For the past six months, I've been RLS free!
I'm so happy about this and it has made such a difference to my sleep and wellbeing.
I have the wonderful, supportive people on here to thank, and especially SueJohnson. Because I received such a good amount of information last year, I was able to check some of the important vitamins and minerals.
Each day I take;
Vitamin D 25ug.
Magnesium; 375mg.
And a vitamin B complex which includes;
B6; 1.4mg.
B12; 0.5ug.
I also take 100mcg Levothyroxine, and since my RLS started, I've added 2mcg of T3.
An hour before bed I take;
Iron Bisglycinate; 5mg with a vitamin C chewable tablet.
I'm aware this may not be the solution for ever, however for the time being it seems to be working. If I forget to take the iron, vit C and T3 before bed, I begin to feel the RLS twitchings beginning, so get up and take them... always, this settles my legs in about 30 minutes to an hour.
So thank you!