Daily Chat: Friday 8th February 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Friday 8th February 2013

andi22 profile image
39 Replies

Good morning everyone, last working day of the week then the weekend is here!

Big well done to Jan yesterday to finally make that leap and take the first step to a smoke-free life. :)

Hope today is easier for you all today - I don't think there's going to be too much wind about today - I can't speak for the Orkneys though! :o :)

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andi22 profile image
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39 Replies
sue52 profile image

Goo Morning Andi and everyone,

Your picture is soooooo cute today Andi, I love it :) :)

We've no wind here today thankfully, I might manage a walk later now :) Hubby is off on holiday now so it will be a fight for the computer :D :D I might go buy some paint for the living room, that will keep him out of trouble, and away from the computer :D :D

I'm away to have breakfast then go collect my prescription, see you later :) xx

thenunn profile image

Good morning all :)

Thank you Andi , have to admit it was harder this morning getting up and not having one..i was racing around like a hare to find my ecig lol ..I cant quite fugure out what it is in cigs that makes us want one even when we know we really dont.

Anyway I have a patch on today ,my trusty ecig for BIG craves, and we'll see how it goes.

Hope everyone is up for a nice sunny happy friday ,well its sunny here in gosport almost spring :)

Im off to sand and fill kitchen walls..coffee break at 10:30 :)


thenunn profile image

ahh coffee break..:)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Good day all and HAPPY FRIDAY :)

Its not too bad a day out there today, :) shame we're headed to the town soon :( got plenty of washing to do but it will wait I suppose.

Had some rewlly wierd dreams last night again, dreamt Id bought 10 fags and Id smoked one, I woke up with the taste of fags in my mouth and feeling sick and dizzy!

Keep it up Jan, your doing fine, it will get easier if you stick with it.

A lot of people have been speaking about Alan Carrs book about stopping smoking, have you tried that?

I havent but they say its good.

I wonder how jilly is getting on and Mad.........Emjay doesnt seem to be around much now either, anybody know where they all are?

thenunn profile image

Hi sarah..I have read it in the past and yes it can help,I have another very good book that has helped as well ..but at the end of the day it comes down to me to make the choice and at the present I am choosing not to smoke ;)

Yes I had a message from Mad yesterday which was nice and I do hope Jilly is doing ok.

When Im ironing I'll think od you washing lol..im playing with plaster at the mo :(

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Thats kinds what I think too Jan... Im using champix rablets but you do need willpower with them too, people told me they had used them and they stopped and they didnt get cravings, maybe it did work like that for them but it doesnt seem to be working like that for me or Sin.

Awww glad Mad is still around

What you doing with plaster?

Well better go get ready for going to town, wont be home till tea time :(

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everybody and Happy Friday :D

I'm right here Sarah, always about behind the scenes somewhere and popping in for the odd cup of tea here and there. Always, on your shoulder for support as and when needed though ;-) You're right in what you say about still needing willpower, no matter what you use. Nicotine is a very addictive drug and as you have found affects you both physically and psychologically. Whatever type of therapy you use will only help take the edge off any cravings, there is no wonder drug although the therapy that you put the most faith into is the one that is likely to work the best for you. Stopping smoking does take some amount of effort but those who get there say that it is worth it :-)

Jan, sounds like you are keeping busy :-) Let me if you want me to add you onto our Wall of Winners :D

Love the little pooch picture Andi :D

Sue, let us know when you are back and I'll get the kettle on :D

I'm just going to pop a little update up about our Jillygirl

I hope everyone is having a nice day so fay :D

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

Just back and it's lovely out there, like a spring day, better make the most of it we get snow again on Sunday :o

Well done Jan for taking that first step to not smoking, it will get easier as time passes, keep up the good work, you can do this :) Hope you get your kitchen done soon :)

I used to have these dreams as well Sarah except i was always caught by Emjay, she must have been sitting on my shoulder :D :D have a good day in town :)

I've got the kettle on if you want a cuppa Emjay :) thank you for updating us on Jillygirl, i was wondering how she was doing, hopefully everything is going great for her :) have a good day Emjay :)

sue52 profile image

:D :D sorry John i'm my phone just now, you'll have to wait till later, unless someone else gives you one.

Hope you have a good day :)

cara62 profile image
cara6222 Months Winner

Hi All Well I want to tell you all that I resisted going to the shops and buying tobacco this afternoon after having quite a stressful day. Did a seven day work week this week and I am so tired and quite stressed. The one thing that stopped me was I have come this far and no way am I giving in to stress. I am so proud of myself :):

in reply to cara62

Well done you,


So you should be proud of yourself

thenunn profile image
thenunn in reply to cara62

well done happyme ..gosh thats a long week .you should be proud of yourself youve done brilliant :) x jan

cara62 profile image
cara6222 Months Winner

Ah thanks Madimad, thanks for your round of applause.. I am stress free now that I am home and having space..x..

in reply to cara62

:D :)

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Well done happyme, its not long till a new week either ;)

Hope everyone has a good Friday night,

Had a ok time in town (no fighting before, during or after and no fags bought or smoked!)

Itmwas a bit of a waste to go in early really coz we didnt manage to change a/c's at the bank, apparently you have to make appointments grrrrr, the frigging bank manager was there too, thankfully she just gonna let me sort Stewarts a/c's out without him being there, just have to take the forms home for him to sign ;) )

The travel agents are gonna send us options of holidays and prices, the kids are getting excited, will have to get Stew's spending in check now ;)

So on a whole its been a ok day, really tired now and looking forward to bedtime

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Well done happyme, its not long till a new week either ;)

Hope everyone has a good Friday night,

Had a ok time in town (no fighting before, during or after and no fags bought or smoked!)

Itmwas a bit of a waste to go in early really coz we didnt manage to change a/c's at the bank, apparently you have to make appointments grrrrr, the frigging bank manager was there too, thankfully she just gonna let me sort Stewarts a/c's out without him being there, just have to take the forms home for him to sign ;) )

The travel agents are gonna send us options of holidays and prices, the kids are getting excited, will have to get Stew's spending in check now ;)

So on a whole its been a ok day, really tired now and looking forward to bedtime

andi22 profile image

Good evening all, I see the gremlins have been about today and it just took me about 15 minutes to get on site - think we'll have to get the spears at the ready. :o

andi22 profile image

Great going Happy and Sarah - you obviously both realise that you can get through those stressful times without that ciggie as we all know that they don't really make a difference to the stress levels at all. :)

thenunn profile image

no gremlins here andi :)

sue52 profile image

I'm the same Andi, it's taken me that long i nearly gave up :o

well done Happy and Sarah :) as Andi said you can get through those times now :)

hope everyone is having a great evening :)

sue52 profile image

I'm the same Andi, it's taken me that long i nearly gave up :o

well done Happy and Sarah :) as Andi said you can get through those times now :)

hope everyone is having a great evening :)

cara62 profile image
cara6222 Months Winner

Thanks guys I am at home now and so happy to be chillaxing and free from stress.. I love a Friday night..x

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

So am I happy, Fridays are fantastic, soap night and looking forward to a relaxing and hopefully stress free weekend for EVERYONE

Its not just me and happy that needs the well done (not that I mind you all saying well done to me) its ALL of us that deserves the well dones :)

Anybody wanting the last of the crispy squares and a cuppa whilw Im up????

andi22 profile image

I think Jan should have gone to specsavers! :o :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :)

Hmmmm sounds like most of us like Fridays then :) :) please include me on that one, especially now ave finished for the week :) yipppppeeeeee

andi22 profile image

Good evening Pete, was wondering where you'd got to. Missed you last night as I fell asleep then was too tired to come back on. :o Might last out a few more minutes now. (Yawn, yawn) :) :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi :) :) yeah work late again, but now ave finished :) :)

Hows your day bin, ave you bin runnin :o and hey Andi you dont have to stay up for me you know, so if you want some zzzzzzzzz go have em gal :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite Sue, ha ha I got the gremlins last night, looks like you got em tonight gal :o :(

Have a good nights sleep Sue and will speak tomorrow :) luvs ya xxxx :)

andi22 profile image

Hey Pete, no running today. I got up with the intention of running but one of my legs was a bit achy (probably after yesterday's pt session :o ) so thought it best not to. I went to deep water aqua and hoped that would pull it out a bit and I think it has eased off as the day went on so hopefully will go tomorrow. :)

Don't know Where Sue's gone - must be her turn for a nod tonight. :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Ermmmm I hope you dont mind me askin :o but what is deep water aqua ?? sorry for bein nosey :o :D

andi22 profile image

Erm, I did tell you last year but I don't mind repeating it - I know the memory gets worse as we get older. :) You put on a buoyancy belt and do exercises in the deep end of the swimming pool. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Erm, how the flippin heck am I supposed to remember what you told me last year :o cant flippin remember what you told me last night :D :D dont forget am a man :o :|

Hmmmmm so you get wet then :o :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Yes, you also wear a swimming costume. :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Huh thats spoilt it :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

hey did your lawn man come yesterday ??

andi22 profile image

Right, I've got to go to bye-byes now.

Nite nite Pete and everyone, sleep well and luv you all. :) xxxxxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Nite nite Andi, thanks for the chat gal :) :) you go get some zzzzzzzzzzz done, so your ready for your run tomorrow :) luvs ya and take care now xxxxx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good Nite everybody, sweet dreams all and luvs ya :) :) xxxxx

Orkneysarah profile image
Orkneysarah25 Months Winner

Away to bed myself, I wont keep this beautiful just by luck alone lol

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