I have fatty liver cirrhosis .i was diagnosed 3 years ago .i have haemochromatosis been having venesection.
i been suffering with severe depression and anxiety.Panic attacks while trying to get to sleep and during asleep.
im really suffering from lack off salt and sugar.
im on ESA benefits and pip.
food people are saying difference things on what to eat .
the haemochromatosis diet conflict with the liver disease. Food options are getting less and less and expensive my Dietician says eat bananas every one else says no ? I may be diagnosed diabetes so that will limite it more. Iv been having problems with my eyes too .
i have very little food now .mostly salads. Pairs, apples,0ranges , grapes.,nuts , mixed vegetables frozen. The food is not lasting
I have osteoarthritis in both hips cramps in left leg when I walk any distance . Sick in the morning and blood in the phlegm first thing in the morning. Can not see the liver consultant until January .
Does anyone now how to go forward please .
im very alone?