Hi, I went to see a gastro specialist about dull pain in right side. Feel as if it is in my colon. He indicated that a polyp will not give pain. It is just the IBS. But it seems as if the pain/feeling don't want to go away. I have my diet under control therefore I don't think it comes from things I eat or drink. My physio said that it relates to my stiff fascia and not to my colon. I do struggle my whole life with lower back pain and scoliosis. I am now so confused. So scared that it relates to my colon.
Pain in colon or lower back??: Hi, I went to see... - IBS Network
Pain in colon or lower back??

If two medics have advised you that it is not your colon that is playing up, why are you so adamant it is?
Because it feels as if the feeling comes from my colon.

If you need help and support with your IBS please get in touch theibsnetwork.org
I have intestinal nerve pain which I feel in my mid/lower back anywhere from 2am-5am when the colon wakes up to process its contents ready for the morning. I don't feel it on a specific side. Have you had any blood tests such as the Calprotectin test? They only tend to do colonoscopies if your Calprotectin and any other inflammation markers are elevated. If these are all normal, this is a good sign. If you are not satisfied you could go back to your GP. Has anyone (other than the physio) prodded that area to find out the exact location of the pain to find a root cause?
Hi im am going through exactly the same pain u are going through iv been dealing with it now for a year and a half iv had numerous blood works done checking for celica disease, CBC taken 3 or 4 times a stool study, hydascan for gallbladder ,abdominal ultrasound,endoscope,and colonoscopy done all coming back clear. Àiv been to 2 different gastrointestinal the first one said ibs with gerd but none of the medication he gave me worked so we tried a new gastroenterologist she did the colonoscopy and endoscopy she said that even thou my hydascan came back normal and ulrasound it still could be my gallbladder since my back and chest hurt during the hydascan but they are going to yry one more medication for ibs if it does not work she said they may just remove the gallbladder. The pain is on my right side under my rib its dull but pretty consistent im more constipated than normal but im nauseas a lot and i very tired with it somedays it moves to my back at times i dont know what seems to trigger it because i can have an empty stomach and it happens.