New, old beginner here.: At 67, overweight... - Strength & Flex

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New, old beginner here.

Jeffjones297 profile image
7 Replies

At 67, overweight and with the usual assortment of aches n pains. I represent (I think) a common story.I exercised most of my adult life, up to and for a few yrs after my retirement at 55. By 60ish I just said enough and stopped the weights and bodyweight training.

By 63/64 I was stiffening up alarmingly, had gained about 10 kgs and was getting less n less active.

Fast fwd to now, my mobility is shocking, I walk with a stick (bad hip) find stairs a pain and am as weak as, the premature old man I am.

I have now commenced a diet (3 months and have lost weight) and finally started exercising again.

Simple stretching and mobility at first, plus a gentle walk every day.

I intend to give it at least a month of daily stretching, before I consider maybe adding in some dumbbells. I need to get my body prepped before thinking of any very mild strengthening.

And it will be mild, the days of heavy squats, deadlifts etc are long gone and aren't coming back.

I'm focusing on everyday functional health and fitness, with a view to just making life easier and more enjoyable.

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Jeffjones297 profile image
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7 Replies
Runawayfast profile image

well done for all you are doing towards a better quality of life!

Oldfloss profile image

Hello! Welcome to the friendly forum...:)

Your story is one I feel, which will resonate with many of our friends here. I am 73 and I can certainly identify with a few of those aches and pains. There are so many links here... and so much to choose from.. some very very simple exercise are included in the pinned posts.

There is also a simple 5 week plan...

The choice is yours, but our advice would be, as you are planning to do, begin slowly and gently and build up.

Balance can be a real issue as we age... and oddly enough , Mr OF and I attended our first T'ai Chi class yesterday. An excellent support for both balance and strength !

We enjoyed the first session and are looking forward to moving on. Maybe take a look at what is available in your own area... Do, too, please keep posting is a great place to share and learn :)

Jeffjones297 profile image
Jeffjones297 in reply to Oldfloss

I certainly will continue to post my journey, as well as offer any advice or support, I can to others. I find the accountability of posting about our journeys, helps keep us motivated.

CBDB profile image
CBDBAdministratorGraduate Gold in reply to Jeffjones297

Huge welcome!!! Yes, plenty of ideas here to keep you going! And well done for getting back to regular working out! Functional health and fitness sounds great to me! Happy working out!

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Well done for recognising your situation and doing something about it. You obviously have a good idea of what you feel you should do to commence your return to health and activity. The weight loss and gradually increasing walking will pay you dividends.

I did have one thought though, and forgive me if it’s something of which you are well aware . Regarding the stretching-I’ve always been told static stretching of cold muscles can cause injuries. Should you be doing a gentle warm up type routine to warm up your body in preparation for those stretches?

There are warm up videos available on the internet should you want to try any. Some of the ones suggested for pilates or yoga might be the sort of entry point you would feel comfortable with at present.

I will look out for your updates on your preparation for a return to health and movement. I salute you for your efforts. Take it gently and gradually.

Best wishes

Jeffjones297 profile image

Two weeks of daily exercises and gentle walking completed (one day missed yesterday).Walking is gradually increasing in distance but remains painful. I find voltarol gel to my hip about an hour prior helps but I can't say it's getting easier as such. (This may be a slow game, results wise)

Exercise however is getting slightly easier and I'm going to increase my reps from Mon onwards. I'm trying to maintain good form but for some exercises, just doing them is an achievement, however badly. I'll improve form as it gets easier.

Had an x-ray on my hip Thurs, so the process of hip replacement is begun !

Jeffjones297 profile image

Well, walking is getting slightly easier. Today was slightly more energetic and less wobbly than usual lol 🤣I'm feeling hopeful but I know I have a journey ahead of me.

The long road to hip replacement has commenced, Dr appt with referral to hospital done ✓ x ray done ✓ appt with physio next week, to discuss x ray and for advice on exercises etc.

How long to referral appt ? Who knows ? then the dreaded waiting list. I've discussed rehab with my daughter's and they're happy, for me to stay with one of them, (after the op) until I can safely return home.

Catching up with a newly retired friend of mine today, a former nursing colleague. I'm hoping we will discuss the coming fishing season, last year was a total no go (fishing wise) but I intend to start fishing again, probably April/may onwards. So on the whole, everything's looking positive !

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