I was just diagnosed October 18 with ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer. I had a 6 1/2 hour surgery and the doctor removed all the cancer he could see and feel. I will be starting chemo soon. I don’t know what to expect but I have faith everything will be ok.
Just diagnosed : I was just diagnosed... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Just diagnosed

Faith will take you far. There is so much they can do these days and medicine is rapidly moving forward. With your attitude you'll do well...
We are here to share with you our support and encouragement on your journey. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or share with us concerns you may have. We have all been through it.
Just got my first treatment today. Feel good so far. Will see the next two days.
I had chemo and had no problem with that at all. No sickness,felt good. Blood numbers dropped but nothing major, slight anemia. My last (7th) chemo I had a reaction half way through. My hands started to itch like crazy, turned red..then I started to sweat and then felt my heart doing something that didn't feel normal. I called for help and they stopped the infusion and then gave Benedryl and something else thru the line and after 20 minutes, I was back to normal and chemo was continued. I asked how serious was that reaction, could someone die from what happened and the attendant said , yes( due to heart). If anyone ever starts severe itching on hands, summon for help because it is an allergic reaction to carboplatin. Why that happened after having 6 prior treatments with no problem, is beyond me but they said it happens sometimes.
How are you holding up with chemo?