Daily chat: Tuesday 20th November 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily chat: Tuesday 20th November 2012

andi22 profile image
56 Replies

Good morning everyone.

Just opening for you all this morning, can't think of anything to say so you can all say it for me. Have a good day. :)

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andi22 profile image
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56 Replies

Good morning to everyone, hope you all have a happy day.

andi22 profile image

Morning Mad, I see you're an early riser too. :)

Just back from the gym and managed to miss the deluge. :o It's a very grey day today (couldn't tell what it was when I went out) but won't let that get me down. :)

It's coffee morning this morning so I think I've earnt my cake for today. :)

in reply toandi22

I am an early riser Andi, if its after six then I,ve slept in and have an awful headache.I usually am out for a walk about seven but this stupid leg has put and end to that for the time being. Never mind, must have patience and wait and see. I can still have slow walks and doing qigong every morning will keep me going.

Have a good day


dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Morning Andi and Mad,

It's grey and miserable here in London but I AM NOT!

2 weeks today...yyyyeeeehhhh! I was reading the posts from

last night and you said Andi that I should buy a laptop in the January

sales and I think your'e right. We do have an Ipad at home but OH is always

on it so at least if I have my own laptop I can join you guys in the evenings

and at weekends. So yes that's what I'll do. Mind you i'm c..p with computers

but I'm sure it will be fun. Good luck to you Jilly, we'll all be crossing everything

for you! Have a great day everyone. Speak later, meanwhile I must get some work done

lol! Dawnxxx

in reply todawlol

Well done Dawn, has it been hard for you? or has the 2 weeks gone by fast. It seems to be a curse to some trying to stop and easier for others. I think a lot of its in our mind and if we change the way we think at lot of habits can be dealt with without to much effort, but that just my opinion, we all deal with things in a different way.Sometimes I use to grab a ciggy if I felt stressed but slowly woke up to the fact that the problems still there ciggy or no ciggy, took me a long time but its better late than never.

Have a good day


dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner in reply to

Hi Mad,

Yes I've found it really easy this time. I think it's a mixture

of me really not wanting to smoke anymore and the patches

which really do take away the cravings for me. Your'e right

smoking doesn't solve anything, in times of stress we think we need

a cigarette but when we have one what happens...a BIG FAT NOTHING!

Although the patches do help it still is a case of mind over matter.

Dawn xxx

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Folks and folkess's :-)

Its quite a wet and windy day here today so for anybody around the North West of England, wrap up warm. I've also heard that there are threats of flooding within the Scotland area so Sue, you take it easy if you are venturing out today ;-/

Andi, week 1, day 2 of C25K ... done :D I ventured out all excited again after work last night. Shall be running a Marathon together before we know it ;-) Enjoy your coffee morning and enjoy your well earned cake!

Hey mad, lovely to see you about. I've just checked on our 'Wall of Winners' and can't see that we have your quit date on there. Let us know what it is and we'll make sure you're recognised for your efforts :D

Dawn, big fat huge congratulations to you :D 2 weeks now puts you steps ahead :D

Big waves to everybody else.

If you are having a tough time, be sure to let us know so that we can point you in the right direction.

Remembering that it's only the very next cigarette that you want that you need to say "no" to. The more times that you say "no", the easier it will be. It's funny how the word 'No' is only made up of two letters but is quite often hard to say :-/

in reply toEmJay

Morning Emjay, its 7 mnths tomorrow since the last cigarette and I,m pleased with myself, as i,ve said before it was very easy for me to quit and after reading some of the stories on here I realize I am lucky. I am sure it helped because I had stopped enjoying them and was smoking for smoking sake. I use to really enjoy one but in the end the taste of them wasnt doing anythink for me it was JUST A HABIT.

Have a nice day, although as you say the weather here is awful,

take care all


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toEmJay

Hi Emjay, great you've done day 2 BUT don't overdo it please - you're supposed to have a day off running in between so your muscles can get used to it. I know that for some of us it seems really easy at the beginning but please take it slowly. What's your first target next year or are you going to play it by ear for now until you really get into it? Was wondering too, is your OH doing it as well? ;-) :) :D

EmJay profile image

7 months is brilliant Mad :D I think that once the seed is planted (about quitting), we quite often believe that they 'taste nicer', however, once changes have been made and we re-programme our way of thinking in a positive way, then we recognise how awful smoking really tastes. I mean, come on - for something that gives us that 'ciggy breath' how can it possibly taste so nice? Not forgetting that smoking ruins our taste buds so that we can't taste or smell anything anyway.

On a positive though, within days of stopping smoking the first thing to return is our sense of taste and sense of smell. How good is that then? Perfect! :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good afternoon

Congratulation Dawn on 2 weeks today and Mad on 7 months tomorrow you are both doing amazingly well and I hope you are both proud of yourselves because you should be :)

I can't wait to be able to say I've not smoked for 6 months, I will definitely treat myself to something special when that day arrives.

I can't believe you went to the gym so early Andi, you wear me out :) You also make me think about exercising, I know thinking about it isn't doing it but at least you are keeping it in the forefront of my mind and eventually I will actually do something. :)

I'm in the Northwest and even though it is very dull outside, it's not rained here yet. I was thinking of going for a walk during my lunch break but it looks like it could rain any minute :D :P

I'm really struggling with giving up at the moment, I don't like to say much on here in case it gets you all down or even puts people off attempting to give up if they are thinking about it. I will persevere though as Pete told me he would give me a treat at 9 weeks (yes I haven't forgotten Pete) and I am going to get myself a super duper treat at 6 months and also because I'm giving my body a big treat by not smoking. Could do with a few spears at the moment though :) Coming on here everyday and reading all about your ups and downs helps me immensely.

Well done on day 2 of C25k EmJay, keep up the good work. I don't know what C25k is so I will go and see if I can find out on t'internet :)

Byeeee for now :)

in reply toKazzachoc

I,m sorry your having a hard time Kazz, it must be awful but I,m sure it will get easier for you. Mybe you need to change your NRT, it possible its not strong enough to get you through the cravings. As for feeling depressed and angry I think this is quite normal and will pass with time, when your feeling really down remember nothink last forever and those feeling will go away. Why not treat yourself to a nice bottle of pefume or somethink you really like ( perfume does it for me ) it might buck you up.

Gooooooood luck, you,ll get there.


andi22 profile image

Dawn, BIG well done on getting to 2 weeks today! :)

Kazz, sorry you're finding it a bit tough at the moment - perhaps you're going through that grieving time right now as in that you're really missing your "best friend". It got me a few times and I too didn't want to come on here but Pete, Sue, Jilly and Emjay all helped me to get through it each time so pleeeease come and have a moan as that's what we're all here for. :) Re the c25k program, you only have to go to the top of this page and look under 'my communities' and you'll find it there. Lots more inspirational stories to follow. :)

See you later. :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Kazz, this is the place where you need to let us know when and if your are struggling. We can then help you out when you need it.

When you say you are struggling, how do you mean? Can you describe how it is you actually feel? Does it seem to be physical or mental cravings - so for example is your tummy in knots, does your mouth water or is it that you feel angry, upset, scatty? Are you able to recognise how often you feel like this and how often these feelings last for? Let us know as much as you can and we'll see what we can do.

C25K stands for Couch to 5K and is a project that encourages couch potatoes to get up and start running 5k within 9 weeks. It starts off with week 1 and you go for a 5 minutes brisk walk warm up, 60 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking, 60 seconds jogging, 90 seconds walking and so on until the last 5 minutes of walking to cool down. This last for a total of 30 minutes all together and you should aim to do this 3 times in your first week. I have downloaded an app to my phone so that it tells me when the 30 / seconds run out :D I'm loving it at the minute, although I've only done it twice so far... It's worth a go :-)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks Andi & EmJay. the C25K sounds like a great idea, so people can go from doing nothing to building up gradually so it's not something to daunting. I will have a look at the community. As you say Andi, I find coming on here really helps to keep me positive and you all make me laugh. I've said this before so I'll say it again :) I know I would have relapsed had it not been for everyone on here.

The feelings I am having now are mental (no comments from anyone thank you) :) I am constantly thinking about smoking, I feel unhappy and keep thinking that what's the point of giving up if I'm not happy and not often but occasionally feel like crying. I think if someone said something that wasn't very nice right now, I would burst into tears. The other day I felt really really angry for no reason. Also last week I was just stuffing my face with chocolate, even during the day in work which I never usually do. I already knew I had put 9lbs on so after last week I thought and felt like it was more like a stone. I got weighed this morning as I knew I couldn't bury my head in the sand and I've actually lost a pound so that cheered me up, don't know how I did it :)

Bet you wished you hadn't asked now EmJay :) Maybe if I keep thinking of Pete in his grey pacamac, black leggings, black pacahood and man bag, that will lift my spirits :D

Thanks for your support it helps a lot xxx

andi22 profile image



andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toandi22


Hey Kazz (sorry I hit enter by mistake)

Only one problem - no two - can't find the hat and can't stick them all together. :o :D :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

I'm sat at my desk laughing :D :D That is exactly what I imagined Pete in. I have found a pacahood but can't find a man wearing one, I am sure they are unisex :D


Chickles profile image

Hey up peeplies!

Hope that everyone is well!

I was up at 5.45 this morning, showered, dressed, breakfast and out for work at 0715hrs! Got home at 2pm, just changed the beds, emptied the dishwasher, and put some washing in. Am having a well deserved coffee. Got on the scales today and have lost 10 pounds! Woo hoo! My healthy eating is deffo working and my not buying biccies etc plus I am constantly on the go.

So, after 80 days of not smoking, I can honestly say that I've lost weight! Woo hoo! I did have a proper pigging out week, I ate chocolate(which I don't like), sweets, crisps, lots of puddings, far too much cheese and bread. If I'd eaten anymore I'd have gone pop!

I've just read your post Kazz about eating choccie and stuff, it will wear off, honest! You are doing brilliant! If you want to have a right good cry, do it and you'll feel lots better. You have achieved a great deal and you smell nice and you're healthier and richer too! Hugs for you x

I can say that for the past month or so I have felt crap! Sinus problems, chest problems, dicky ticker, dental infection....I would normally have caved in, but I haven't and I've had some right paddies (ask my daughter, bless her, for being so patient with me). So Kazz, you are more than entitled to be grumpy and weepy and proper fed up!

Coffee break over, am away to make tea, bolognese, with peppers, mushrooms, onions and garlic, oh and garlic bread too! As per am starving hungry, have had oats so simple today and a tuna sandwich at lunch time.

Laters all


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toChickles


delina profile image
delina21 Months Winner

Hi everyone, what a dark miserable day today, hope everyone is having a good day :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks for your support Chickles, I'm glad to see you are having a lazy day :D :D

I'm just being mard really, compared to other people I have no excuse to moan at all. You have and are doing brilliantly Chickles, giving up smoking, getting through your health problems AND losing weight, you are a star.

All round your for tea then? :) Actually, I'm having porridge for tea tonight, I know that sounds a bit weird for tea but I need something quick as I am going out and at least it's healthy and filling and better than junk food.

Well I have been for a few laps round the ping pong table then I phoned my local stop smoking service at a Chemist close to where I live which EmJay directed me to via the NHS link. I can't see anyone until 1st December as I can only see them on a Saturday. I'm going for the support which I need at the moment and hopefully so that I can get my niQuitin minis on prescription but I don't know if that's possible, I will have to see. I'm feeling a bit better now, it's so good to have you all here. I'm also wondering if I should stop doing my daily spreadsheet as maybe that is just keeping me focussed on smoking, it was great at first but I think it might be time to let it go now :) I am not even concentrating on work as I'm doing my spreadsheet or looking up something about giving up smoking, it's like I've swapped the smoking habit for the non-smoking habit if you know what I mean :)

Thanks Mad, yes I might treat myself. I think the lozenges are strong enough as I was fine with them at first, and they are much better than I found patches to be. EmJay said that I am not taking that many of them, I was taking 6 a day but now it's gone up to 7 or 8 so I could always have more if the cravings get bad.


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toKazzachoc

Running shoes on - check.

Get ready - check.

GO! lh6.ggpht.com/_UpnppGz84mA/...

Is this what you look like when your going for your run round the ping pong table Kazz? :o :D :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER in reply toandi22

:D How did you get that pic of me??????

In my wildest dreams Andi :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Kaz, I'm not sorry I asked at all :-/ 'tis what we are here for Missus :D

The good news is that all the feelings you describe are all signs of recovery :D Your receptors are just kicking up a bit of fuss to try their very hardest to get you to give in and go back to smoking. If you were to give in at this point, I can almost guarantee that you would be left feeling guilty, down and on top of this you would have all the same kind of feelings for carrying on smoking. All these feelings will stay with you if you choose to go back to smoking, however if you continue to stay stopped then these feelings will ease off and life will eventually return to normal.

Are you taking your mini lozenges at the times when you need them too, just as an extra boost? It sounds to me like you are heading in the right direction, you just have to remain as positive as possible :-)

Remember, nobody said that it would be easy, but everybody says that it is worth it. You have come so far now, please just keep on keeping on and we'll get you to where you want to be :D

EmJay profile image

Hi Chickles, you sound really motivated :D 80 days quit - Fantastic! Looks like you've had quite a productive day and I'm sure your evening meal will give your weight loss more of a boost. It's sounds really healthy. Keep up the good work :D

Hey delina, it's dark already here... getting late early if that makes sense! :-/ How are you feeling today?

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toEmJay

Hi Emjay, I think you have a small dog but couldn't find one - think this is the next best thing. :)


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks EmJay, yes I am using the niQuitin minis. They are the best NRT product I have used.

I keep telling myself that if I start smoking again I will only want to stop again so what's the point of wasting the last 6 weeks and having to go through it all again. One of the motivational pics I printed off was " If you're tired of starting over, then stop giving up" :) so true. xx

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Gnite all! Have a great evening! Speak tomorrow.

Dawn xxx

Chickles profile image

Alas, Andi, the 'woman making bed pic' wouldn't open, loved the ping pong one for Kaz ;) Hope that you're keeping well and the ankle is on the mend!

Many thanks Emjay, I am very focused this time round, I am determined to stick with it this time after many attempts at quitting. We usually do have a 'healthy' menu here, but occasionally 'norty but nice' treats appear in my shopping trolley :)

I menu plan every week, have done for a long time. I don't like food going to waste :), plus it usually works out cheaper as well.

Love that line Kaz, '" If you're tired of starting over, then stop giving up", you're right it's so true! Rome wasn't built in a day chuck, and you have the motivation and willpower to do this, blimey you're already on week 6 which is awesome!

I was at a house today and someone was smoking outside with the door open, I could smell the smoke 2 rooms away! It was horrid! I went and shut the door as the people who live at the house don't smoke.

I like having fresh breath and clothes and car too!

Hopefully pop back later


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toChickles

Okay so that other one wouldn't work so this one will have to do! :o


Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good night Dawn, speak to you tomorrow xx

Thanks Chickles, you are doing brilliantly as well at 80 days, keep up the good work and you are right, Rome wasn't built in a day :) I love all these inspirational quotes, our brains wont know what has hit them, there wont be room for a negative thought :) they are like motivational spears :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

I'm going to get my porridge now and then I'm going out so I will speak to you all tomorrow. Thank you so much for all your support, it really does mean a lot.

Have a great evening, be good and if you can't be good be careful :D xxx

andi22 profile image

PETE! PETE! Are you home yet? :o

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Hi Andi, yeah am home gal, just sent Jillygirl a message, and bin lookin at the blogs :)

Chickles profile image

Ha, Andi- made me chuckle that did. Some of the piccies are really funny!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toChickles

I can't seem to find and post them as quickly as some of the others do though. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

What you have to do Andi is - open a new tab in your browser, although i think you said somthing funny happened when you did that the other day ! ?

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChickles

Aup Chickles, hey i got your name rite this time :D :)

And yes i noticed ANDI'S funny pics gal :o

Chickles profile image

Hey up Pete chuck! Hope that you've had a great day!

You're doing a good job with the piccies Andi!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChickles

Yes thank you chickles, a lot better day than yesterday :) :)

It sounds like your doing ok at the moment :)

andi22 profile image

Hiya Pete, did you have a good day at the office? :o


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Andi i wish gal :D :D

Lovely pic :) :)

Bloged you further up :o

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

I can do it now it's just that I'm not as quick at it as you, Jilly , Sue and Kazz! :o

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

(I think that's the home office) :)

Chickles profile image

Am tip top ta Pete!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChickles

Chickles that is just '' ACE '' gal thats what i like to hear :) :)

A massive well done to you for losing 10 bls tooooooooo that is pure magic gal :) :)

andi22 profile image

Wish I could lose 10 lbs! :(

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Hey gal, you will, when its time too :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Andi practice makes perfect :) :) and hey its the flippin typing that takes me the time gal, as in only got one finger that can do it :D :D

Well av got more than one finger, of corse i av :o :|

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

You obviously arnt ready yet !! dont push yourself to much, just take it in your stride, then maybe, you wont hurt yourself again, eh :) :)

andi22 profile image

I thought that Monky helped you with the typing. :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

I tell you Andi she does try to, she also helps to clean the bathroom sink :D :D


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Rite i shall say a very good nite to you all, cus my eyes are closing, so will have to go :( :)

Nite nite and luvs ya all, xxxx :)

Jillygirl & Sue, please please try to come and have a little chat tomorrow, cus i aint half missin you 2 buggers :P :D :D

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Pete, Chickles and everyone.

Sleep well. xx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Just posted you a pic :D :D

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