Daily Chat: Monday 26th November 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Monday 26th November 2012

EmJay profile image
24 Replies

Good Morning Everybody,

Welcome to a fresh new week :-) Does this mean that you now have;

a) another smokefree week under your belts?

b) stepped into your first day as a non-smoker?

c) to get yourself back in the 'focus' zone and get back on track?

Wherever it is that you are at, come and share your experiences and if you are struggling, then please let us know and we can help steer you in the right direction.

Remember to stay positive and in control.

Big hugs and plenty of positive vibes have been packed off into our Jillygir's hospital staying in back. Heart scan booked in for today and then her exploratory op booked in for tomorrow. I shall keep you al updated as and when I hear anything xx

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EmJay profile image
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24 Replies
sue52 profile image

Good morning Emjay, I slept in this morning, trying to make up for the sleep i lost a couple of nights ago, don't think it works that way though :D :D

Don't know what the weather is doing here today, it's windy with a funny looking sky :o :D

I'm not doing much today, just lovely housework, think i'd rather do this

us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/... :D

My thoughts are with Jillygirl today, (((hugs))), positive vibes and spears are on there way to her

hope you have a great day Emjay :) xx

sue52 profile image

Saw on Sky news that researchers at Kings College, London think they have found a link between smoking and ageing of the brain, especially in smokers over the age of 50, it affects memory and cognitive thinking

another good reason to stop smoking, and another reason why i'm glad i did :)

in reply to sue52

I also saw this Sue but I also read that Nicotine Patches helps people with memory loss, so I dont know who to believe anymore there,s so much info: which changes week to week. In the end its up to us to decide to kick the habit, I stopped because I wanted to not because it was bad for me.


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good afternoon

I saw that about smoking ageing the brain Sue. It does make sense considering the amount of damage it can do to other areas of the body.

I am off work again today, having a long weekend, it's still gone too fast though. I'm going into town now to do some shopping and meet up with a friend for coffee and maybe some chocolate cake :)

As with everyone else, my thoughts are with Jillygirl and loads of hugs and kisses xx

Don't overdo it with the housework Sue :) It would be great if someone invented a robot to do it for us :)

Until later, off out into the rain now I really do need to buy a brolly. xxx

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, hope you have a great day out, even though it's raining :o :D

love your chocolate cake idea, might just treat myself to some when i'm finished the housework :D :D

speak later :) xx

Chickles profile image

Gosh, tsi quiet today! Hope everyone as well! My thoughts and prayers are with Jilly too.

It's weather for ducks here! Have been working this morning, house alarm has had its service this afty. Tea to cook...roast chicken etc...

I've got some ironing to do, but it can wait. I've got a bit of a sore arm, god knows what I've done to it, but there's a whacking bruise on it. I'll have knocked it at work plus I've been shifting stuff about. That's my whinge for today :)

Have a great day off Kazz....happy housework Sue...enjoy your choccie cake. I've just had a mince pie and coffee.

Have a great afternoon!


jarvo profile image

Good afternoon everyone

It is quite on here, there's usually so much for me to catch up with!!

How is everyone today?

Its horrible here; very dark, cold and rainy :-(

Thinking of Jillygirl too today x

The research is very interesting isn't it? Like you say, smoking affects every part of the body. Another reason to quit or stay quit ;-)

Our community is growing, 264 members now! Everyone on here is a star, sharing your own stories and experiences helps others so much. If we have any new quitters, please let me know your quit date so we can add you to our Wall of Winners. After all you deserve to be recognised 8-)

Speak soon

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jarvo

Afternoon Jarvo, hope your having a good day

Just as well i stopped my brain cell is already in trouble

static2.fjcdn.com/comments/... :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Chickles, think your weather is heading our way, judging by the sky, I just hope we get snow at Xmas instead of rain :D

Hope your arm feels better soon, you'll just have to put your feet up and have another coffee :D :D

I hoovered my bedroom and barely managed cause of the pain in my back so it's cuppa time for me, will try and make soup later

Hope you have great afternoon as well :) x

Chickles profile image

Hey Sue,

My arm is just achy, it'll be right :) Aww poor you suffering with back ache. Touch wood, I don't have problems with my back, it's everything else that's dropping to bits, ha!

Have got a busy week again, infact all the weeks leading up to Christmas are busy. It's our works 'do' this Friday. A work friend said she'd pick me up, so I can have a drink, but I don't want to have a lot, cos I've got lots to do Saturday, so I think I'll drive. I might change my mind between now and then.

Have you made your soup? I love homemade soup! My tummy is a rumbling now!


sue52 profile image

Hi Chickles, i'm glad your arm is not to bad, especially with the busy time your away to have

If your anything like me you will change your mind and let your friend pick you up :D :D

got my soup made, it just needs another 20 mins or so and it will be ready, so that's tea sorted :) x

andi22 profile image

Good evening all.

Glad to see you've all had a good day apart from the aches and pains. :o

I think it's just about finished raining down here now.

I was out early to the gym then went to the physio at the hospital for my assessment. There's no rupture or tears so just carry on as I'm doing and give it time. No impact stuff and no running til next year - if it hurts then don't do it! Just be patient.

Got a bit stir crazy over the weekend so went with my friend to mooch around the shops in Lymington. Amazing how much standing water was on the roads and in the fields in the Forest but nice to have a change of scene. :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Andi, i'm glad there's no real damage done to your ankle, bet you go crazy not being able to run for a while

picturesof.net/_images_300/... :D :D

andi22 profile image

Hi Sue, yes, it is frustrating, especially now Emjay's started - we could have been doing the program in tandem! I will get there though - just think I've been very unlucky with my running experience so far. My plan is to run enough so I can join a running club so that I get out and meet new people that aren't all older than me! :)

sue52 profile image

That's a brill idea to join a running club, you'll just have to be patient, which i know isn't easy, i've got no patience at all :D you'll soon get there :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Andi

I'm pleased to hear that there is no lasting damage to your ankle. I can imagine it will drive you mad not being able to run, leap and bound everywhere though :( Swimming seems to be the best option when people are recuperating from an injury. It's not long until the New Year but I suppose it will seem like ages away to you if you can't run until then. The time will soon pass and then you can run and burn off all those Christmas calories :)

Sue, what flavour soup did you make? It was pouring down here today and I was wet and cold when I got in and a nice mug of your home made soup would have gone down a treat :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, i made vegetable soup, a little bit thick, had some with crusty bread, yummy, if i do say so myself :D :D

andi22 profile image

Hi Kazz.

Hope you enjoyed your retail therapy. I'd really like to but some new clothes but just can't find anything inspiring in the shops these days. Everything's so dull or full of seasonal bling - great if you're like Chickles or Mad and going out to dinner/dances and the like for the time of year. I'm desperate for some new trousers but they're all either too big or too small etc. etc. :( (Bah, humbug!) :D :D

Swimming might be good but I've found that it's difficult flapping that foot around (if you know what I mean). :o That's why the deep water aqua class is so good for me - and it's not boring like going up & down, up & down, up & down is. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody its only me,

Big huggggggs and cuddles going out to Jillygirl :) :)

Sue i could just do with some of that veg soup, got any spare gal :P :) :)

Andi, glad that you havent hurt your ankle that bad, but like Kaz has said i bet it hurts you cus you cant go running for a bit :( the time will soon go gal :) :)

So Kaz you got wet then, why didnt you put your pac-a-mac on then :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Pete, I got loads left, here's some for you


glad to see you sound cheery tonight :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Awww cheers Sue that looks lovely gal :P :) yummy toooooo

Got to call it a day now, so i bid you all a good nights sleep, and enjoy it :) :)

Nite nite everybody :)

sue52 profile image

nite nite Pete, sweet dreams :) x

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone, i need to go too, i'm getting tired

nite nite, sweet dreams, :) x

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Night night Sue & Pete, sweet dreams, sleep well you deserve it .

I am not wearing a pacamac :) I don't have a brolly so I should get a pacahood :)

I can tell you're Sue's favourite, I didn't get any thick vegetable soup and it looked yummy and I'm hungry..... oh well I will just have to have a snickers bar :) Maybe I can have some soup for lunch tomorrow if there is any left :D

Aqua class does sound more fun than just swimming up and down, plus I always find that swimming is much more appealing when it's warm in summer.

I bought myself a nice jumper today, just something to go with jeans. I have my works do in December but I think I will just wear something I already have rather than buy something new. I find M & S are quite good for trousers, I have trouble finding something to fit me in the leg length as I have 35" inside leg. I buy some things from LongTall Sally but their trousers only start at 38" inside leg so they are too long.

Well I am off to bed now, so speak to you all tomorrow, sleep well everyone xxx

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