Hospital for over a week-no answers. - IBS Network

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Hospital for over a week-no answers.

LauraS18 profile image
8 Replies

Hi, I've been suffering from bouts of diarrhoea and stomach pain since February after having gastroenteritis-which my GP diagnosed as IBS. This past month it all got worse, stomach pain, diarrhoea alternating with constipation, leg pain, joint pains, blurred vision,bloating,fatigue and just feeling generally unwell-it was hard to believe this was all down to IBS (I had to call out of hours doctors and had to call an ambulance once- due to nausea,blurred vision, feet turning blue and my legs twitching uncontrollably). I weighed 54kg in March and I'm now 47kg. I've had a pretty good appetite during this illness which I find weird. Last Monday 22nd of June I was admitted to hospital as I was just getting weaker and fed up of going back and forth to my GP. Last night I came home from hospital with no answers. They did several blood tests, urine test, stool tests and nothing showed up and my blood pressure was low-always under 100. I also had an enema. They did an abdomen xray which showed constipation high up. I also had a flexible sigmoidoscopy yesterday (the two jugs of laxative I had to drink as prep was hell!! But the examination itself wasn't too bad) which came back normal; they took 7 biopsies but I have to wait 2 weeks for the result- but I'm sure they'll come back normal. So yesterday they sent me home with no answers and no advice, but to come back in 8 weeks for a barium swallow and an appointment with the consultant. Have any of you had similar symptoms? I'm feeling a bit lost now- trying to build myself back up but I'm scared and confused. Feel like I've waited long enough to be sorted out but now I have to wait again for 8 weeks, I'm 20 and need to get on with my life.

Thanks in advance,


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8 Replies
Eleanor91 profile image

Hi Laura, just wondering whether you've seen a gynecologist by any chance? Have you ever had any trouble with your periods? Sometimes things can go wrong with reproductive system and can badly affect the digestive system, doctors usually assume it's the bowel or stomach itself playing up and therefore miss the actual problem. Not trying to scare you or anything but sometimes things like ovarian cancer etc can produce severe digestive issues, it's not always picked up on scans, might be worth looking down this avenue if you haven't already.

LauraS18 profile image
LauraS18 in reply to Eleanor91

Hi, yes I saw a gynecologist as they thought I had a yeast infection! They took swabs and I havent had them back yet! Haven't really had trouble with periods,ive been on the pill whick keeps them regular! I stopped taking my pill about two weeks ago and I did have an extra period then but the doctor said that I would bleed more because I'd come off the pill! Thanks for your reply,I'm going to see my GP today and I'll definately mention it!

polly2000 profile image

Although I normally take probiotics and other things for my condition I was finding that after 10 days still suffering from ?gastro-enteritis -although undiagnosed. (I am a carer and after looking after someone for two weeks with gastro-enteritis assume I caught it because of the additional symptoms I had). I was then advised to take a specific probiotic for this condition. I'm on day two of taking them and they seem to be helping - the probiotic is OptiBac Saccharomyces boulardii. Optibac do a range of probiotics but this one is the specific one to help this condition. Hope it helps even if its not the whole cure.Good luck.

LauraS18 profile image
LauraS18 in reply to polly2000

Thanks for the reply! I will have to try a probiotic! Since when have you been suffering? Im trying to work out what sort of diet is good for me..but nothing makes sense and I can't pin point any of my triggers,one day I could be fine with something and the next Im not! So fustrating!! Seems like im recovering from this last horrendous flare up-apart from the bloating and constipation! Thanks again!

polly2000 profile image

Hi Laura

I have IBS (C) for years now and was really struggling - then two things helped me - came across book - Dr Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care which shows how gunk builds up and our western diet doesn't help. Also gives programme for cleansing which you do yourself or go away - quite a few centres in UK follow similar programme. Then i found a really good nutritionist/colonic hydrotherapist who really supported me and helped me turn the corner. I'm mostly able to self-manage my condition - have occasional colonics which help. I take Oxypowder, a probiotic usually VSL3 although it is very expensive but it is the best, though other are good too. The Finchley Clinic has a good site to buy products also lots of helpful information. I'm also on Prucalorpride - on prescription - which helps peristalsis. I try to avoid refined food, bread etc. eat clean but dont always succeed. I also take peppermint capsules. Similar to Dr Jensen's advice is book by Donna Gates The Body Ecology Diet - though this book is more complex, Jensen's is easier to follow. Acupuncture helps me to when I can afford it. If on limited budget then I'd recommend Jensens programme and DiY if possible. However if you believe you have had gastro enteritis - then be very specific about the probiotics - take the ones I mentioned as after being so ill for ten days and not able to eat but still feeling sick and the other I felt better within an hour of taking two capsules. I was advised to take two a day for four days - only cost £3.00and feeling so much better now. Best £3 I've ever spent - but if you've had gastroenteritis for longer you might need to take longer course. hope they help - finchley clinic sell them - i got them at local herbaiist.

LauraS18 profile image
LauraS18 in reply to polly2000

Thank you so much for all the info!! I'll definatelly give one of the books a go and try a probiotic!

polly2000 profile image

Hi Laura Good luck - I'd start with the Jensen book as it's more straightforward - Gates book is very informative but covers a lot of conditions and you do have to wade through a lot to work out what might help.

LauraS18 profile image
LauraS18 in reply to polly2000

ok! Thank you!!

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