I'm new to this- Does anyone suffer from constant nausea with IBS all of a sudden I go hungry and them wham it hits me feel dreadful, I don't really suffer from the constipation or diarrhoea problems just nausea and low stomach pain especially at night, been to the doctors three times in the last 2 weeks they have done all the tests just put it down to IBS, have given up smoking for 6 weeks now have never felt so nauseous and indigestion is terrible making my ibs far worse help!!
Nausea: I'm new to this- Does anyone suffer from... - IBS Network

Yeah I am the same had lansoprazole aswell felt on top the world for 3 weeks had depo pill injection and since then changed my lansoprazole to esomeprazole and this last month constant feeling sick had enough got my consultation for magic eye tomorrow hope he can help this been on going nearly 5 months with me
Forgot mention I burp constantly and have hunger pangs even when I've eaten a hunger belly sickly feeling had enough living of boring food still same lost 1st aswell may aswell drink loads crap and eat shit that's how I feel lol at moment cz looking after yourself gets u nowhere
Oh yeah this is how all my ibs acid reflux started and god knows what else I've got now ulcer maybe all cz of anxiety and stress ffs init Xmas few days and months on seem be Getting worst yeah I tried omeperazole ppl swear by them they were rubbish for me give them a try with the nausea side tho I would take anti sickness buccostem are brilliant or there is cyclzine
Ok thanks again good luck with everything hope you feel better
Hey your not the only one I suffer with ibs nausea and v bad anxiety of being sick..all together makes it extremely bad at times docs have gave me proclorperazine which seems to calm the body down but it annoys me so much
I used to suffer badly from nausea, but this was due to gas trapped in my system. Excessive gas in IBS can be due to not being able to break down certain carbohydrates properly, their waste ending up in the colon where your bacteria feeds off of them. A a by-product they produce a lot of gas. You could ask your GP to refer you to a dietitian to take you through the fodmap diet to find out if you have any food intolerances. If this is the case it is possible if you avoid certain things that are giving you trouble you may not need the PPIs at all. There is also enteric coated peppermint for these types of symptoms, but I don't think you can take this with the PPIs.
Hi I had an intolerance test done a few months ago all it picked up was a slight intolerance to milk, I have been drinking lacto free for months anyway as I suspected this to be the case, unfortunately because of all the stomach problems my diet is now poor and I'm wondering if this maybe the cause of all my issues seems like a viscous circle
Sorry to hear you are still having trouble. What type of intolerance test was it? A reliable intolerance test is an elimination and reintroduction diet conducted with the help of a fodmap trained dietitian from a GP referral. If it was any other type of test, you might want to read this: bda.uk.com/foodfacts/Allerg.... There have been other people on this forum who have had alternative testing and found that they don't match to the real world i.e. they can tolerate some things the tests they said they were intolerant to and vice versa. This means that people can eliminate foods unnecessarily or continue to eat foods which in reality are giving them trouble.
In terms of nausea another thing I have found is that if I consume more than 6 billion CFU of a probiotic I become highly nauseous. I also don't do well on ones that are high multi-strain. I have read a scientific paper which says that people with IBS tend to do better on lower doses on probiotics. There are many on the market today that are super strength (20 billion CFU+), but for some IBS sufferers having more isn't always better. Some probiotics also contain prebiotics which feed your gut bacteria and produce extra gas or they might be milk based and give you trouble for this reason.
Without knowing someone's full history it isn't always easy to provide information that is helpful or without a person thinking "well, I know all of this already"
No that's brilliant any advice is welcome over the years I've had many tests has cost me a fortune but in desperation to find answers, the latest one was the IgE blood testing cost me £250 but unfortunately doctors don't seem to have the time or understanding of my various symptoms they'll either suggest antidepressants which I don't think I need or omeprazole to control acid, I will get there in the end
Hasn't yr gp prescribed antibiotics nausea meds?? I have this normally comes on in the evening. I used to have horrendous burping really loud as the knitting you describe an l was tested positive for h pylori from a poo sample. After antibiotics an anti acid pills for 3weeks it cleared
For goodness sake l mean knoring not knitting! An anti nausea!
No I’ve done a stool sample and it was negative just prescribed omeprazole but I don’t really get heartburn and Mebeverine but they made me feel worse
Yes, I have this problem on occasion. I've been nauseated off and on for several weeks. I think I've been overly stressed and a bit constipated, lol. It helps me to take an over the counter acid reducer like Famotidine, and then take an antacid like Gaviscon during the day and before bed. I also put about 1/4 tsp of baking soda in my coffee to reduce acidity and lay off the sodas and spicy foods.
Sorry to hear that I guess this time of year is stressful I’ve been living on rennies for the last few days but an update got home from work yesterday with a terrible low burning pain in my stomach had really had enough today this now been feeling awful since Saturday but then had terrible vile smelling wind sorry for the detail but after an hour or so the pain went the bloating went and the nausea disappeared how can a bit of trapped wind make you feel this bad
Do you still have nausea? It has been a year for me.
Yes the nausea and bloating you still have it a year after quitting?