I put it out there and after that you act as you wish...
Hiya what do you think has triggered your IBS this time? Do you follow FODMAP sometimes triggers don't have to be good related but stress/anxiety etc from experience of IBS symptoms anything goes and with a flare up can take a little while to settle down. I use Imodium to settle down my IBS and it does seem to work just make sure your drinking lots of water. Not one size fits all it's trying to find what works for you and your body and life. Good luck x
Thanks for the reply.I don't know what triggered it unless it's loneliness.I lost my wife 4 years ago and now prone to worrying about things that never bothered me before so it's possible stress and anxiety has triggered it off.I drink a lot of water(Evian),don't like the taste of tap water.Not having someone to share my anxieties with is hard.I have a daughter who I see almost every day for a wee while but she had enough worries about her mother so I try to keep things to myself although she is a tremendous help to me.
Sorry for your loss my IBS started after I lost my mum and wasn't dealing with the stress/anxiety that it gave me. Eventually gave counselling a try which has been a huge help. Have you tried any counselling? I find my IBS is only really triggered by anxiety/emotional events now as I follow FODMAP and take mebeverine so foods not really an issue now. It does not matter how long it's been since your loss it's always worth getting some support to help x