10 days ago I started to take Silica Gel and f... - IBS Network

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10 days ago I started to take Silica Gel and for the first time in 12 months since I was diagnosed with IBS I have never felt better.

woodland profile image
26 Replies

I have only had 1 night when I had discomfort when I went to bed and hardly any bloating. It is used for acid reflux as well and lady in health shop says that is what she takes it for. I read about it in a magazine. I know it is early days but I will keep you updated. Silicon Gel is the same sort of medicine.

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woodland profile image
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26 Replies
PatV profile image



bigbunbun3 profile image

Hi woodland, I am pleased you have found some relief from your symptoms, I hope you don't mind me asking but do suffer from IBS C or D.

woodland profile image

I was diagnosed with diverticolosis and also IBS about 14 months ago. I know from this site that some people suffer a lot more than me but the last few months IBS has really dragged me down and taken over my life. I cannot go anywhere early in the morning as I have to visit the toilet a few times first and I dreaded going to bed at night as I was either in pain or very uncomfortable. The last few days have made me feel so much better and being 70 years of age I want to enjoy what life I have. I do think that it is well giving it a try.

Linedanceing profile image
Linedanceing in reply to woodland

How often do you take the silica gel? And will you continue indefinitely?

woodland profile image

I am not sure what you mean by C or D.

bigbunbun3 profile image
bigbunbun3 in reply to woodland

Hi woodland, thank you for your reply. I am sorry I did not make my question very clear, thank you cassie17 for answering your query. I have IBS-C so may be Silica Gel will not be suitable for me. I hope that you continue to feel well, this is such a valuable website where we can learn what helps other people with their IBS.

Queeny54 profile image


I have tried silicol gel. It us a bit expensive but was very soothing on my digestive system. However, I am ibs c predominant and silicol can be constipating.

woodland profile image

Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between IBS C and D.

cassie17 profile image
cassie17 in reply to woodland

C is constipation,D is diareah,x

woodland profile image

Cassie17 I should have known that shouldn't I!!! Mine must just be ordinary IBS cause as long as I take my fibregel at night I am usually ok after being up for about 2 hours. I am still feeling good, I just cannot believe it after 14 months of feeling so rotten. It may be a flash in the pan but I will keep you posted. It is so good being able to discuss things with other people on the site.

cassie17 profile image

Glad something is working for you woodland,I have suffered for 20yrs with IBS and also have diverticular disease,I have tried everything I have ever read or heard about,my cubbard is full of stuff thats been no help,ive spent a forture over the years,I feel inspired to try silicolgel myself,the only thing thats really helped me is magnesium citrate I take for consipation but I also get diareah where i cant leave the house for hours sometimes going to toilet up to 10times but if i dont take the magnesium citrate i get constipated and and the pain is horrific, like being in labour which causes me to vomit,(sorry for graffics).Anyway I am going to order some silicolgel now and keep positive,i'm now 61 and like you want to enjoy what time I have left instead of being afraid to go on journeys,Hope it keeps working for you woodland and thanks for sharing,take care x

Amcc profile image
Amcc in reply to cassie17

Please shop around for best price on the silicolgel. I found thr 500ml cheaper online than at Boots and Holland &Barrett. Mine arrived today so cannot review yet, I suffer IBS C with overflow of yuk, when tummy in horrendous spasm I can't pass water until I go. Let's hope I can report an improvement using silicolgel.

JAJJV profile image
JAJJV in reply to cassie17

Cassie how did the silicon gel work for you?

I have similar issues to yours' and have read that the silicon gel can be constipating, which is NOT what I need.

Also I'm glad mag citrate works for you but NOTHING containing magnesium works for me. Nothing. Not mag citrate, not milk of mag, not Natural Calm - nothing. It all just makes me extremely bloated and NAUSEOUS.

Looking forward to learning how the gel is working for you. I'm assuming it's similar to miralax which also does nothing for me but make me bloated, gassy and nauseous.

And like you, I have spent a FORTUNE trying to find something that works. It all ends up in the trash.

Thank you!

cassie17 profile image
cassie17 in reply to JAJJV

Hi, I took silicon gel for awhile but it didn't really help much,i'mstill searching and trying different stuff,ive read about something called SIBO(small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) and this is same symptoms as IBS so im trying allicinmax and oregano capsules,have you tried lepicol for your constipation, that helped me for a time,i used to add a little cordial to make it taste better.

diana1948 profile image
diana1948 in reply to cassie17

Hi Cassie17 . I,too, have the same symptoms as you do. Only have pain on the left side and it increases with every contraction. As you said just like labour pains. I know what the outcome will be in the in. Then I start to feel faint and need to lie down but at the same time need to be near the toilet. Trying to push while all this is going on is impossible.

I do try a glycerine suppository as a quick release and always keep one in my handbag. Also take peppermint capsules for the pain but sometimes they don't always work. Sometimes I end up in hospital with impacted faeces. They even tried peanut oil! The annoying thing was that I had been to the toilet the day before.

I am now 70 and have been struggling with it for 50 years and it is getting worse. Sincerely think that they just stuck the IBS label over me. Drink plenty of water. Well I only drink water in the first place. Do not like tea, coffee, milk, alcohol, etc. Of course the consultants don't listen. Had a colonoscopy and the outcome was that I was so full that they couldn't see clearly even though I had taken all the medicine before hand, had an enema at the hospital before the procedure.

One day I just might not be able to manage it and will just explode or die of the poison in my system.


cassie17 profile image
cassie17 in reply to diana1948

Hi diana1948,I understand how you feel your symptoms do sound a lot like mine,the best think that helps me with the constipation side is solgar brand magnesium citrate tablets I take 2 or sometimes 3 all together in the evening,I never miss taking them on the odd occasion I have forgot im constipated again,ive read about something called SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) and the symptoms are the same as IBS, im currently taking allicinmax,and oregano capsules,ive read this kills of the bad bacteria,if you put SIBO in search engine it will tell you the symptoms,I'm like you I feel I can't cope with the terrible flare ups but I keep trying things that have helped other people in the hope I will eventually succeed Good Luck x

diana1948 profile image
diana1948 in reply to cassie17

I have read SIBO and most of the symptoms listed do not relate to me. No bloating, no diarrhoea and zero in the wind department. Oh well, it was worth reading about it and thanks for your help.

zuzino profile image
zuzino in reply to diana1948

Hi Diana, just from your post above, it really sounds to me like to you need to do a liver and gallbladder flush followed by a colonic irrigation. Do a google search for 'andreas moritz liver and gallbladder flush' for the procedure. A softer and more gentle approach which works for me (having had IBS for over 20 years) is the Himalayan salt flush which I do once every 2 weeks to clear my bowels. Again you can find info about this on google, but the way this works best for me is to take 1 slightly heaped tablespoon of the salt and let it dissolve in simmering water (about 800cl of warm water). Drink first thing in the morning before food, while still warm and as quickly as you can, preferably within 20mins. You should usually be making a trip to the loo several times within the next 3 hours (depending on how blocked up you are). My diet is quite limited these days, but I know that if I only eat chicken, salmon, spinach, green beans, potato, 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk a day and drink 2 litres of water for a few days then my symptoms pretty much disappear. I just find it too difficult to stick to that diet for longer, but eventually I guess I will have to. By the way, I am not a qualified physician whatsoever. I have just seen too many doctors/gastroenterologists who haven't helped me whatsoever and this has forced me to investigate how to solve my problems myself.

Linedanceing profile image
Linedanceing in reply to cassie17

I'm like you I can have loose and constipation and sometimes I seem to go a few times where I know I'm not fully finished I'm 62 I want to take grandkids to park go for longer walks I only walk round in circles near home so I don't have far to go I take alflorex and imodium my IBS started after I had a heart valve replacement and have to take medication that was 17 years ago I had a colonoscopy and they said it was ibs with no follow up on what to do

woodland profile image

Cassie17 I am now into 2 weeks of taking Silica Gel and still feeling quite good. I have had two evenings not feeling too good which I think is helping me to pinpoint what upsets me as it was impossible to do that before. I am glad that it is not my rose` wine that upsets me!!! Like you Cassie17 it is the going out that worries me. If my fibregel works as it should do as long as I get up at least 2/3 hours before I go out I am usually ok, fingers crossed!! Give Silica Gel a go Cassie and please let me know you get on. Good luck.

dinghy profile image
dinghy in reply to woodland

I've found all of these responses really useful. I'm actually on here searching for some advice to help my grandmother who turned 90 yrs old last week and has to take some gastro meds after having diverticulitis and has a sensitive tummy. I'm going to buy her some silicolgel to try. Sounds like it's soothing. Thank you all.

Mc89 profile image

Hi woodland, I know I'm really behind the times here but I'm looking into trying Silicol Gel. Is that the same as you were/are taking & does it work?

I'm feeling very low and my symptoms keep changing. Going back to GP next week to see if I can get anywhere with food intolerence testing. I saw an advert for Silicol but don't know anyone who takes it. Is it worth a try? I see your original post was some time ago so I was hoping you had some positive results.

Reducing my wheat intake has helped with some symptoms but still not feeling great.

I would be grateful for any info thanks.

woodland profile image

Dear Mc89 I had to stop taking Silicol Gel because even with taking my fibre gel every night it made me very constipated!!! It is worth a try as it seems to be react different with different people. IBS is a pain in the xxx and I wish it would just go away. Hope it helps you Mc89.

Mc89 profile image
Mc89 in reply to woodland

Thanks for getting back to me. Am willing to try anything to feel better! Back to see the GP on Wednesday, although to be honest the advice on this site is more helpful. Take care :)

Jambee profile image

I believe Silica is vital for body structure support - it’s not called the ‘beauty’ mineral for nothing - but I prefer to take it via natural sources, from wild-grown herbs. That way I also get the benefit of Althea othe minerals, vitamins & phytonutrients.

Since taking the herbs in tea form, I have never been so regular. I boil a good teaspoon of nettles, Comfrey leaves, Calendula, Red Clover, & Alfalfa, and empty in 2 capsules each of He Shou Wu/Fo-Ti & Horsetail powders & boil gently in a generous pint of water for 10 minutes or so. I then decant & strain half a cupful & top it up with plain water, then add some honey &/or Stevia to sweeten. That amount will last me one or two days at 2-3 cups per day.

Any health issues that involve sagging, prolapses & displacements are generally connected to Silica deficiency. Fruit & veg is the main food source but due to over-farming much of our food is grown in soil that has long been ‘sucked to death’ of all its beautiful life-giving minerals. We are all silica deficient unless we have access to an abundance of wild or home grown fruit & veg. Silica is an amazing mineral, toning, strengthening & beautifying.

Scooter7 profile image
Scooter7 in reply to Jambee

Yes Silica is amazing and it gave me my life and health back. I use it in the form of food grade diatomaceous earth as this is by far the best concentration of silica there is. Since soil is now devoid of nutrients and minerals these days. It took away years of digestive problems and life long constipation. I think many in the group were on the right track just with the wrong product. Silica is life. Great comment and contribution. Many thanks.

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