Daily Chat Saturday 20th April 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Saturday 20th April 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
21 Replies

Good morning everybody, :) I hope you all had a lovely nights sleep and are ready for this weekend, what ever you may have planned, or if your just going to chillax :) :) but be ready, cos that flippin nic can strike at any time !!

I have got loads of things to do !! but whether they get done or not is another thing :o :| cos I am well and truly cream crackered :( :(

I have to apologise to all you lovely people on this site, for I have let you all down :( I have had a really bad week this week, and yes, you've guessed it, nic got the better of me AGAIN :X :X Aggggghhhh erm I think the only option to me now, is to be put down, quietly !! eh :o If you could come up with something else, I would be very grateful, as long as it isnt a frying pan on my head or a rolling pin around mi chops :o

I know why I succumbed, ''stress'' I just got so stressed out at work Wednesday morning, I wont go into details, erm lets just say it got very heated.

Rite then, thats enough of me rabbiting on, I hope you all have a lovely Caturday, I've ordered sunshine 8-) for us all, cos, well I need cheering up anyway, so we will see if we get some, eh :)

If nobody reply's to this, or you start calling me 'Peterrrr' then I know i'm in the cat - garage :o but still will love you all :) :)

Pete :(

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monky profile image
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21 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning everyone.

Dear oh dear Pete, what are we going to do to - oops! - with you! :( GET BACK ON THAT HORSE STRAIGHT AWAY. No shilly-shallying with quit dates this time, just do it. :) I know it's tough for you with that temptation being blown in your face all the time but you've got a good year's experience under your belt now. :o Just tough it out, you and I both know you can do anything you put your mind to. :)

Good luck and see you later. Big hugs, Andi :) xxxxx

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Good morning.

Hope you all have a good weekend. It is a beautiful day here in London, at the moment.

Never mind Pete. Get an e stick. Mine has not failed me yet. I'm sure you will get there.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning everyone.

Its sunshine here in Yorkshire, thank you Pete. Sorry you`ve slipped up. But like andi says get back on that horse straight away.


Pete your everybodys favourite fella on here whether you slipped up or not. :) :) :)

Catch up later. xxxx

Hell oooo Hell ooooo Pete What do you mean you've let us down - you've had a hiccup one single solitary hiccup unless of course you've got constant hiccups but I'm sure you won't have!

No way are you getting out of it that easy by being put down - you've got to pick yourself up and start all over again so never mind talking about it just you get on and do it. I knew you were quiet for a reason and I for one, and I think most others, like it when you're noisy so the noisier you are the better I/we like it. Come on Pete, you've been honest enough to admit what's happened and let's face it if you hadn't told us I am pretty certain we would not have known so dust yourself down, stomach in, chest out, hold your head up high and join us again. We need you on here, you need to be on here, but more importantly, we WANT you on here and, hopefully, you WANT to be on here with all us rabble! So please Pete, let us know that you're not giving up on not only yourself but us as well Don't know if you're into cuddles but a big cuddle is on it's way to you for your honesty - get back on here immediately, if not sooner.


xxxxx - treasure these kisses as they are the very first I have done and will probably be the last that I do!

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Oh dear Pete, don't worry we have all had slip ups just breathe deeply think sod Nic," I will beat you again I have done it before." How did the application go? I have a very stressful job, off at moment thank goodness and that is the only reason I think I have not succumbed I know that if I had been at work, I would have been across the road to the shop to buy ciggies. Take care, think big and try again, when you are ready :) suec x

Hey Pete, just go easy there huh... stuff happens. Just start again - you will do this for sure.

Kath's right, you needn't have said and none of us would've been any wiser. But, thank goodness you've been honest. I say this because we can't lie to ourselves - it eats away at us, and that's real bad news! It's not the end of the world - just keep it in proportion. And tomorrow - right back on track hum? You'll be fine as long as you keep on - keeping on trying. Have an easy night, Gill, xx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Pete. honey just stop again. Right now, no more, finito. Ok now that's out of the way I just wanted to echo what has already been said above. You are special and we all believe in you, believe in your ability to quit. Sending love, hugs and stay strong handcuffs so you couln't smoke now even if you wanted to.

Sue xx

andi22 profile image

OI, PEETIE WEETIE! Put that tinnie down, I know your there, you can come out of hiding now. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hi ya Andi :) :)

How did you know that I 've got a cannie :o

andi22 profile image

How are our geraniums coming along then? :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Lost quite a few of them, due to, its just been tooooooo flippin cold for them :( :( but I have got plenty for what I need :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Thank you all for the kind comments that you have made :) :) I have got tears in my eyes, as I am reading them, thank you all again :) :) so so so much.

I've got a bit of sorting out to do in my head, then i promise you all, I WILL get back on track, and WILL quit :) :)

Pete :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hey Andi, guess what !!!!!

Ave bought a new gel saddle for mi bike gal :o :) so am going to give that a try again, cos ave noticed that I've got a bit of a erm erm extra around mi waist :o :D :D

andi22 profile image

Someone was saying on another blog about collecting dogends in a jar of water to sniff when a craving kicked in - Yuk! :( I used to put a couple in water so I could use it to spray the greenfly on my roses. That's illegal I know but I can't do it any more now I don't smoke! :( :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

:D :D :D :D

andi22 profile image

Today would have been a perfect day for cycling but I didn't do any. I wonder if Sinfree or Fags managed to get out on their wheels. :) When are you gonna test it out then, eh? :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

I will test it out as soon as I get back on form :) cos at the moment, I just feel cream crackered :( :( as not had much sleep this week !!!!

But I will build my bike up and fit the new saddle, and give it a whirl gal :) :)

andi22 profile image

I popped in a second hand bike shop this week and he just had in a ladies road bike which needs cleaning up. It's had the handle bars changed, has got a comfy saddle, mud guards etc and I should pick it up next week some time. I'll really have to try missing potholes then and learn how to balance on those skinny wheels. :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

You will soon learn to miss potholes Andi :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Talking about sleep, I'm ready for nodding now, so I will say Nite nite Andi and everybody else, and I wish you all the sweetest dreams eva :) :) and I thank you all again for your lovely comments and support :) :)

I now luvs ya all loads and loads. Pete xxxxxxxxx :) :)

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Pete, sleep well, you deserve it. :) Sweet dreams and see ya tomorrow. :) xxxxx

Nite nite everyone else tooooo. :)

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