Morning all Absolutely stunning day - makes you glad you can see it clearly and not through fag smoke.
Been awake and up about 2.1/2 hours now trying to get all the little itty bitty jobs done so that I can laze the rest of the day away.
Hope you all have a lovely, carefree, smokefree, everything free day and may join you later.
Oops, nearly forgot, thank you for coming to my 18th (hope you enjoyed the cake and drink) but I'm 20 now - my doesn't time fly when you're having fun!
Take care and remember, we are in this together and we will fight and win together.
Nice to hear from you Buttons thought you had. forgotten us missed your posts yesterday. Well done bet when you first came on didn't think you would get to 20. Can remember your first posts. Quite nice here in Derbyzhire although cold had dog clipped yesterday its too cold for her to go out just yet. Have 7 children and 8 adults. for dinner so just relaxing before I start things. Look forward to day 21 and keep smiling suecx
Morning Sue Ah you say the nicest things - can't believe I was missed as the board seemed extremely busy for a Friday but perhaps that's because it was a bank holiday.
Hey sue, can you let me know your secret - with 15 people coming to me for lunch I wouldn't have gone to bed and I still wouldn't be ready in time - please, please tell me how you manage to have a relax before starting - I would be in full blown panic mode now!!!
Keep you eyes skinned later, may just post a 'small' blog so that you don't get withdrawal symptons!!
Have a super time and hope you're not too k*******d to pop on later and join us.
Hello jillygirl nice to hear from you too lot of new people on yesterday. Do you have any special plans for the Easter weekend. All days now blur into one When I was diagnosed with cancer resigned from work sorry no off sick and finish in May so coold have more time with family. Hubby been retired 2 years ago. Have a lovely Easter Buttons and Jillygirl suecx
Yep - that's us and a very warm welcome from us to you. Everyone on here is sooooooooooo friendly - me I've only been a member for just over 3 weeks but the help and support you get is absolutely amazing. Anything you need to ask - just ask! Anything you need to know - there is usually someone who knows on here so ask away! Help, support, friendship and tea and cakes are all on offer every day and we even have our own advisers as well. What more could anyone want? Hope you enjoy your time on here and do read the earlier blogs and questions as they are very interesting and may answer some of the questions you're bound to have. As I said, you are very welcome and do join in as the more the merrier!!! Welcome to the site where we all have one aim and that is to kick nic out of our lives forever.
We are all at different stages, some have been stopped a while, some just started and some thinking about it. Come on the site and you will find that people will post comments and give advice, we are also a very happy lot. suecx
Hi everyone, I managed a lie in today, making up for early start yesterday
It's nice to hear from you Buttons, happy 20th day, keep going, you can do this
Hi Jillygirl, hope you have a nice relaxing day, or do you have all the family coming round, either way hope it's a good one
Hi Suec, your gonna have a busy day, how do you manage it, think i need some of your energy :), I'm just have a relaxing day watching films, hope you have a fun filled day
Hi Sally, welcome to this wonderful site, I've been stopped for 6 months now, only got this far with all the help of the wonderful people on here, so like the others said, join in the daily chat, read all the blogs, you'll get loads of help and a laugh along the way. Sue x
Good morning everyone, blimey, I've been having computer problems starting last night. It's not the site but might be something to do with my broadband supplier - anyway, it's a real pain in the butt! Seems to be ok now finally - hooray!
Glad everyone's keeping strong and some of you busier than others!
Went for a run this morning, it was better than a couple of days ago and I have to keep trying.
Hi again
Just to let you all know .................
The sun has got his hat on
Hip Hip Hip Hooray
The sun has got his hat on
And he's coming out to play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I will spare you the rest because I don't actually know any more aren't you glad!!??
Got some washing 'toasting' in the sun and blowing in the breeze - ironing doesn't seem as much of a chore when stuffs been dried outside - fingers crossed,.
Anyway, will let you folks get on with the rest of your day - off to put the kettle on and get that last piece of chocolate cake out of it's hiding place to have with my cuppa!!
Hello everyone, and welcome aboard to Sally. Hope you are all ok. Do you good to lie in Sue, hope your ok today. Buttons hurry up and eat that cake before John sees it.
Suec, Don't be giving Sue all your energy I could do with a little bit too.
Andi hope you enjoyed your run this morning. I know what you mean about the mines aol and its been playing up.
Not much happening on the site today which could mean a couple of things........ either everyone has been puffing and feel guilty (which I really hope not) or its been fantastic weather with everyone and been out enjoying it (which Im hoping is the case )
Its been glorious here today again, done a lot of housework in the morning and got a shopping list done for monday and in the afternoon I went a walk with a friend and the kids, it was about 2-3 miles which was good, nice for a change and a different route.
I was really wanting to pinch a fag from my friend but she was strong and wouldnt give me one!!!
I think I wanted one out of habbit of having one with her rather than actually wanting/needing one you know?
I hope that everyone has been having a great day/weekend
I'm signing off now everyone, getting tired and this headache won't shift,
nite nite all, sweet dreams, xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tosue52
Nite nite Sue, and sweet dreams to you too gal xxx I hope your headache goes so you can get a good nights sleep speak to you tomorrow and you take care
Hey there Pete Take it you've finished work for today and it's souper to hear from you- was just gonna log off and then noticed that there was an extra comment on the blog - might have known it would be youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
How you doing - OK I hope. Saved you a bit of cake if you want it and I'll put the kettle on as well unless of course you want can and cake!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Hi Buttons, yep am ok tar now ave finished work, flippin long day or what
Erm I think I will go for the c & c please Butts luv it gal
Evening all, sorry I missed you Sue and Jilly, hope you both sleep, not forgetting to change the clocks too. I changed most of mine already so not so much of a task at bedtime.
Pete, glad you managed to get home at a more sensible time tonight - mind you, you shouldn't have even been there today anyway.
Sarah, I'm so pleased you didn't bum a fag off your friend - you'd have felt like s**t if you had. I think you're well on the way to being a permanent non-smoker now, way to go! I often visit a friend who still smokes and it really doesn't bother me about it, it's only when I get home that I realise how much I stink. Glad you enjoyed your walk, I had a short one at the seafront this afternoon. It stayed grey all day and it's still so cold.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Aup Andi, clocks hmmm am not changing mine until Monday !!!! cos I want a lie in tomorrow
In answer to your question last night, I'm off on Wednesday again.
OK peeps, me and hubby been having an after tea discussion, aided by a nice glass of red on world events. First up, is this the end. Is this the start of an ice age, with temperatures predicted to drop to -5 tonight there seems to be no end in sight. I personally feel like the world has already died. Trees still bare, daffodils still struggling to open, birds busily slinging their nests out of our porch roof this morning (I think they were having a bit of a tantrum, feathers flying everywhere), snow drifts still lying around everywhere. Then hubby starts chatting on about North and South Korea and nuclear threats. So I said all this stopping smoking nonsense, is there really any point? After all a nuclear bomb is going to do me far more damage than a few ciggies now isn't it. That put an end to the discussion :0 Makes you wonder tho doesn't it, are we giving it up in vein?
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Hiya Sin, not been out on your bike then? Now don't you remember the 70s - they were telling us then that we're at the beginning of a new ice age then everyone miraculously forgot that and jumped on the global warming bandwagon. (Just yet another way to get loads of money out of us!) My policy these days is to stick my head in the sand otherwise I'll go bonkers - as it is I'm a "grumpy old woman" once I get on my high horse!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Andi if you want to be a grummmmpy old Woman, then flippin enjoy it gal get on your high chair, ermmm high horse sorryyyyy
Just finished eating - about half the packet! (Can you tell I'm not having a weigh-in next week? ) Only 11 days this time. It's sis's birthday on the 8th and we're driving to France for a week cos that's something she's always wanted to do.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
No I'm not grumpy, but I always look for excuses for why giving up smoking is a bad idea and hubby gave me to reasons tonight, unfortunately he didn't see it that way haha
• in reply to
two reasons I mean.
Yeah but it's really freezing. I did go out on my bike yesterday just to Asda and back which is only a 20 minute ride there and back but i honestly thought my ears were going to fall off they were so cold. I'm the same with the likes of Korea though. It's my husband who sits there watching the news and saying how worrying it is. My attitude is well there isn't a right lot you can do single handed about Korea and what you don't know about, you can't worry about, still it did make me think, how annoying it would be if I'd done all this suffering for nothing. Haha, just ignore me, it's evening, I go into a decline in the evenings and teatime is just one long craving from about 6..00pm til I go to bed. I'm OK the rest of the day.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Sinfree, erm its like anything you do why do you mop your kitchen floor when you know hubby will walk in and dirty it again why do you wash your car, cos you know it will get dirty again you do it cos it needs doing
Have gone a bit mad this week though - cleaned a bathroom, defrosted the freezer and cleaned the fridge. Have been threatening to do more but got distracted so far.
I'm bored. Was going to buy a kindle today, went in two separate PC worlds and they didn't work properly in either, so am thinking I may save up for a Google Nexus phone instead.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
cos I'm a tech geek Haha. No, because I have a Sony Experia mini which I will have had for 2 years in September. I absolutely love it, but as smart phones go it's probably one of the smallest ever at 3.5" screen and is sending me blind. The Google Nexus 4 is not locked to a network and has some brill features for the money compared to the likes of iPhone's and Samsung top phones. I can read kindle books on the phone I have now so on a slightly bigger one I may not go so blind.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Whats up with the Nexus 7 ???? you can buy them for £159.00 off google, or £199.99 from PC world
I only just saw this Pete, was hard keeping up with everyone tonight. I quite fancy a nexus 7 but 1. I already have a cheap tablet which is a bit rubbish, 2. come September my phone contract will be up for renewal but I want to go back to giffgaff so will either have to get my phone unlocked or get a phone that isn't locked to a network. The Nexus 4 covers both wants/needs, just means I'll have to wait til September but they might be cheaper then anyway. Tsk life was so much simpler before the invention of all singing all dancing phones and tablets. Wish I'd never bought that camera I got when I first stopped smoking, have only used it once.
I got myself a fleecy headband which tucks under my helmet quite comfortably and is wonderful at keeping my ears warm on the bike. When I was walking this afternoon, most people had hats on or their hoods up to keep their ears warm. this weather is so crazy - when I was in the mountains, the temperature was -18 and I didn't feel as cold as what we have here.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Thats cos you were dressed for it eg thermals you dont expect it to be so cold here, do you
That's good. But they will all be gone now? Went in Lidl today, it's all cycling stuff. Last week I got a new helmet, a side stand and a bike computer, oh and some gloves from Lidl.
OMG -18 !!! Mind you the wind we're having here at the moment is coming from the arctic isn't it. Problem with round here on a bike is when we set off it's down hill so when you're doing 20 - 25mph down hill that wind is biting. I could do with some ear muffs on my helmet. I used to wear a hat in really cold weather until I came off my bike last year. That's how I came to break my rib as I was so concerned about keeping my head from crashing on the floor as I wasn't wearing a helmet that my side took all the impact as I tried to hold my head up. So I ALWAYS wear a helmet now.
Actually, when it was so cold I wore a buff under my helmet (we also had a wind chill on top! Brrrrrrr! ) and it's amazing what a difference it made - probably very good for on a bike too - why don't you try one?
Oh right, I thought that was quite adventurous. Mind you skiing would be extremely adventurous for me. Still it will still be very windy won't it when you're skiing down hill. Bet it's windy in those ski lift thingy's as well. Now I have images of Bridget Jones on that Ski lift
Instead of typing on each key you just draw your finger across from one letter to another til you have the word, it tends to use predictive text the more you use it though. I use it on my phone, I would be lost without it.
I can honestly say right now I am glad that I didnt get that fag from my friend, wasnt saying that at the time though!! But she did stink when she appeared at the house and that was after spraying loads of body spray!!
I hope you feeling better tomorrow Sue
Sin I am like that kind of too with finding excuses to keep smoking, would use the excuse 'im going to die anyway so might as well enjoy life while Im here' 'i dont want tobe even more grumpy than I am at the moment so I'll just carry on smoking' 'it keeps my weight down' 'id rather do without food and have a ciggy' but at the end of the day Sin all those excuses are stupid nasty excuses to keep smoking and if/when you stop it will be so much better for you and your family
We all have our bad days, ive had my fair share of them over the past few weeks but we will all get there and hopefully every day will get easier.
There are lots of new members in the last 2 weeks which is great...... keep it up people
I never thoughtIwould get to 11 weeks but with the help and support of the people on here I have made it, still got a long way to go before I feel that I can say that Im a non smoker but im getting there.
me too Sarah, I don't feel like a non smoker, more a practising non smoker, s'pose hopefully we'll get there in the end. I think I started my 10th week today. Not doing too bad now its just the evenings that get to me. I know what you mean about smokers smell, I notice it on people at work and it really is horrible. I've also come across clothes from last year, the odd time in my cupboards and I can very faintly smell smoke on those too, it's amazing how it clings to things.
Spinning? No, have suspended my gym membership til after my next holiday. They've now changed the memberships and we can't have holidays on it any more and it's supposed to be cheaper to compensate. We can use any of 4 council gyms now but I think there's only one party coming out on top - and that's not the member!
hehee this conversation is all over the place. That's cos am using a stupid little net book, the keyboard is awfull on it, I have to type with 2 fingers, which makes my replies late, wait for meeee, I can't keep up.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
I have to type with 1 finger gal, so think yourself lucky
Why what did I say? Oh I know, bet it was a reference to sinfree points or whatever they are in slimming world diets. I have never been on their facebook page but have just had a look, it looks quite good. Healthunlocked covers quite a lot of support groups.
Am sorry you lovely lovely people, but just got to go now, cos am noddin and my best typing fingers gone all dolally plus mi cans empty so i bid you all a lovely nights sleep and a craving free day tomorrow luvs ya xxxxxxx
Am going now too. Night Pete and Sarah, been nice chatting, I'm off to eat a creme egg or a hot x bun or something nice with a cup of tea. See you all soon. xx
I had both in the end. A toasted hot x bun followed by 2 or 3 creme egg splats - yummy
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