Daily Chat: Friday 7th September 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Friday 7th September 2012

andi22 profile image
18 Replies

Good morning everybody and Happy Friday to all of you. :)

It's another beautiful sunny day today and the weekend's just around the corner so make the most of it. 8-) Breathe in all that lovely fresh air before we are all trapped indoors when the weather takes a turn for the worse again.

Hope you don't have to work too hard and have a good smoke-free day. :)

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andi22 profile image
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18 Replies
Lisa-Jane profile image

Morning Andi

Morning all

Lovely sunshine here just off to work so don't wanna go .. Worked 16 hours yesterday and absolutely knackered. I'm just glad this weather is helping me get up and keep going. Another long day today but if I pull another 16 hour one I should of finished this Job before my deadline.. Which is good as when it runs over I can't be blamed!! It will be the gas man I reckon!! Haha

Anyway I'm off for a bit to get my skates on

Chat later

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lisa-Jane

Good morning Lisa-Jane, gosh gal i thought that i worked long hours, but you've beat me hands down there gal :o

What you doing, installing a central heating system or something ?? :o :)

Hey and you watch them skates of yours, dunna want you falling off them :D :D

Speak soon :)

Lisa-Jane profile image
Lisa-Jane in reply to monky

Pete , I dont usually work 16 hour days it's just I've had a few days off for this and that and I am behind. my deadline is Wednesday as I have another job starting the following Monday and I need to have time to rest. I am an interior designer I started out in painting and decorating and I still like to paint wallpaper etc. plus it means i save costs and im a bit of a perfectionist saves me have to keep explaining over and over!! What is it they say if you want a job doing well ......

i find the painting has been very therapeutic..Always have done so since I have quit those Lil piggies I'm trying to do all the painting and papering myself as well as the mural.. However I don't have as much energy these days!!

The poor lady I'm working for looks like she is getting to the end of her tether .. She moved in right in the middle of the work... Goodness only knows why and over the last 2 weeks she has verbally assaulted nearly every plumber electrician and trades person to come in to the property!! So far I have escaped, by the seat of my pants I might add!! So it's now time to get out !!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lisa-Jane

Aup Lisa-Jane, know just what you mean gal, cus i too am a perfectionist, and i do it myself, mostly, theres only gas that i dont touch, cus my brother is a qualified sparkey, so i just ask him if im stuck for electrics :) :)

As for that Lady who owns the place, i would get out a their before the tradesmen do, cus some people just like moaning, and she will be after you !! :( if nobody else is their :( as for the seat of your pants !! you hold on to them gal :D :D

Just wondered - i'm having a sort out in my garage, about time too i say !! :o :| do you do interior designs for garages :D :D

Lisa-Jane profile image
Lisa-Jane in reply to monky

haha... unfortunaty not!! i dont even have a garage probably a good job as I cant even get into my shed!!!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good morning Andi and all, :)

Its a beauty morning here too 8-) 8-) and I've ordered it for all weekend too :)

I hope you had a nice day out yesterday Andi, and you foot didnt hurt too much :( if you need it massaging :) then i'm your man :) :o got any plans for today gal ??

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Gosh it was quiet yesterday, wasnt it, hmmmm now then who wasnt here :o does Jillygirl get back from her hols tomorrow, or Sunday ?? :D :)

I hope she brings us some Blackpool rock back to snack on :) :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning All :-)

I'm just sat in the garage waiting for my car, getting the brakes checked as I'm not sure they should be making the noise that they are :-/

Two of my posts seem to have disappeared from yesterday? Shall check when I'm back in the office.

Another weekend upon us already, how crazy is that? For those of you nearing your quit date, start practicing your breathing exercises do that they come easy to you when you need them. Those of you who may be finding quitting to be a trying time, remember that it will get easier the longer you hold out. Each cigarette that you don't smoke means that your body has escaped another top up of poisonous toxins.

Keep strong, stay positive and keep smiling :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to EmJay

Good morning Emjay, Claire,

I've been noseying about and have found that you can buy champix online at Lloyds Pharmacy ( online Doctor )


If you high light the above - right click - left click - go to web site you will find it you can buy champix from them, online !!

2 week starter pack = £ 52.00

4 week starter pack = £ 81.00

plus £ 4.95 p & p

just wondered what you think ??


Lisa-Jane profile image
Lisa-Jane in reply to EmJay

Hi EmJay

Did my message come through this time??

kengreen profile image

morning peeps,nice and sunny here,got docs this morning to pick up some patches 2nd lot of 7 mg ones and then i got nothing to do for a few days :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to kengreen

Hi Kengreen, i hope you well pal, just wondered how it felt for you going on the lower patches, cus i had a rite hard time of it :( :(

And how do you do nothing for a few days ???? :o

Speak soon

Pete :)

jarvo profile image

Good morning (just)

What a lovely day, I hope your enjoying yourselves.

I hope work goes quickly Lisa-Jane.

Hi Ken your doing brilliantly. How are you feeling on the 7mgs? Enjoy your spare time.

Hello Pete; thanks for the information about Champix. It seems you can buy anything online now, scary! ? I do think it’s best to speak to a G.P. and a Stop Smoking Advisor to make sure it is suitable for you especially as the quitter maybe on other medications. But at least people know where it is available if they’re unable to get to the doctors. Thank you :-D

Bye for now :o

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jarvo

Aup Claire, thats twice this week you've been awake :D :D your getting there gal, just try and keep focused and positive, am sure you will do it :o ;)

I think thats where Emjay loses it :o she just cant keep focused :D mind you she does well for her age gal, i will give her that :D :o

Think its time i scarpered up that wooden hill, before she gets her brain sorted out !! erm i meant brakes :D :D


kengreen profile image

hi there,i nearly had a wobble the first day on the 7 mg patches but it only lasted for a few hours,i just stayed indoors and busyed myself on the clutter cupboard project.temptation lies outside while the shops and pub is open.that is as bad as it gets i just keep busy indoors/facebook etc.oh and i i drink more coffee than the web would say is good for you,but one thing at a time peeps :).the bit of the habit i miss is those few moments actually doing it what some may describe as cravings i look on as empty moments, that's when the washing up gets done etc but the empty moments only occur two or three times a day and can be dealt with.as for nothing to do,its my weekend off looking out for my mum as my sis is around,quite like doing nothing :)

jarvo profile image

Oy Pete :P .

It’s been a busy day here in the office. But that’s how we like it. I do miss nipping in to see how everyone’s getting on.

Well done Ken, you’re doing the right thing by busying yourself. Look at the 7mg as a positive thing, your further away from the dreaded cigarettes. Give yourself a pat on the back. 8-)

Speak soon

EmJay profile image

Afternoon Everybody,

Got my brakes all sorted this morning, apparently there was nothing wrong with them in the first place, they just seem to be a bit noisy for my liking!

Lisa-Jane, I've spoken to a couple of people and have found a number of places where you can go and get your CO reading done and hopefully continue with your NRT. Shall e-mail you the details in a minute :D

Kengreen, clearing out your cupboards - that's a fab idea! You get to clean, clear and organise your cupboards and it's a brilliant way to keep busy. You enjoy your weekend of doing nothing :-)

Pete, hope work is going in the right direction for you and that those piggies aren't bothering you too much. It really is important that you see those 'down moments' of struggling as a positive and know that your body and mind won't leave you feeling that way forever :D

Andi, I know Friday is your days rest from exercise, so did you do anything exciting instead? Hope you've had a nice day :D

Jillygirl will be back over from her jollies soon. I'm sure she'll have had fun and maybe picked up a couple of kiss-me-quick-hats :D

andi22 profile image

Good evening, had another busy day today. Up early, sister's friend came and took us out for a nice walk in a nature reserve at the edge of Poole Harbour where we saw lots of deer. Had to go to the funeral of my next-door neighbour this afternoon and pop in to another friend's whose birthday is today.

Plans for tomorrow - hopefully get to the beach. Won't have much spare time to come on here as will probably be fielding phone calls and visits as it's my birthday tomorrow! :) I will be 56 and hopefully not feeling too creaky. The sunshine will do me good. 8-) Have to make the most of it while we still have it. :)

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