Daily Chat: Tuesday 18th December 2012 - Quit Support

Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Tuesday 18th December 2012

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER
46 Replies

Good morning everyone.

I thought I would open up for a change today. I have only had 1 cup of coffee up to now so can't think of much to say. I will be back later though when I have woken up.

I hope you have all had a good night's sleep and hope that you all have a great, craving free day.

Bye for now xx :)

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Kazzachoc profile image
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46 Replies
Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

It is Tuesday isn't it?? :D

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Kaz,

how lovely for you to 'open shop' :D Thanking you very kindly.

I popped up a post for you and countryfile yesterday about using your minis and thinking about cutting them down. Did you see it? :-) Yep, it is Tuesday which means that tomorrow is Wednesday and we will be halfway through this week already :-/

Big waves to our Jillygirl if you're having a nosie in. I hope you are feeling better now that you are home and your lovely hubby is a whizz at making a cuppa :-) xx

I hope everyone else is well :-)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Kaz,

how lovely for you to 'open shop' :D Thanking you very kindly.

I popped up a post for you and countryfile yesterday about using your minis and thinking about cutting them down. Did you see it? :-) Yep, it is Tuesday which means that tomorrow is Wednesday and we will be halfway through this week already :-/

Big waves to our Jillygirl if you're having a nosie in. I hope you are feeling better now that you are home and your lovely hubby is a whizz at making a cuppa :-) xx

I hope everyone else is well :-)

countryfile profile image

Hi,thats one thing I dont have,a good nights sleep,dreaming weird things,guess this is a side effect.

jarvo profile image

Good morning everyone

Thanks for posting a pic on the Daily Chat after Pete shouting at me yesterday for leaving my profile 'mug' on there!!! ;-)

So who's off spending all their pennies today? I'm hitting the Trafford Centre on Saturday and dreading it :-( I'm nearly sorted now. I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year. It sounds like your all looking forward to it too, yesterday’s comments were so positive, I love it. New Year = New You!!!

Speak soon


jarvo profile image

Hi Countryfile

Welcome to the group. 8-)

Sleep disturbance and weird dreams can be a withdrawal from quitting smoking. Please try and keep positive as these don’t usually last. Look at them as a sign of all the nasty toxins from the cigarettes leaving your body. It’s all good ;-) .

Have a little look at Emjays blogs quitsupport.healthunlocked.... see if this helps you.

Or you might find stopsmoking.org.uk/content/... ,


Please shout if you need anything else. ;-) Keep with it Countryfile 8-)

sue52 profile image

Hi Everyone, I'm just up, again :o had a bad night with pain, I really should work nights :D :D I've been down to the shops, which took me ages, at least it's not as cold though :D

I love you picture Kazz :) it's really cheery, have you had your coffee yet?, i just had mine, i need it to waken up too. I wasn't sure what day it was either :o :D :D glad it just wasn't me :)

Hi Emjay, hope you had a nice day off yesterday :), I'm still feeling positive so hoping that feeling stays, and I'm sure the thought of my grandbaba will help as well, can't wait to see the next scan photo, i hope she gets copies like she did the last time :)

Hi countryfile it's nice to see you on here, I know Emjays blog will really help you, so stick with it, I know you can do this, cause if i can, you can :), and you can always come on here for help or a moan, we'll all help you, look forward to chatting with you later :)

Hi Jarvo, hope saturday shopping isn't too bad for you, I know what you mean though, I hate it at Christmas cause the town is so busy, i usually try and go really early, if i can get up :o :D :D I'm having a lazy day today, again :D :D, I did loads yesterday, that's my excuse anyway :D :D

I'm off to have a cuppa will chat soon, hope you all having a great day :) xx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

It's brilliant news that Jillygirl is home :) If you are looking in Jillygirl, then I am so happy that you are home for Christmas which I know you expected to be. Loads of hugs and kisses for you, we have missed you, get well soon xxx

Thanks for letting us know about Jillygirl EmJay and keeping us up to date. Also thanks for the advice on cutting down on the niQuitin minis. I am going to try and get some Smints as the niQuitin minis have a bit of a kick to them which is the nicotine in them and I know Smints are quite strong so I might be able to fool my brain into thinking it's a niQuitin mini :)

What Pete said last night made me laugh Claire, that we normally put a daily picture on here not a picture of ourselves :D :D he is so cheeky :D though he denies that he is.

Boozie Sue and Peetie Weetie, neither of you needs to hide from me at the moment as you were completely forgiven for your last lot of mischief. I'm not that scary am I? :D :P You gave me a bucket of maltesers and a teddy cake Sue, well in fact you gave me two teddy cakes because Johnny Cakeface ate the first one and Pete you gave me a mountain of Fererro Rocher so all is forgiven. However I am pretty sure that the pair of you and Andi when she is back will be up to more shenannigans before long so why not hide behind the settee. It's not too hot like the oven, not too cold like the fridge and there will be plenty of room for the three of you? :)

No way am I going out shopping this weekend, well maybe for some food but that is it, it will be mad out there :( I hate shopping when it is like that, can't understand these people that go shopping on Christmas Eve, they must like living on the edge :D

Countryfile, I didn't have many dreams when I first gave up but I did have a lot of trouble sleeping and most nights was only getting 2 or 3 hours sleep. After a few weeks that settled down and I am back to sleeping normally now which is good. It's just a case of sticking with it through all these stopping smoking related side affects and riding the storm. I say just a case, I know it's easier said than done but they do disappear eventually and we all know the outcome is worthwhile.

Just off out to get some Smints now so speak to you all later xxx :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Sue, sorry I missed you there, must have been typing at the same time :)

Sorry to hear that you had another bad night my love, I hope the pain has eased a bit now you are up and about. xx

Oh yes I have had a few coffees now :D so I have woken up a bit, not sure I still know what day it is though, I keep thinking it's Wednesday. I am so looking forward to Friday when I finish work for 2 weeks, I just can't wait. :)

I'm glad you are still feeling positive, it would be great if you could put a copy of the scan on here so we can all see your lovely little grandbaby :) xxx

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, we're very alike, forgetting what day it is, and missing posts :D :D :D I do these all the time :D

I hope you get your computer tomorrow, we've missed you on here at night :)

I'll put the scan pic on soon as i get it, she's hoping to find out the sex of the baby, I'll let you know that if i can :)

the pain has eased a little bit, thanks :), I shouldn't really moan about that on here, it just got to me this morning, I'm cheering up now though :) xx

sue52 profile image

I meant to say thanks Emjay for keeping us up to date about Jillygirl, I need a new head this morning :D :D

I'm glad your out of hospital Jillygirl, I know you'll be getting well looked after, and getting better and stronger each day :)

Love and ((((hugs)))) being sent your way :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx

sue52 profile image

Hi John, sorry there is no cake, I'll get some for you and Kazz now

brownscakes.co.uk/Assets/In... there you go, just took a while to find some that weren't birthday or wedding cakes :D enjoy both of you :)

I hope you having a good day so far John :)

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Ahh poor John, he called in for cake earlier and there was none and now they've all gone :D :D mmmmmmmm they were lovely John, thanks Sue, you are so kind :)

Thanks Sue, I've missed being with you in the evenings as well :) I'm glad you are feeling a bit better now and you can moan on here at any time, any one can. I think of it like this, yes this site is about quitting smoking but if other things get you down then it could lead to reaching for the ciggies so it's best to have a good old moan on here, whatever it is about instead of smoking. Plus we want to know if you or anyone else is feeling a bit down about anything then we can try and cheer you up :) I know you would do the same for me and have done. xx

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, thank you for that, your such a kind, caring person :) and I didn't think of it like that, your right it could lead to someone smoking :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the cakes :) poor John though :D :D I'll get more for him later

hope your not working too hard :) xx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Ha! Yes I'm so kind and caring Sue that I ate all of John's share of the cakes :D I'm not so sure he would think I'm kind or caring :D

I would advise that you give Johnny Cakeface some more cake when I have gone home otherwise I am just going to eat them again :D I am just tasting them for him in my capacity as food connoisseur, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :P

It's not very busy here this afternoon, and the boss is away again :)

sue52 profile image

:D :D :D :D I love it, think I'll be a food connoisseur too :D :)

It must be great when the boss is away, you can relax a little, it's too close to Christmas to work anyway xx

sue52 profile image

Hi John. here's you cake


I put raspberries on it so Kazz wouldn't pinch it :D :D :D

EmJay profile image

Afternoon Everybody :D

Just popping my head around the door to let you know I'm around :D

It's my last day in the office before Christmas and so I'm just trying to finish off a few things and be ready for a fresh New Year :D

If there is anything that anybody would like some more information on, then please let me know and I'll see what I can find for you.

Remember to stay strong and as psoitive as you can wherever you are on your stopping smoking journey.

Right, seeing as the cakes are making their way back to us, anyone fancy a cuppa? :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply toEmJay

Hi Emjay,

Have a Happy Christmas and a great New Year to you and your family

movehut.co.uk/news/wp-conte... xxx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hmmmm but if you become a food or specifically cake connoisseur then does that mean you will want more of the cakes? If so then I think you should become a connoisseur of something else, something like tea or fruit or lettuce even :D If we were both cake connoisseurs then poor J.C. wont get a look in :D :D

It is good that the boss is away, he's back in tomorrow afternoon. I have been very busy the last few days at work, I think everyone wants things doing before they finish for Christmas. Not sure why it's quiet today but I hope it stays like this now. :)

I totally agree Sue, we should be winding down for Christmas now, maybe bring some party games in :) Wish you were my boss :D

I have decided to cut my niQuitin minis down to 5 a day now, my use of them has been a bit eratic, nearly put erotic then whoops :D I had 9 yesterday but only 4 on Sunday. I am going to stick to 5 a day and then after Christmas lower it to one less a week until I stop all together. Are you still using NRT Sue, did you say you were using the spray? What about you Countryfile are you going to try to lower the amount before Christmas or are you going to do it after Christmas?

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Hi Emjay, When are you back in, is it the 2nd January? I hope so and I hope that you have a great Christmas and New Year and enjoy some quality time with your grandbabies :)

I'll have a coffee if there is one going please.

Sue!! Can't believe you've done that, ruined it with fruit. You know me too well you flippin woman you (as Pete would say) :D :D :D I'm impressed with that, well that you thought of it but not impressed with stopping me eating JC's cake ! :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz, I'm using the patches and the inhalator, I'm gonna stop the patches over the next couple of days, and keep the inhalator just now, I think it's too soon to have nothing, plus it's psychological to have something there i can fall back on :)

I hope cutting back on your niQuitin goes well, I'm sure it will though, your so determined to stop :)

:D :D :D I had to get John a cake somehow :D :D

when do you finish your work for Christmas? I'd be a great boss at this time of year, all play and no work :D :D xx

EmJay profile image

Sue, you'll be fine with your inhalator. You just have to see it as the next positive step forward on your quitting smoking journey :-)

Same for you too Kaz, on your mini's. sometimes when people stop smoking, they put so much faith into the products they are using they dont give themselves the credit for the hard work and effort that they have put in.

You have both come such a long way, lets see that we carry it into the New Year :D

Although I'll be off, I'll still be bobbing about around here... Just in case I miss out on anything! :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks Sue and EmJay, yes we can do this. I know I can do it with all the help and support and get from everyone here.

We are quite close together in giving up Sue, I think you are a week and 2 days ahead of me and I agree it is too early to have nothing. Well it certainly is for me, but look at Andi she had nothing from the start, don't know how she did it, I couldn't have done it like that but each to their own.

I finish for 2 weeks this Friday, I'm getting quite excited about it, I haven't had a proper break all year, just the odd day here and there so I am really looking forward to it. :) You would be a great boss at this time of year Sue and if you are anything like you are on here you would be bringing cakes in as well :D

When you say miss out on anything EmJay are you talking about cakes? :D :D

I am going to say goodbye for today, I will be going home in about 20 minutes but need to sort a couple of things out before I go.

Have a good evening Sue :) luvs ya xxx If Peetie Weetie says I've been gassing a lot today again, just remind him that I am getting my new computer tomorrow so to be very careful what he says :)

Bye for now EmJay and everyone, have a good evening, speak to you tomorrow.

xxx :)

sue52 profile image

bye Kazz, I hope you have a great craving free night :) see you tomorrow, and hopefully tomorrow night with cakes :D :D :D xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


Ok I couldnt resist just coming on line and saying what wonderful people you all are. I

got your messages via my daughter and Emjay including the spears. Well they certainly worked.

Yes I feel shattered, but hey I pulled through and now its slowly but easily getting better.

I even managed to tell some of the hospital staff and patients about quit support. hopefully it will help someone else.

I will come on line every so often , depending if the pain releief doesnt send me to the land of nod.

Going now as hubby bless him has got me my tea ready . LOVE YOU ALL> xxxxxxxxxxx


sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl, it's wonderful to hear from you :) I'm sooooo glad that your well enough to come on here :) you'll now go from strength to strength :) :) your family must be over the moon :)

I wish you and your family the best Christmas and New Year EVER, although you've already given us all that :) :)


loads of love from me and family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tosue52

Thanks Sue , it seems like months ago since i was chatting to you. a week ago I never thought I would be back on line again. Glad to be back to some form of normality, (me normal lol. ) better than morphine land. :D

loves ya. xxx Happy Christmas to you and your family and my cyber grandchild. :)


sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl, It does seem like ages doesn't it, your normal the same as me :D :D :)

I love the pic, thank you :) I'm pinching them both before anyone else gets them :D :D

I hope you have a wonderful relaxing nite

i.ehow.com/images/a04/g2/go... :) xxxx

sue52 profile image

Hi John, that does sound yummy :)

hope you've had a great day, and have a great evening :)

sue52 profile image

Good, cause Kazz kept pinching yours, hence the fruit :D :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :) :)

Just wondering if anybody is still awake :o :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hiya Pete, I'm still here, how you doin?

It's great to see Jillygirl isn't :D :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Hi Sue, am alright tar, how about you gal, it sounds as if you had a bad night last night then :( :(

And yes it is super to see Jillygirl on here again, cos i aint half missed her :( but am sure she will be back on form soooooooon :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Pete, I did, but I'm getting used to it now, got different tablets so got my fingers crossed that they work

inkygirl.com/storage/post-i... :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Ha ha love the pic Sue, looks like me skippin :D :D

I will cross my fingers too, that the new tabs work for you :) :)

I see your posting pics tonight, so does that mean you have the computer them :) :)

sue52 profile image

sure do, I hid his glasses :D :D


now he's trying to find the right ones :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Love your new profile picture Sue, its really Christmasy :) :)

Hmmmmmmm just thinkin whether to change mine or not :o just for Christmas :D :D

sue52 profile image

Thanks Pete, I wanted a more Chrismassy one :) you should change yours if you want, while Andi is away :D :D :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

yeah a good idea Sue, cos that flippin Andi always gets onto me when i change my pic :o :D i will have a look around and see what i can find :D :D

I'm sorry Sue my comps a bit slow tonight, i've kicked it a couple of times but dosent seem to make any difference :(

sue52 profile image

That's okay Pete, mine does that too, just don't let it get to you

us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/... :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup Kaz

Love the opening picture gal, just lovely and cheerful :) :)

Erm just a little tip for you if you get your new computer, erm it will work better if you plug it in gal :D :D :D

Sue Sue have you got a settee that i can hide behind :o :D :D

sue52 profile image

here you go Pete


Is that big enough, cause Kazz could be on here tomorrow night :)

sue52 profile image

how about this, it adapts to whatever your standing beside

l.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/Q... :D :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tosue52

Now then Sue your a talkin gal :D :D

Am sorry Sue i will have to go now, cos am noddin and this comp is doin my head in :o so i will say nite nite to you gal and luvs ya loads Sue :) :) well you know i do dont you :) :) take care gal, and i hope you have a better night kip tonight :) speak tomorrow if your up xxx :) :)

sue52 profile image

Sorry Pete i gotta go to bed now :( getting really tired, will see you tomorrow :)

nite nite, sweet dreams, luv ya :) xx

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