Just diagnosed with Peritineal Cancer - SHARE Ovarian Can...

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Just diagnosed with Peritineal Cancer

Ibnikii profile image
6 Replies

I went to get stitches checked from a hernia surgery and was told my CA 125 levels came back high. I was told I was stage 4 peritoneal cancer. Possibly ovaries. I immediately admitted myself to Fox Chase. I had my first round of chemo this past Wednesday, one week to the day of my diagnosis. I have Chemo once every three weeks and the debunking (not sure I u derstand that), then a complete hysterectomy and three more Chemo treatments over 9 weeks. I just got done watching my sister die of lung cancer. I am grateful to not have that but I am scared of this also. Any recommendations are welcome. I started drinking 9.5 PH spring water, eat a lot of fruit and veggies and fish. I take 2000 mg of vitamin D, Daily vitamin C and garlic. I am determined to beat this but hit so many times where I can't breath.

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Ibnikii profile image
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6 Replies

Sorry to hear this, i was told i had a UTI, found it it was OC, do what your oncologist saids and you'll be fine, don't be afraid and keep the faith.

Ibnikii profile image
Ibnikii in reply to

Thank you. I have faith in my doctors and are following exactly what they say.

Andreamein profile image

I also have Peritoneal Cancer. I had the debunking surgery first and then started on chemo once I was healed enough from the surgery. It was open abdominal and I had a complete hysterectomy, my spleen removed, part of my pancreas and had bowel reconstruction surgery. Any tumors that were left behind were less than 1cm. I had eight chemo sessions and currently have a two month break from everything. I am hoping that my CA125 numbers won't have climbed when they check them in July. Good luck with everything. Try to stay positive.

Nblisa profile image

Hi Ibnikii,

I was diagnosed 5 1/2 years ago with stage 4 primary peritoneal cancer. My CA125 was 4880. I had maybe 6 weeks of chemo before my debulking surgery. By surgery time my number was way down. More chemo followed. I went into remission for 2 years. After 2 years my remissions became shorter and shorter, while receiving different chemo combinations. I went into maintenance, but that also quit working. I just began a trial on an immunotherapy drug, along with low dose Carbo. I just began the trial yesterday, so I have no idea yet if this is going to work. It hasn't always been easy, but over the 5 years I haven't felt all that bad. I know any cancer is frightening, especially stage 4. But it doesn't mean it's an instant death sentence. I've been DNA tested for mutations, and have at least a couple that cause my body to not kill cancer cells. I think you are doing great to be eating healthy and taking care of yourself. I don't think anything in particular has kept me alive. My cancer, for whatever reason, tends to be slower growing. I did reduce my stress level a lot, and I've learned to live in the moment. My next appointment for immunotherapy should be interesting, because a nurse there said he had done a lot of reading about diet, so I'm interested to hear what he has to say. Especially since I think he has seen a lot of cancer patients.

Take care,


Durlydurl profile image

You are certainly on the right path with taking nutrition seriously as part of your battle plan. There are lots of anti-cancer foods and supplements out there. I am glad that you are embracing the "whole" wellness path because conventional medicine on its own is lacking. Don't leave out the ginger and curcumin/turmeric and get a good masticating juicer for lots of fruit and veggie intake! I wish you the best!

Archeveritas profile image

I'm happy to hear that I am not alone with primary peritoneal cancer. I also had a hysterectomy and then abdominal surgery 4 months later. I don't have much left in my abdomen at this point. Had to have an illeostomy bag for 8 months until it could be reversed. Recovery was slow and difficult. 2 weeks in hospital. CA125 was over 16,000. Had 3 blood transfusions and ended up with blood clots in each lung. I was a mess! Started my chemo 6 weeks after surgery. Have been in remission for 1 year. I look at all my "adjustments" to life as small potatoes. I'm just happy to be here to watch my 2 daughters continue to grow up. My family is my lifeline. We are strong ladies! It's okay to sit on the "pitty pot" once in a while. We deserve that too! Take time for yourself and let those close to you know that you love them. I wish you all the best and please keep us posted.

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