I’m a recent Breast Cancer survivor (double mastectomy/finished chemo 1-2-19/radiation complete 3/4/19). Yay!
I’m also BRCA2 positive. Nearly 3 weeks ago I began having symptoms similar to when I used to suffer with ovarian cysts. I theorized that my reproductive system was “coming alive” after being suppressed by chemo. I had no idea that many of my symptoms were similar to ovarian cancer until I met with a Gynocological Oncologist last week for a consult, purely based on my BRCA2 risks. Initial blood tests done on Thursday show my CA125 level as 17.8. An ultrasound is scheduled for this Thursday.
I’m telling myself that it’s crazy to think I’d be diagnosed with ovarian cancer only weeks out of finishing breast cancer treatment. Right?
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
**I should note that my uterus & cervix were removed 6 years ago due to fibroid tumors. So that’s not the cause of my bloating & heaviness in my pelvis.