Advice : Hi everyone, I'm new to this! But I'm... - IBS Network

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Chloeeb profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm new to this! But I'm really looking for help..

I have this week been told that it is highly likely that I have IBS! After going to the doctors for months suffering with constipation and just being told that's all it was (I knew it wasn't) I finally may have some answers! For the last three nearly four weeks, it feels like the worse it has ever been, stomach pain and aches, back and side ache, constipation and dioreah, feeling like I need the toilet but can't go, plus blood when I wipe! I haven't had much of an appetite either. Before now, I would have the flare up stages but they have never lasted this long, Ive started to become miserable, I've also had a panic attack-never had one before now. I'm just wondering how long these stages actually last? When will I feel completely myself again? It's not really bad every day, but I'm 100% on the good days.

Please help!!!

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Chloeeb profile image
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18 Replies
Chloeeb profile image

Sorry, I meant to say I'm not 100% on the good days!

JadeJay profile image

Have you made any diet changes? This is the key to IBS and unfortunately doctors don't help with it much. You need to read up on nutrition educate yourself on this and work out the best and worst foods for you. The most common foods that cause problems are cows milk, gluten and soya. You could start by cutting out one of these completely for two weeks and see how you feel and keep going with the others. Avoid going for the gluten and dairy free alternatives as they often have just as much junk in them. Cook from scratch and make your own treats. Snack on raw veg, fruit, nuts , seeds etc Eat a high fat, high nutrient, low carb diet. Read books like Wheat Belly, The Grain Brain and Restoring Your Digestive Health.

Chloeeb profile image
Chloeeb in reply to JadeJay

I've hardly been eating if I'm honest, been living on cereal and soup, buscopan seem to not be working, I'm going to try cutting out milk and bread and see if there's any difference. I feel totally lost if I'm honest?!? Don't have a clue what I'm meant to handle this.

June17 profile image
June17 in reply to Chloeeb

Yes I'm new too and totally lost in what to do. Dr says can't get tested for IBS. Nothing you can do.

Pat1 profile image

You need to take a high amount of magnesium citrate or oxide. About 800 to 1200mg. I have had Ibs c almost my whole life and am now in my fifties. This is the best natural supplement to take for this condition and I have tried many. Even my consultant recommended it. I take it every day. You must take it on an empty stomach just before bed with lots of water. I would start with a high dose initially just to clear you out. Even if it means taking a few capsules. I sometimes take 6 200mg capsules. Capsules are the best not tablets and it has to be citrate or oxide as these are the ones that work for constipation. There is a lot of information about constipation and magnesium on the internet. There is a site called Ibs tales that discusses this. The ones I take are either Now foods Magnesium citrate, Solgar Magnesium Citrate or Life extensions. I get mine from the US on a site called iHerb, but you can get them on Amazon. There are other magnesium oxide products specifically for colon cleansing called Mag 07, Colosan and Oxypowder. They are a bit expensive but are amazing. I use these in between. No cramps no bloating, just relief. You can get these on Amazon as well. Don't suffer any longer. By the way I also follow a low fodmap diet through a dietician but this alone does not help constipation.

Chloeeb profile image
Chloeeb in reply to Pat1

I have been given laxido by the doctor which I have been taking for months, they are helping the constipation, do you know if I can take the magnesium citrate with the laxido?

Smurfer profile image
Smurfer in reply to Chloeeb

Hi , I certainly understand your pain and frustration . It’s duffucukt for doctors to label IBS as there are many other disease states , some more serious , which need to be excluded but I agree , once diagnosed you are often on your own .

Doctors rarely use buscopan - it has a lot of nasty side effects and can lead to other conditions if used long term . As for the Laxido , this contains the magnesium salts so I would stick to the Laxido .

The next part is to re define if you like the balance of bacteria in your gut . There are loads of products out there , in all sorts of forms . My consultant put me on Symprove which is showing good results , it has a huge number of colony forming units which by the design aren’t destroyed by the acid in your gut . I believe this can be prescribed but your GP will guide you in that . If not it’s 20 quid a bottle . You take 70 ml a day . One bottle doesn’t last long but it does work , especially if you can complete the whole programme . Amazon sell it .

The final thing is the FODMAP diet which you should read up on and then ask for a referral to a dietician . Tweaking and tolerating this diet , amazingly , works - but the dietetic involvement , only two sessions probably at about 15 quid a time is well worth it . Regular reviews with your GP are important . Going back to the magnesium if you find the Laxido isn’t quite cutting it , you can take magnesium hydroxide in liquid form - this is the gold standard in terms of safety and also in terms of efficacy - 20ml to start and titration upwards of the dose until you get a desirable and normal rhythm for you - some people Pooh ( yes the Pooh word that no one ever uses , gasp ) twice a week , others three times a day . You’ll get there if you work on all of the above .....and ....

This will work wonders for some people , others will not even entertain it but when I was at my wits end this probably saved my life . See a psychologist, a clinical one . Your GP can refer. When we are stressed , out of balance our bodies pour stacks of sugar into our bowel and that’s followed by dragging a load of water in behind it .....Diarrhoea sudden onset . It takes time and bravery and being totally honest , but clinical psych with gastro teams has shown in many patients a massive degree of positive changes. It may all sound like psycho babble but if you take down your barriers and learn some of the triggers such as saying “no” to people all the time your life will change for the better . It’s not the same as CBT , this is good for understanding your resoobded and relearning responses however it , in my opinion , doesn’t work as well .

It’s quite a journey but if you want to get in control as best you can, this is certainly one picture of how to do it

Chloeeb profile image
Chloeeb in reply to Smurfer

Thank you so much for your help! I'm loosing my mind, miserable 24/7!! I'm taking busopan but they don't seem to be working. The most frustrating thing is that the doctor can't 100% confirm it is IBS. But I have every symptom so it's highly likely. I'm trying my best to make diet changes, but I think going from a set meal plan everyday for the next few weeks I might try?

I think definitely seeing someone about it will help, I've never felt this low before in my life!

Pat1 profile image
Pat1 in reply to Chloeeb

You should be able to take the magnesium with the Laxido. Although I would try just the magnesium. Personally Laxido doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t help the constipation and it makes me very bloated.

June17 profile image
June17 in reply to Pat1

When taking the 💊 do they gently give relief or do you have diarrhoea?

Pat1 profile image
Pat1 in reply to June17

They can give you diarrhoea and you will go a few times but doesn’t last long. It is not ideal, that is why I take it in the evening and every other day.

June17 profile image

Forgot to say Been given Laxido 2sachets aday for 2wks, took 3 days to kick in then diarrhoea or loose bowels, still not got much appetite and end of day feel bloated. Not been today but awful back ache. Back to Docs on Tuesday to see what's next.

Chloeeb profile image
Chloeeb in reply to June17

It's very furstrating how unhelpful they can be! I have been taking laxido for a few months and they do generally help, it's worrying at the age of 20 but I have almost become dependent on them. When the pain is really bad the buscopan doesn't really help much. I've spoke to some family and friends to make me feel better after stressing so much, I was miserable for a few days but have picked myself back up again, I think this will be the hard stage as it's learning what is bad for us. But right now I'm trying my best not to stress! Message me if ever you need someone to moan to as I understand completely your frustration!!!

Lulububs profile image

Hi i have had ibs years but only diagnosed a year coz it has got so bad.

I have found out im gluten and cowsmilk intolerant, i have given them both up and more or less the symtoms ive suffered with for 30 years have gone.

Il have a flare up every now and again but it once in a while now.

I also believe in good gut flora if u havent got it ur get bad gut so u really need to put the good back in ie probiotics, digestive enzymes , peppermint oil capsules..

All this and u may find ur symtoms go coz 90 % of ibs is either a food intolerance u dont know u got or nerves/stress so u need to find ur trigger and my gastro dr told me 80% is usually gluten or dairy( plus garlic and onion)

Idalmis profile image

I too have been suffering from IBS for years. The constipation has been relentless. I am seeing a dietitian on Monday but I have started the FODMAP diet 5 days ago and I take Symprove . I also take a magnesium drink called calm. For the past 2 days, i feel that I am slowly emptying myself. I have also been diagnosed with UC and i am on medication for that. However the IBD nurse doesn’t think I have it as I don’t have classical symptoms. IBS would sound a lot better. But I believe I can have both. I am also on sertraline because of the amount of anxiety I suffer because of a life of tummy problems. I am feeling hopeful. I didn’t know consultants could prescribe Symprove. This stuff is way too expensive.

Chloeeb profile image
Chloeeb in reply to Idalmis

I've known for a few months I've had it, I even went to the doctors but he insisted I was just constipated! I'm sure you can understand my furstration! I've never suffered with anxiety much, however the last week I suffered terribly, I had never felt so lost and down in my life, after talking to family and friends I'm starting to feel better and have realised that this stage is going to be the hardest as it's learning what's good and bad for me. I have been taking buscopan but when the pains are really bad they don't help so I'm going to ask my gp if there's anything else I could try.

June17 profile image

Well Tuesday today ,been to the docs n explained that didn't have bowel movement on Friday,but on Saturday n Sunday till today have had awful pain in back across top of leg n in groin area n part way down top of my leg .Mmm back pain owing to Sciatica problems on n off.Bowel movement slightly forms follow by loose.....(.oh I did say you could reduce to one a day if it's too much) doc says WELL I CAN'T REMEMBER HIM SAYING THAT ,Told me 2 a day for a fortnight then come back.Today Given me some more so I won't get constipated in the future .Take 1 a day or even1/2 a sachet .Sorry people's for rant .So we will see ,hesitant what to eat now .

Idalmis profile image

I am still doing well on the FODMAP diet. The constipation is gone. Buscopan didn’t work for me as apparently, I don’t digest some fodmap well.

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