Experiences with
Alemtuzumab16 public posts
My Recovery so far post Stem cell Transplant
The last two days I also had Alemtuzumab to reduce my T cells and help the donated stem cells engraft.
I coped with the chemo pretty well, no nausea or sickness at all and I felt really well.
Stem cell transplant starts on Monday
Monday the six days of chemo starts, intravenous fludarbine, Melphalan with Alemtuzumab to reduce my T cells. On the 7th day I get my new stem cells and then the waiting starts.
Antiphospholipid Antibodies Overlapping in Isolated Neurological Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis: Neurobiological Insights & Diagnostic . .
Front Cell Neurosci. 2019; 13: 107.
Published online 2019 Mar 19. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00107
Antiphospholipid Antibodies Overlapping in Isolated Neurological Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis: Neurobiological Insights and Diagnostic Challenges
Chiara D’Angelo,1,2,3 Oriol Franch,4 Lidia
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Has anyone disgnosed with Churg Strauss Syndrome (EGPA) has experience of taking Alemtuzmab (Campath)
Question from the face book group if anyone can help
Just wondering if anybody has had - Alemtuzumab
Dr David Jayne has put me forwards for it. I have to wait until June, 6 months clear of Rituximab but hopefully I will finally be able to get things under control with this new one...
The convoluted history of Campath and when side effects can be useful
Coles, the first author of two papers describing phase 3 trials of alemtuzumab for Multiple Sclerosis.)
Lemtrada (Alemtuzumab) for Multiple Sclerosis - and thyroid issues
Lemtrada is another name for Alemtuzumab. This is the Wiki article on it:
Image is taken from Wiki article.
Chlorambucil may be a more reasonable choice for elderly CLL patients than fludarabine.
Alemtuzumab consolidation did not provide benefit over similar regimens without alemtuzumab, irrespective of age."
Had Fludarabine? You can only have irradiated blood...for life.
Irradiated blood components should be used after alemtuzumab (anti-CD52) therapy. Their use after rituximab (anti-CD20) is not recommended at this time.
Doctors should use different therapies when treating older and younger CLL patients
Alemtuzumab, aka Campath, ,consolidation therapy after chemotherapy or chemoimmunotherapy does not improve progression-free or overall survival in either younger or older patients.'
Vasculitis-uk support research at Addenbrookes for a new drug trial for treatment of vasculitis.
Dr David Jayne's team led by Dr Rona Smith at Addenbrookes are undertaking research into an existing drug, Alemtuzumab, to see if it proves to be effective in treating ANCA related vasculitis.
Alemtuzumab, which is one of the new generation of monoclonal antibodies, like Rituximab.
Has anyone any experience of taking Campath? (Alemtuzumab)
We have received an email today asking about Campath. This lady is about to start a course of treatment and is obviously very concerned.
An update on where and what Vasculitis UK are about at the moment...
VUK also play an active role in the UK Vasculitis Rare Disease Working Group
In terms of current research funding, VUK are supporting trials at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge of a new drug for the treatment of vasculitis, Alemtuzumab as well as a project at Birmingham Wellcome Trust Clinical Research