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Blow the bl***y doors off!!!!

Now I know and appreciate full well that today is Sunday and Sunday is a day of rest but if I can’t rest then why the hell should you lot! If you’ve nothing to do then you could give us a hand shovelling this white stuff as we seem to have got everyone else’s on top of and besides our own. Now the reason we need assistance (and the more the merrier) is because him and me are old and I hasten to add that although I will be one year older tomorrow (you see some things are meant to be as I was born on LADY DAY!) he is still slightly (don’t tell him I told you but 9 years) older than me. Now himself makes a very good foreman and can watch other people work without a problem (that’s what being retired for 2.1/2 years does for you), whereas me, I have making tea and coffee down to a fine art, so you’re all welcome but if you could bring your own snow shovel or just any old shovel that would be simply sooperrr!!

The blog title – well, the first thing I have to say about that is it obviously got your attention as you are now reading the blog! I was sat here at my desk and for some unknown reason, my mind wandered (as it does as you get older – and don’t worry, you’ll all be old sometime too and your minds will wander as well!) and Michael Caine’s name popped into my head and I always remember him saying the words of the blog title in the (original) film, The Italian Job. Now there are some things that you never forget and as my husband watched that film more times than I care to think about and then after watching it would spend days saying those same flipping words over and over again until I could have screamed I am not very likely to forget them and they do draw your attention do they not?! For some reason my husband has always loved Minis – proper Minis – NOT BMW Minis. When we were (a lot) younger, we had a Mini Cooper – orange it was with Cibie spotlights on the front!! It was fast (in those days compared to most other cars it was very fast) but the problem was that at 6’ 3” tall, my other half 9 times out of 10 banged his head when trying to get in or out of it! He still thinks they are a super car but time has made him realise that they are not for him or someone of his height and lack of flexibility. Anyway, just thought the title was a bit different and won’t mention it again – well, don’t think I will but may do but might not – read to the bitter end and find out!

Now yesterday, was one of those days when I wish that I had never got out of bed – it started off badly and then just got worse and worse and worse and it wasn’t because the snow never stopped all day either!

What I want to know is why, when you are feeling that way out, does the first thing that spring to your mind have to do with smoking?! I mean to say, smoking is not the b-all and end-all of your/my life… after all, we’ve gone without for - how long is it now – in my case, 14 days today (TWO WHOLE WEEKS – A FORTNIGHT – UNBELIEVABLE!) but for most of you it is a lot longer. After all, the last thing any of us want to do is light one of those obnoxious things – it’s a bit like me saying ‘well, I’ll go to the top of our stairs’ when I live in a bungalow! Do we look upon cigarettes as something akin to a crutch? I know I possibly do but I’ve managed for 14 whole days (it just sounds soooooOOO good that I just have to say it again) so yet again I ask - what is so different about today or any day when our brain, or is it our mind? (not too sure which but definitely one or possibly both), is telling us that everything will look so much better and be so much better if we just have THE ONE! Why does the brain/mind think it knows more than we do? Why does it do this to us? It is torture of the most horrible kind and to cap it all self-inflicted to boot but somehow each and every one of us when we have a day like this manage to find the strength from somewhere (I don’t know where) to fight it and say a positive and definite (or should that be definitive) NO .. thank you. Now I don’t know about you all, but it certainly makes me feel good and the more times we can do it the stronger we get and I have to say that, my own personal opinion is, that it does get easier to say NO but there are times when it just takes us that wee while longer to get to the point where we can say NO and MEAN IT. Sometimes evil does make a good case but not quite good enough thank goodness!

Why was yesterday a bad day – well like it or not, I am going to tell you all about it. Firstly, the weather does NOT put you in a good frame of mind – 7” or 8” of the pure white stuff is horrible. Never mind that when I was young (cheeky – yes I can remember it – well as it happens) I used to look out of the window and sing (badly I admit) “allez allez aster snow snow faster! So it was chores day as I had no excuse for not doing them as it wasn’t fit to do ought outside. So washing, cleaning, ironing etc., etc., were the things to do but with one major difference. For the first time in (nearly) 39 years of married life, I told my other half that washing the ashtray wasn’t my job anymore – it was his! Now I have to say that the look on his face was absolutely priceless and I just wish I’d had a camera! The st...h errr smell of this ‘item’ was horrendous. First time I’ve ever known him to be speechless and it lasted until I shouted at him that no, you don’t use the tea towel for drying it!?!!! At this point, he did his Dick Dastardly’s Mutley impersonation with mutter chunter and refused to tell me what he was saying so I left him to it – no doubt he will at some point in the future tell me what he did say but I’m in no rush to hear it! I never realised before just how thick the black stuff is in an ashtray especially when it hasn’t been washed for a couple of weeks. It really does make me cringe to think what have I been inhaling and what has it done to various parts of my body? Definitely not nice and extremely nasty and me thinks that looking at a mucky ashtray occasionally will help me to remember why I gave up and will not only enable me to say NO thank more quickly but also boost my resolve and help me (hopefully) get through another day or couple of days.

Now for a change – just how many of us on this site can remember 10 shilling notes? I for one can. Can anyone recall £1 notes? Yep, I can. In fact, somewhere within this building that I call home, I have 2 brand spanking new uncirculated ones. But I digress (yes I was reading the dictionary again last night). Now we all know that these notes no longer exist so the lowest denomination of note that there is is a fiver. Everyone agree and with me so far? Good. Now there are some that may think this is a bit extreme but bear with me until you read to the end because, like it or not, it is not that far from the truth. If we still had 10 shilling or £1 notes I would suggest that you take 10 of the first mentioned or 5 of the second mentioned but as we haven’t, then just take one £5 note. Place it flat on a hard, flat surface and it doesn’t matter which way up, entirely up to you. Now move it about until as you are looking at it, the longest length goes away from you. With me so far? Good then I’ll carry on. Now, cut a small piece of sellotape and attach it (very) carefully to the back of your hand so that only a very small amount is actually stuck to your hand – otherwise it hurts like hell when you pull it off! Now, start at the end nearest to your body and roll it up as tightly as you can all the way to the other end. When you get to the other end (the one furthest away from you) whatever you do don’t let go! Take the piece of sticky tape off your hand and stick it part on the loose edge and part on the ‘rolled-up’ bit so that basically you have a round. (Some of you may now have an idea of what this is all about! Yes/No?) Now, you can place this ‘stick’ somewhere that is easily accessible such as your pocket, on your mantelpiece, generally anywhere that gives you easy access. Now if you’ve been reading my blogs, you will know that I priced a packet of 10 cigs up the other day at £4.20 so, with the implementation of the budget changes, logic says to me that the price of that 10 packet of cigs will be a darn sight nearer or exactly on £5. Right, the next time you have a craving, get your ‘stick’ and light it! Yes, you heard correctly, light it! Now just how many of us would set light to a £5 note – don’t think there are many if any – setting this £5 note on fire is no different to lighting a cigarette – we are just burning money away. If you are able to light your £5 note then what is there to say as personally I have found this to be an excellent incentive to saying NO BL***Y THANK YOU!

Right folks, I’ve finished blogging (for the moment – for this morning) so yeah, it’s perfectly OK to cheer and shout YIPPEEEEE!!!!!

Going to comb my dogs as they’ve had an absolutely wonderful time in all the snow – cleared a decent sized piece in the back garden and where did they want to have a wee? Yep, at the top of the biggest pile of snow there was! Oh well, at least they had a good day yesterday.

Wishing everyone an absolutely dickydoo day and may see you this afternoon or tonight but there again, may not!

Whatever you’re doing/about to do – enjoy – TIME IS PRECIOUS SO WASTE IT WISELY!

Take care everyone,


AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION as all hell will break loose …

9 Replies
simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Fantastic Buttons love the 5 note just think how much we have burned worked out at todays prices me and hubby spent 335000 ish which is frightening. Got to dig car out to go for can er treatment tomorrow but like you two both getting on in years. Know wbat you mean aboutashtray as hubby still smoking. The smell is enough to put anyone off smoking. I am at 1 week tomorrow not getting too excited as done 3 month before. One thing that has started md smoking is that when trying to stop have always felt ill I thought we were supposed to feel better. Just started snowing here again when will it stop where has Sprjng gone. LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR NEXT POST Take care and keep smiling sue cx

Hi Simba Firstly, thanks for sticking through reading my blog to the bitter end. The fiver really does make one stop and think and if you were to get one ready, maybe, just possibly, that will help you get through a couple of days smoke free. Hope you manage to get your car out - shame you haven't young neighbours that would do it for you and will be thinking of you tomorrow. Would say that yes, you are supposed to feel better if you stop but two phrases my Mum and Dad used to use definitely spring to mind because, in a sense, they are so very true. Firstly, you have to feel worse to get better and secondly, blast it can't remember now so this is what old age does to you!!!! if I remember what it was I will come back on and say it before I forget again. Take care, Buttons52.

Remembered - there is no gain without pain.


simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Thanks I am sure you are righf will keep sending nic away. Xx

Oh dear Very wrong of me to say what that second phrase was with you going for treatment tomorrow so really sorry if I have upset you that was definitely, positively not my intention.

Stay strong - together we can do this!


simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner


Thank you.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Ha ha ha just love it gal :D :D

I never could afford a mini cooper :( but my first car was a ford anglia, maroon was the colour which I didnt like much :P it had a 997cc engine in it, which was a bit naff tooo :P

So I stripped her down and rebuilt her :) with the help of my dad and granddad :)

A lotus/cortina 2000cc engine was put into her, with a 1500 gearbox :) we painted her traffic yellow, ( which was orange by the way ) with black bonnet,roof and of corse boot :) Dulux paint by the way, and she looked a beauty :) :)

She was sh-- off a shovel erm very fast :) :) she beat nearly every car on the Estate :) huh but my elder Sisters boyfriend had a lotus elan, :( had no chance against that :P :P

I could still pull the birds in my anglia though :) :)

tomc profile image

monky Your lucky, my first car was a ROLLS CAN ARDLY.

It rolled down hills and could ardly get up them again!!


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