Hi I have IBS since a child. I am 67 year old female. Right now my stomach is really bad. I have an ulcer now also diiiverticulosis and a history of colon polyps and hemoroids. Just had and endoscopy and colonoscopy. Of course I have more polyps. Unfortunately one polyp is stuck in one of my diverticulosis pockets. Couldn't remove all but got a price of it. Also tested for barrettes esophagus don't know results yet. Lining of intestines irritated. Have silent reflux hiatal hernia now new diagnosis. Everything I eat seems to bother me. Just got FODMAP app looking into that. In Feb had a large polyp removed from lower colon which caused bleeding. Thank god not cancer. I really don't know what to eat anymore. Have bad pain high in stomach and back on right side. Like a knife cutting me. No gallstones. Any ideas what to eat. Fiber makes me worse prunes make me worse. Take necessary supplements including magnesium vitamin d b complex also hypothyroid. Thanks for any ideas. Am gluten and dairy free I guess am running out of options lol
Don't know what to eat anymore. : Hi I have IBS... - IBS Network
Don't know what to eat anymore.

Try chicken broth and some quinoa, maybe some plain home made tiny, spice free meatballs or ground turkey balls make like a soup. Good luck! Cindy in NJ
Hi I'm a 72 year old female who has had irritable bowel for many years. It was getting worse and I have been on the FODMAPS for 2 years. If done strictly I find it is extremely helpful. I have just stayed on it to alleviate any problems. It stops most wind and there irritation. I have found it is easy and offers a huge variety of foods. It is well worth a try.
Good luck!
I'm a 70 yr old female and I have been on Fodmaps for 4 years now and it has worked really well for me.
Try the Monash University app. It is really easy to follow as foods are separated into green, Amber and red. Eat only the green for at least six weeks then you can add back in Amber foods one at a time to see your reaction.
I still eat basic green marked foods and can now eat quite a lot of other foods but I will only have small portion and only occasionally.
I use oat milk but there are various others . I do eat quite a lot of fibre but make sure it's soluble fibre but not insoluble. You can download a list to help you.
Good luck

Thanks just got monash university app. I just found out I have Barrett's esophagus so another problem added to the list. Had silent reflux disease and acid from stomach damaged my esophagus. Waiting on biopsy so hope not cancerous. Thanks for your reply
I had digestive problems all my life - and I have recovered from chronic IBS.
I am not going to give you a food list, but I would like to give you some food for thought. Behind all those physical symptoms there just might be an emotional blockage, something you locked away maybe years ago, that you are consciously fighting and that needs to come to the surface and let out. There may be one major one, or several blockages that are interlinked.
I would recommend going and seeing a local Reiki energy practitioner for a couple of sessions. I have used Reiki several times when I really needed a boost. This won't cure you. It should give you a boost, help soothe inflammation and reduce your pain.
And you may find that your blockage surfaces, or that you get some insight into it.
I don't know if this helps you, but I hope it will

Thanks. What is Reiki? Have heard about it but don't know what it is. Just found out have Barrett's esophagus. Had silent reflux and acid from stomach damaged my esophagus. Really appreciate your reply
Reiki is an alternative therapy, in essence similar to faith healing, though no faith is required. It can look a bit mystical but has its origins in quantum physics. 2 grandfather clocks that have pendulums swinging at different rates will, if left together, synchronise.
When you get inflammation in your body this is often due to imbalances in the body and/or mind (thought processes/trauma). A Reiki practitioner channels energy into your body, principally into the different energy centres, and helps you align with their energy. This can appease tensions and the inflammatory response as Reiki energy supports the body's own healing properties.
I got to the point where I was feeling particularly bad with my IBS. I had tried acupuncture but it didn't help me. I tried Reiki and found that although I was very tired the next couple of days, I felt really appeased. I made the mistake of having just one session. I think I would have had more benefit from 3 or 4.
As it sounds as if you may have a number of inflammatory issues, it could be seriously worth giving it a go and see what improvements you get out of it.
If you decide to, do let me know how you get on.

Thanks for your reply. Will investigate. Right now I'm worried about new diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus. Wii find out wed. If I have cancer cells so a bit nervous to say the least. I had silent gerd so didn't realize acid from my stomach was damaging my esophagus. If drs. didn't find an ulcer with a g.i. series I never would have found out as they had to do endoscopy to chech my ulcer. I've been through cancer already had double mastectomy in 2002. I don't want to go that route again for sure.
FODMAPS has helped me - mid forties woman - and is definitely worth a go. Really hope things improve for you.
Nanny, try baked white potatoes for a while. Settle everything down. They have plenty of nutrition. For now. After trying that for a while, see if you can tolerate an egg. Nutritional powerhouse. Also try kefir if you have it in your local grocery. I use Lifeway kefir because it is 99% lactose free which is VERY important.
One baby step at a time, friend.
All the best to you.
Hi Nanny23
I have the most symptoms you mentioned so far, and really don,t know what to eat anymore. and even FODMAP, not everything listed working with me.
I am recently taking Lansoprazol , one pill morning and one at night. and that made my life much easier as the acid reflux in my stomach was making things worse. now i feel much much better after controling the acid level in my stomach.
Hi Rima thanks for the reply. What is Lansoprazol? Is is an acid reducer? Just put on one to cure my ulcer and help my Barrett's esophagus. It's helped my ulcer but still have pain in Esophagus. Waiting for test results from endoscopy. Hope nothing more sinister going on. Feel better.
You sound like me , I have ibs and just been diagnosed with minor diverticular disease ,thursday i felt awful dizzy and nauseous and so bloated worries me a lot because i have had breast cancer . I havent had much to eat over the last few days as whatever i eat send me to the loo with diaorrhea ,went to my doc he thinks i might have water infection which i get a few of . Also have a 7cm cyst on left ovary . I havent tried fod map diet yet? been told to eat more fibre but i am sure thats made me worse . What do we eat ......I can sympathise with you ,Ia dont socialise much as i need to know where the loo is . If i dont eat i am ok but of course thats not the way to go ...
Sorry to hear you feel like I do. I’m not feeling much better unfortunately. I’m also a breast cancer survivor had double mastectomy in 2002. The meds for my acid reflux and Barrett’s esophagus don’t work that well for me. I still have no answers. I hope you have better luck than me.
Hi Nanny . Have a look at this website. It helped me a lot .helpforibs.com . It gives info on good foods for ibs. Mainly eating soluble fibre foods only . Insoluble fibre are bad foods for ibs . This website has a list of good foods for ibs. Hope this helps and you get good results for your recent tests . Take care .