Daily Chat: Thursday 25th October 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Thursday 25th October 2012

andi22 profile image
16 Replies

Good morning everybody.

Well it looks like another grey one today but make the most of it as they say the temperature's going to plummet later or tonight. Won't that make you feel good, that you won't have to run for the woolly scarf and gloves so you can go outside for a smoke? I still can't get used to the idea in my head but then 5 1/2 months against 40-odd years - it will take some time! :)

I'm still enjoying the "freedom" quitting has given me - and all the extra time (I think I spend that on here though :o :D ).

Whatever you're up to today, stay strong and get another day smoke-free under your belt. :)

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andi22 profile image
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16 Replies
sue52 profile image

Morning Andi,

thank goodness i feel a lot better this morning, couldn't handle another day with that pain

it's freezing cold here already, if it gets any worse i'll freeze :D :D

i know what you mean, i haven't got my head round it eiither, although i'm way behind you :D :D it does sometimes seem odd that i'm not nipping out for a ciggie, thank goodness i'm not though

have a great Andi :) xx

andi22 profile image

I don't know what you mean I'm sure - you were my first BIG help when I started and I consider you to have only had one small blip! :) It wasn't surprising to me that you fell off the wagon when you did what with everything you'd been through. I guess you've got the added incentive now of the impending arrival of your first grandchild - it must be so exciting for you. :) and I can't believe it's over 4 weeks for you already. Doesn't the time fly! :)

sue52 profile image

Thank you Andi you really helped me as well :) I'm hoping nothing like that happens again, just need to stay alert for the small things that could trip me up, but i always have my spear :D :D have you got yours yet

I'm soooo excited about my first grandchild, my daughter has her first scan tomorrow, she's gonna text me the pic cause i can't visit her till Sunday, i said i'd post it on here, if i can, i'm a bit hopeless with computers :D :D

I'm saving up now for next Christmas :D :D

have you got over your jet lag now, it always takes me ages, i usually want to hibernate for days, kinda like i want to do now, get away from this cold weather :D :D

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Good morning everyone.

I am glad you are feeling better today Sue. I've just read yesterday's blog as I couldn't get on here yesterday, it was either very slow or the site was down so I gave up in the end.

It's quite mild here today, feels like an oven in the office so I have the window open :)

I hope Pete is doing ok on his 3rd day, I don't think he said yesterday how he was going on.

John, I think the idea of the red, amber, green for your nrt is a good idea. I am on about 7 lozenges at the moment, but I'm not going to worry about that for the moment, I want to get a few weeks of not smoking under my belt then I will think about that. I do need to cut down on sweets though. Pete was right about me starting exercising on Monday, he said there was more chance of him climbing Mount Everest :D cheeky thing, but he was right. I am going to start doing something this weekend though because my weight is creeping up.

I hope you are enjoying yourself in Scotland EmJay and the weather isn't too cold up there for you.

Hi Andi, I don't think we have spoken before, I joined the site in June but had a relapse and came back for Stoptober.

Speak to you all later, must do some work for a change :)


sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz,

This site did go down yesterday, it was so annoying, just as it's up and running i wasn't well, www well that's life :o :)

Good idea to get a few weeks of non smoking under your belt first i think, which you will do no problem :)

I'm off the check the mountain of washing i have to do, will check back soon, don't work too hard :D :)

andi22 profile image

Hiya Kazz,

I see I spoke to you back in June when you did your "training quit". Hehe :) Hopefully, like you say, you'll manage to keep it up this time. I think you have to keep on coming on here to keep yourself on track. I think that once you've written something down it helps to keep you focussed and if you don't carry it out you will feel that you've let yourself down. (Says here who never did any gardening yesterday! :( ) :)

Poor old Pete not finishing work til the wee small hours last night - shame he can't get another job with better hours and nearer to home. :(

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone, could you tell me is this site slow today, or is it my computer, not really sure which :)

Pete i hope they don't keep you late again tonight :(, my spear is winging it's way to you in case you need it.

I've not got my washing done yet either Andi :D :D, thank goodness i stay focused on keeping the ciggies away :) xx

Kazzachoc profile image
Kazzachoc2 YEAR WINNER

Thanks for that Andi, I feel much better now, thinking of it as a training quit :)

I agree totally, coming on here has helped me so much and spurs me on to do it. I know, it's not a good shift that Pete's on anyway without him having to work late on top of that. You're doing really well Andi, was it May you quit? Do you find that exercise helps you to get rid of cravings? I notice from the way everyone speaks on here that you are known for doing your exercise :)

Sue it is not your computer my love, it is definitely the site because I have had a lot of trouble getting on here again, it is very slow and one time it said there was a problem :( How are you doing with the cravings today, are they staying away from you and your spear? :)

I got my crossword book today and started doing a crossword when I got back in from lunch. I better be careful, what with doing crosswords and being on here, make sure my boss doesn't see me. :) he's in China next week so I wont have to be looking over my shoulder so much.

Pete, you can have my purple, heat seeking super fast spear to get your boss if you want. I do want it back though please, just to make sure that you behave yourself :D :P

Hope you are all having a good afternoon and keeping strong xxx

sue52 profile image

Hi Kazz,

I'm glad it's the site i had enough problems with my computer yesterday :D :D

Not had any cravings so far, but i have been busy, danger time will be tonight when i'm sitting watching telly, so will have spear at hand :D :)

How are you doing, those pesky cravings staying away, i hope so :) but i know you can stay strong if they show up :)

Hope you don't get caught by your boss :) xx

andi22 profile image

Hiya all, yes Sue, it has been a bit slow today - I think they're doing some tweaks on here this week as I've had a few problems apart from my broadband being down yesterday! :P

Kazz, yes I think I am known on here for my exercise! Have put the weight on since quitting and have been trying to get it off with exercise. :o Not had too much success in that department so far. :o :D Have now got to get back into it with a vengeance. I started running (don't you just see them EVERYWHERE now? :o ) but I think it was to much too soon. My pt is a runner and as I have quite a good fitness level he told me that I could do it. My opinion, in hindsight, is that as I was using muscles in a completely different way I kept getting injured. It's now 2 months since I ran so I am going back to the very basics and starting the C25K programme from scratch and hope that the muscles can build gradually. :) Not sure how old you are (I'm now 56) but if you go to the C25K community on here you'll see that all ages do it and it's really inspirational. :)

Pete, hope you had words with your boss and told him that it's really taking the p*** and got beyond a joke now. :O :D

andi22 profile image

Hi there dollydi.

Day 4 for you today, that's brilliant. :)

Welcome to our community - why not join in the chat and I'm sure it'll help you along the rocky road we've all embarked upon. You'll have some tough times ahead and we're here to help you get through them.

Andi :)

andi22 profile image

Hey Sue, just noticed your a whole month today - Congratulations! (Whoop, whoop!! ) :) :)

sue52 profile image

Thank you Andi :) :)

The time seems to have flown in, it seems a lot less than a month :)

hope you've had a great day, did you manage to get any gardening done today or has your weather been rubbish like mine, hope you got some sun :)

I've not done much today, going out tomorrow morning to start xmas shopping, sorry for swearing :D :D i want to get an early start, so i want be on till the afternoon sometime xx

sue52 profile image

Hi Pete,

Is your boss taking the p**s again :( wish you could get another job nearer your home

i'm really sorry but i can't stay up any longer, i'm really tired

hope you still keeping strong, don't let your work get to you, there not worth it, you take your spear to those cravings and don't forget your nrt, i know you can do this, we're all rooting for you and sending you positive vibes :)

nite nite Pete, sweet dreams, love ya :) xx

sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl,

I'm sending positive vibes your way

nite nite; sweet dreams, luv ya :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup Sue and everybody yep late again, clocked out at 00.30, we had a few words and all he ended up saying was, if you dont like it you know where the gates are !!

Dont you be sorry Sue, you go to bed when ''you'' want too gal, you dont have to wait up for me, but thank you gal :) :)

I'm having some really hard times this week, but so far i've kept strong :) i've noticed that my sense of smell is coming back too as well as the coughing, but that seems to be easing now :) :)

Rite i'm about nodding now so i will say nite nite to you all, and sleeeeeeep well, luvs yas xxxx :) :)

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