HELP I came home and left my inhaler in the office and I started to panic.. What do I do???? Well nothing all I can do is have an early night and get into the office as fast as I can tomorrow, How strong I feel now about the change in my thinking now that I am a quitter,, Hope you are all having a good day..
Panic station: HELP I came home and left my... - Quit Support
Panic station

well done happyme...youve coped John has a good point..but I'm sure you just had the 'old thinking' kick in for a bit friend who gave up 2 years ago was in a minor car accident last week and she said at the time she really wanted a fag..its only natural that at certain times the old thinking will jump up..the thing is to let it you have ..have a good eve

A big well done Happyou
Thats magic, you keep focused and strong on your quit, cos i now know your going to get there with or without your inhalator
speak soon.
Thanks Pete.. I feel so focused and strong now,, I am getting good on the smiley faces too... :):):)
Aup Haapyou, just a quicky
Put a space or 2 between your smilies
then they will work out

Hi John and Jan. What you say is so true but I feel so calm now and have come this far to give me,, I cant wait to go and see my new leaf adviser tomorrow and see what me carbon monoxide reading two weeks down the road from my last visit,, New leaf is a quit smoking help group set up by the government to help people,,

Glad to see that you feel so much more positive now. Sometimes you have just go to go with the feeling but not let the craving beat you
Well done to you