Raynaud's and other possibly linked s... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Raynaud's and other possibly linked symptoms

SueL59 profile image
3 Replies

After many many months of self assessment, I am beginning to conclude that there is a link between Raynaud's (here referred to as "spasms"), fluctuating Blood Pressure ("BP") and episodes of lightheadness ("LH"). And that all three symptoms have become apparent after a period of significant weight loss pursuant to a change in diet and exercise in 2013 the results of which have been maintained if not improved upon in the last couple of years.

As a result of some episodes of LH in the last two years, my husband saw his GP and undertook various tests. As a result of this, we have ruled out issues relating to his heart, inner ear and thyroids and he was advised by his GP that he would need to research the "fine print" to understand the possibly cause of these LH events. We understood that fine print meant life style related issues such a food sensitivities or deficiencies in our diet. So rather than waste the GP's time with this analysis, we undertook to maintain a detailed day diary of BP readings, LH events and diet and this resulted in our making the following changes in 2018.

1. We changed our diet and added a supplement to improve our nitric oxide ("NO") production (you can test NO levels using an at home saliva test).

2. We monitored our breathing to ensure that this was nasal rather than oral (most especially when exercising and walking). This both aids NO production and helps to reduce the chance of over breathing and excess oxygen levels in the blood.

3. Whilst our diet is very good an on-going audit revealed that the reduction in sugar, carbs and red meats might mean that we could be deficit in vitamin B, salt, potassium, iron and magnesium, the latter because our consumption of calcium is high. We therefore take supplements to address these deficiencies and will increase our in take of certain foods to address those where supplements don't work (potassium). We also take Q10 and enzymes to help our bodies absorb nutrients better.

4. We have focussed on aiding our immune system by including kefir in our diet and ensuring we have plenty of anti-oxidant foods.

All of these steps should benefit Raynaud's sufferers. My husband was diagnosed with Raynaud's after suffering a spasm in late 2013 (ie after his weight loss). Indeed, my husband saw a reduction in his BP and episodes of LH over the 2018 summer months and he was not aware of having cold hands. However, this improvement is starting to reverse this last few weeks, since the weather has got much colder. Meanwhile, our diet exercise has remained constant save for a modest reduction in the consumption of tomatoes and chilli as we had at one stage suspected a sensitivity to the food from the nightshade family.

There is evidence from his data that his BP readings reflect an increase when his hands are cold. Whilst this not a full spasm (as evidenced with blue hands), his hands can be very pale and very cold to the touch. In addition his episodes of LH take place when having been in the cooler air for more than 20 minutes and take place when changing his environment (such as immediately coming back indoors, bending to untie shoe laces, picking up shopping in the market and going up flights of steps). His LH events can take place even in warmer weather. We have found his BP readings are very good relatively soon after mowing the lawn and I assume this is due to aerobics rather than the vibration of the mower.

Is anyone aware or has experienced such linkage?

Has anyone identified triggers in weight loss diets which might cause or exacerbate Raynaud's? See item numbered 3 above. I am not convinced I have identified everything relevant here.

In addition, what have people tried to do to improve their condition using natural but safe alternatives? We have listed some steps above and obviously warm clothing is a given. But has anyone looked at:

- warming herbal / spicy hand creams (used by cyclists);

- rich cotton wrist or sweatbands for when you can not use gloves;

- biofeedback / mindfulness techniques (and where can you find detailed steps to undertake);

- anything else?

Any insight would be helpful. I have read three books on the topic and seem no better informed to help my husband improve his condition above what we have done so far and I worry that the onset of colder weather will see further reversals.

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3 Replies

I think it’s related to the autonomic nervous system and vascular system overlapping perhaps? For some of us, especially those with autoimmune disorders, the autonomic nervous system can be hypersensitive or even very dysfunctional. This is the system that regulates the gut, swallowing, bowels, bladder, heart beat, body temperature, peripheral nervous system, over exertion, not sweating enough, moisture production including tears and saliva, blood pressure, peristalsis and breathing.

So sudden changes of temperature, diet, routine, anxiety, weight, adrenal function etc can trigger attacks of Raynaud’s and vasovagal syncope (LH) and the blood pressure and heart rate simultaneously as the gut, vascular system, vagus nerve and brain all need to be synced to work efficiently. If I am cold or anxious already and eat something icy then my oesophogus will spasm uncontrollably and I’ll feel faint.

For some men who pee large volumes their blood pressure drops dramatically while standing urinating and they can feel faint or even pass out. This isn’t usually a sign of anything sinister but is just due to the bladder triggering syncope due to the drop in BP involved in opening the relevant blood vessels and nerves to urinate successfully.

For others such as me, autoimmune diseases have affected my bowel function (dysmotility) and if I’m very stressed or flaring with my Sjögren’s then I’m more likely to feel faint while or straight after eating or when I stand up suddenly or if I’m scared or extra nervous. This often happens if I eat something cold when I’m warm or if I’m extra still and not able to get warm - I’ll have Raynaud’s attacks in my fingers and toes. For me the Raynaud’s only started with the onset of systemic autoimmune disease in my 40s. But if I’m extra fatigued or suffer a fall or starting to flare up or am scared my fingers and toes will go white and lately even start to cramp badly.

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I'm with the autonomic disturbance theory. We are sensitive souls!

Blood is everything! just like hormones/enzymes it's what we are they make everything we do as muscles and bones don't do anything without those as even the nerves are controlled by them.

Just a pity many Quacks don't understand it or just use the basics they learn't at Med school

Learn't alot about things since found have a prolactinoma plus a stroke after being put on T HRT as low from high prolactin!

I already knew a lot from my Gym work& my Coaching courses with cycling.

Many quacks just say fingers toes but it's blood so effects anything one thing i used to get which has returned in last year is if near a cool/cold air flow through say a door only has to be tiny amount and hits me straight in the back and can't get warm even sititng against a radiator with coats on and if i don't do something start to feel ill and have been ill next day even as feel like getting a sort of fever/flu type feel.

Yet when i tried some E(Quacks head beat you over it!)it changed things i lost many issues for a long time but somethings returned quicker while others not for a long time.

from what we worked out is that the E reset the body so it had to work out what was going on.

came from many things i gleaned from many websites on things like body building and other places with the way things work found it very interesting research.

Also in part of how a Vaccine works it gives the body it then body re adjusts then if gets that X it's already on it!.

PS can you lock your post as others won't reply!

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