Things to eat with potato and vegan spreads?? - IBS Network

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Things to eat with potato and vegan spreads??

Memimck1 profile image
14 Replies

Hi... I am really struggling... my stomach is really sensitive and really struggled to digest things... I'm finding a plain baked potatoes is ok but I can't just eat that for the rest of my life... and also I need to gain weight so I need to add something to it but I don't know what as lots of things irritate my stomach...

I heard rice is good in ibs and so was gonna have that with potato but saw that you shouldn't mix starches? Is tgis true?

What ideas does anyone have?

Also are Vegan spreads ok? Like butter alternatives... if so.. What brands do you use

Thank you

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Memimck1 profile image
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14 Replies
MinaFox profile image

Hi there, everyone is different in regards to eat they can eat, but I find that myself and quite a lot of people tend to have no issues with eating: potato, rice, crackers, eggs and bananas! And I feel your pain as I ate only this for around 2 months and it eventually helped my stomach get back on track, for me and a lot of people these foods are fairly plain and easy to digest! I find that rice is particularly good if you have diarrhea as it stodges you up some what!

Of course this isn't a healthy diet long term, I try to eat rice and a boiled egg or potato and scrambled egg or an omelette with some rice cakes and nix it up, I tend to be able to add some butter and it's ok! I also eat baked crisps as well which doesn't seem so bad!

Maybe try eating these things and then start adding some things but avoid fatty greasy sugary foods, maybe plain chicken or certain soft vegetables! I know it's really hard, every time my stomach gets back on track I eat all the lovely bad foods and end up at square one, so Currently in trying a plain food diet and I am going to try intermittent fasting as well!

Depending on your issue whether is ibs d or c taking some fybogel or similar might help and buscopan helps with stomach cramps when eating and hot water is good for bloating and a heat pad on the stomach can help the pain! Kombucha tea is good for getting in that good bacteria but go easy with it at first as it can be a shock to the gut! But it is full of great stomach bacteria!

Hope you find foods you can eat soon xx

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to MinaFox

Am seeing a FODMAP dietician. There is a list of fruits that are OK. It includes blueberries and strawberries. You can find these lists on the internet. Your body needs fruits & vegetables in some form.

Memimck1 profile image
Memimck1 in reply to MinaFox

Hi thank you for the information. It is a pain I just want to be able to anything and in large quantities but I can't... so scared to try anything new in case it causes bad flare up

What do you mean by am going to try intermittent fasting as well?

Good luck to you

MinaFox profile image
MinaFox in reply to Memimck1

I am going to try intermittent fasting,where i only eat between 8 hours each day,so not eating until 11 and then eating at 6/7 at the latest in the evening. It is said to be very good for you and i also feel like it gives your stomach a break from digesting! So I am currently giving it try! The thing with IBS is is learning what you can and cant eat and knowing a bad flare up shouldnt last forever! Stress can cause it and so can certain foods, but if you stick to certain foods for a time and try not to stress about it your stomach should right itself! Maybe not forever but hopefully more often than not! But it does sound like you should go to a doctors if your still worried!

Browns profile image

Hi I have been struggling with self diagnosed IBS (I am a nurse) and have gone on a whole food plant based diet - no animal products, no dairy, low salt no sugar and my diarrhoea has stopped. The cramps and bloating and wind have gone in just 2 was. I am amazed at the change. I did it primarily for hormone balance. Animal products incl dairy contain hormones amongst other bad stuff which feed and cause fibroids, endometriosis, breast and ovarian cancers, PMS and heavy periods.

It's worth a try - I thought all the fruit and veg would give me diarrhoea but it's actually given a great balance when taken with a broad range of legumes and small amount of non wheat carbs

Hope all goes well


Linley profile image

For some people like us its not easy to gain weight is it? And as MinaFox says we are all different. When you say you cannot "digest" food do you actually see bits of food in your stools? (Sorry to be so basic). If so it may be advisable to ask your GP for a stool test that can tell if you have enough digestive enzymes to digest your food. If not the case suggest you get a GP appointment and find out what is going on in your gut as you cannot carry on only eating spuds. Please let us know how you get on. God Bless

Memimck1 profile image
Memimck1 in reply to Linley

No I mean like when I eat I just feel so sick and like the food is unsettled in my stomach it's horrible which makes it hard for me to eat anything... in just trying to eat little and often and slow to aid digestion but weight gain is almost impossible 😔

Linley profile image
Linley in reply to Memimck1

Ok but you have not mentioned going to your GP to get a proper diagnosis so I would still suggest you do this

Hi there,

I would really suggest you go and see a nutritionist who specialises in IBS.

You have backed into a dangerous corner there.


Anxiouspony12 profile image

Hi there I use vitalite dairy free and that's nice. Can get it in uk don't know where you live or if they sell it worldwide. It comes in plain or coconut I have only had plain. And it's not expensive either. Maybe you could try that?! 😊Can you have baker beans or that spaghetti in tins or vegan cheese?! You could try peanut butter with gluten free bread or crackers. There's meat free vegan burgers, vegan quorn, vegan fishfingers and they are lovely! There's loads of stuff now!! And salads so much!!! 😊

winmox14 profile image

I have alo very sensitive tummy, baked potatoe , & rice I can tolerate added to it cottage cheese with pineapple is nice

Memimck1 profile image
Memimck1 in reply to winmox14

Do you eat the backed potato and the rice together?? How much rice do you have??

Cottage cheese? What brand and how much do you use?

Sorry for the precise questions just really interested to know 🙂

Kentaro profile image
Kentaro in reply to Memimck1

Are you vegetarian?

Do you have enough stomach acid?

Lea66 profile image

I have suffered with ibs and periodically, diverticulitis, much of my adult life. (I am 67 and have gone through periods of substantial weight loss as a result). For me, yogurt works quite well, but my go-to is often small amounts of peanut butter on graham cracker or even a piece of shortbread, or applesauce even. Brown rice even with a but of melted cheese or plain pasta. I know much advice is skip dairy but this works for my system. A friend recently told me kefir helps her greatly—not sure it is available in UK but it is here in US. Sympathies from a fellow sufferer. Bananas too, by the way, are good.

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