Lazy Saturday Daily Chat 11th May 2013 - Quit Support

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Lazy Saturday Daily Chat 11th May 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
37 Replies

Good morning everybody :) :)

It's the flippin weekend !!!! yipppy flippin dipppy doooooo daaaa :) :) :D :D

I hope that you've all had a lovely nights sleep :) and are now ready for anything that nic chucks at you :) :)

Myself !! am not asleep yet, so I will have to see if I get a good nites sleep or not :o :| erm, I will tell you when I wake up :)

Av done shoppin, and all put away, hopefully in the right places :o I suppose I will find out when I wake up :D :D I dont think I missed anything off the list, but one never knows, dose one :o :D :D

Er-in-doors wanted some cigs too :P :P so I got her some, as I was leaving the supermarket, there were two gals outside, waiting for a taxi to pick them and thier shopping up, I think, and they were chuffin away at the ciggies, and as I walked past, I could smell the smoke and , well to be honest, I liked it :(

Most people on here dont like the smell when they have quit !!!! just wondering what your points of view are ?????

As I was driving home, all I could think of was that smell !!! and that I had some of you know what in the back of my van and all I had to do was stop, get a pack out !!!! Ha ha I new exactly which bag they were in, my flippin 1 brain cell remembered that :o I must have et about 20 flippin fruit pastilles driving home :D :D :D

When I got home and opened the back door, I could smell stale smoke then, and , erm well the cravings seem to get allot easier then :o :) :)

I've put it down to am just goin potty in mi old age :o :D :D If anybody has any other sugestions, then please send them on a post card to Emjay :D :D

As the pickie shows, I may just have a lazy day today :) :)

I hope you all enjoy your smoke free day, and take care now eh :) :)

Pete :)

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monky profile image
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37 Replies

Morning Pete,

Hope you got to sleep - eventually. Yep, I know what you mean about a freshly lit Ciggie... It can smell quite inviting - Sods Law really, here we are trying with all we've got - to give up, and still the damned things can fool us. But, It doesn't last does it, one whiff of stale smoke is enough to make me "heave". And that's when I think of Jillygirl... living with just one lung, and that's enought to bring reality back.

Well, I was all ready to have my Long Lie In, and whoops... then I go waking up at 5,45, so that little plan back-fired.

John... looking forward to seeing those finished Lamps, they look very smart.

Have a great weekend everyone, and stay safe n well.

Gill, x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning. :) Pete well done on showing nic who is boss. I cant stand the smell of smoke fresh or stale. I find now that I find it hard breathing if I get too close to smoke. Hope you manage a good refreshing sleep. :)

Gill , good morning love. Know what you mean about planning a lie in. It never works. But if you have to be up for an appointment its amazing how you can sleep in. :D

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Going to tidy the house today as my brother is visiting us tomorrow. Last time I saw him it was the day before my operation .5 months ago yesterday.

It seems to have flown by.

luvs ya. xx

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to jillygirl

So much has happened in 5 months, how can it go so fast?! Days pass, then whooooosh, it's months!

Don't work too hard!

Betts profile image

Morning Monky, Gill and all

I meant to do a bright and early, but slept through it.

You get the accolade on showing determined willpower and resistance in the face of the enemy monky !! :)

There is definitely something a bit bewitching about catching a little whiff of smokey. At a weak moment. I don't want to smoke it but I don't mind catching it, like on holiday whilst drinking a long mojito - that did it for me in Kos. Nearly went and sat on the smokers knee - woiuld have floored him :) and surprised my other half :)

Sorry you didn't get your nice laze in Gill. Maybe a bit of an afternoon doze later?

Got to get off to Wembley!!! :)

Have a great smokeless day all :).



bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Hi Pete, Gill, Jilly, Betts and all.

I think the theme of today should be the planned lie in that was missed. :-o Been up for ages and soooooo wanted to catch up on some zzzzz. :-)

I also think Pete should be crowned warrior/hero of the day showing outstanding resiliance. :D :D :D

Got in late last night after a couple at the watering hole with friends and put on tv. Was flicking through the channels and found gems tv. Needless to say I decided to treat myself well I have saved a bit.......diamond ring arriving in a few days.. Ha ha ...sometimes you just gotta love yourself. ;-) :-) :D

Betts - have a great day at Wembly

Jilly...don't work too hard but have an excellent day tomorrow with your brother are a hero but don't let it go to your head as many super heros wear thier underpant over their trousers (te he) maybe not a good fashion statement :D :D :D

Off to the concert my Dad is in later. Rather him than me I would hate to sing infront of a several hundred people :-o In the shower is bad enough. One talent I did't inheirit

Hope you all have a great smoke free day :-)

Sue xx

Very, very nice John, an excellent job!

They will give a lovely soft light me thinks.

So, what's your next project going to be?

I like to have some kind of Project that I can enjoy, as I love "making/ mending/ altering things". Working with my hands, has always been a pleasure.

Hope the " wee one" enjoy their new toys today.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

John they are super. clever guy! xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good afternoon everybody :) hmmm well its just started to thunder here :( but what the heck !! I'm alive and kicking :o and thats the main thing :)

I got some rite good zzzzzzz erm this morning :) I think they've about charged my batteries up.

Gill- am sorry you didnt get your lay-in that you had planed :o maybe have a nodd this safter eh :)

Jillygirl- I hope you enjoy tidying your house gal :) I just wish I was with you, cos I love doing that :P :D :D :D

Betts- enjoy your visit to Wembley :) :)

BunnySue- Enjoy the concert and listening to your Dad :) and yes !!!! you flippin treat yourself gal, cos you deserve it :) :)

Mad- It sounds like your lovely Granddaughter is very talented :) :) so you keep her focused on it eh :)

John- Love the lamps pal :) I bet they look lovely without any other lights on in the room :) a bit of soft music, lay back and enjoyyyyyyyyyyy :) :) Am sure Linda would have loved them :) speak soon John.

Rite I'de best get back to fitting the new light in the coalhouse, see's ya soon :)

Pete :)

in reply to monky

You like tidying up Pete - umm you can practice in my house if you like, it would keep you occupied for years :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Aup Sin :)

I would love to tidy your house up, but am just tooooooo busy at the mo :o :| you know how it is :D :D

Hey !! I like your new hair-doo erm or is it a new dress you've got on :o hmmm what ever, I like it, cos its you :) :)

in reply to monky

Ah well you can't blame a girl for trying, s'pose I'll just have to get that duster out and tidy up myself.

It's my new floral dress - beautiful isn't it, Madimad found it for me.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hmmm I wonder if she could find a new outfit for me :o nahhh

It suites ya gal, Mad nice choice gal :) :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky


cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Good afternoon all,

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoys some nice weather.


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to cleopetra

A very good afternoon to you toooo Sally :) :) well really its evening, but I'm trying to make the day last longerrrrrrrrr :D :D :D

How you doing gal ?? I've had a bit of a hard day again today :( but will stay with the e-cig untill tomorrow, if it dont start working then, its off with the e-cig and on with the patch :) :)

Take care now Sally, see ya soon :)

Pete :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

That's lovely john I am sure your Linda is watching you and thanking you for the thoughtful gift.

andi22 profile image

Good evening. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Who are you then :o :P :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hmmmm nice pumpkins, but am not sure about the cuffffffsss :P :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

A bit shaggy - but you could always trim them off and give them a hem if you so desire. :|

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Erm am not into hemming Andi :P :P :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Andi, welcome back gal :) :) cos ave missed ya loads :(

My eldest Sister has just gone down to Bournemouth for a couple of weeks holiday :) :) I hope you had a good time at Bogner :) :)

andi22 profile image

Hi Pete, yes I did thanks. Did some walking, shopping, eating and played Scrabble. :)

Why don't you come and visit your sister and visit me too? I hope she's not expecting to be lying on the beach - had to put the heating back on again! :(

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Yeah I know what you mean Andi :( I too have had to put the heating back on, its a really cold wind that is making it cold :o

andi22 profile image

Your question this morning. I still like the smell of newly lit ciggie but like you, the stale smell when you walk in somewhere isn't very nice is it? My friend in Bognor smokes a bit - normally she has 2 or 3 a day. When I used to visit her consumption went up considerably. As I came down the stairs one morning I could smell the smoke even though it was 2 rooms away with the french doors open. Isn't it amazing how sensitive we become with the smell of smoke once we quit? :)

in reply to andi22

Now if I could stick with 2 or 3 cigs a day I wouldn't bother giving up. How do people do that? It's not fair. I was on an enforced 2 a day before I stopped smoking altogether, I just used to think about the second one all day from having the first one :D

andi22 profile image

Hi John, I think the lamps look lovely and really fit in there. :)

I didn't know you were a football fan? Was wondering who won. :o :|

andi22 profile image

Don't you play any more?

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

John those lights look great :) credit to you for the mods you have made to them, they look super :) :)

ladies, ladies Vin Diesel is on the Jonathon Ross show at this very moment in time :) :)

in reply to

oh he's not exactly Mr chatty is he. I like Will i am, I always think he's really funny.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Well nite nite everybody, hmmm dosnt seem long since I got up :o :| I hope you all have a piecefull and stressfree nights sleep, in other words, get loads of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

See ya tomorrow :) :)

Pete :) xxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Nite nite Pete, sweet dreams, see ya tomorrow. :) xxx

andi22 profile image

Vin Diesel. Never heard of him before but that might be a good exercise to do. :)

I'm off to bye byes too now so I'll wish you all nite nite and hope you sleep well. :) xxx

Night Pete and Andi. sleep well. Vin Diesel - of Fast and the Furious fame??

hehe, I know John, I discovered this when my children were babies and I didn't have time for dusting. I have dusted a bit since then tho :)

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