DAILY CHAT/TUESDAY/09/10/2012: Good morning all... - Quit Support

Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
23 Replies

Good morning all you lovely people.

Tuesday and I hope you feel ok.

If you are struggling to quit smoking think of it as a challenge for your mind.

How many times do you make excuses? :- just nipping out for a smoke,

Quickly lighting a cigarette up before people arrive at your house,

Smoking before the taxi arrives

Smoking outside the pub, (not very sociable)

think your dying for a ciggy when youve been to the cinema, doctors, hospital, leisure centre.

These are just a few of the excuses we make.

Now think again wouldn`t life be easier without smoking?

Healthier, friendlier, more sociable, not pressured. So whats going to win the cigarettes or

your health and your brain. I know which I have picked with quit supports help it is possible. :)

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jillygirl profile image
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23 Replies
sue52 profile image

Good morning Jillygirl,

Love your post this morning :) this used to be me, but not now, i'm not gonna let those piggies brain wash me anymore :), i'm in control now, not them

sorry about last night, my headache was soooo bad, i had to go lie down, thankfully it's gone now :) hope it never comes back

It's really cold here again, it'll probably stay that way now for months, so duvet weather, with some hot chocolate, my favourite :)

Hope you have a great day :) x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Good morning Sue, Glad your headache has gone, I must admit I get headaches but mainly in a morning, not too bad as long as they dont turn into migraines

Computers dont help with the headaches either.

Lovely day here but very cold. May go for a ride later see what hubby thinks.

You take it easy and enjoy being snuggled up with your hot chocolate. :) :)

Catch up later. :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


sue52 profile image

Yum Yum, thanks for the hot chocolate :) just what i needed :D :)

enjoy your ride later, if you go :) x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Just getting my flask and sarnies ready now. got my scarf and gloves out if it stays cold. see you later after tea. :)

jarvo profile image

Good morning everyone

How are you all feeling?

It’s a lovely bright, but cold day here. I love autumn 8-) .

Welcome to all our new members, Quit Support is growing daily. We now have 226 members, which is brilliant. I hope all you newies find the site very useful whether you’ve quit, thinking about quitting or just after more information. All our members on here have come along different paths on their quit attempt. There’s also Emjay or myself who are Stop Smoking Advisors, we’re happy to help you or answer any of your questions. If you go along to a local Stop Smoking group please let us know your progress as we will always try and help you alongside your local Advisor.

If you have set a quit date can you please put it on the Wall of Winners (on the right) or personal message myself or Emjay so we can see how things are going. 8-)

:-D DAY 9 of STOPTOBER – your circulation should be improving, you may notice more colour in your skin and may find walking a little easier. If health isn’t your main reason for quitting, think of how much you have saved:-

- Based on a pack of 20 cigarettes costing £7.00

8-) 10 a day smoker over 9 days you will have saved £31.50

8-) 20 a day smoker over 9 days you will have saved £63.00

8-) 30 a day smoker over 9 days you will have saved £94.50

8-) 40 a day smoker over 9 days you will have saved £126.00

Keep positive, you can do it :-D

Jillgirl - thank you for such a positive way of looking at quitting. The majority of smokers want to quit but when you look at all the things we (as smokers) have to put up with to ease the little gremlins, such as going outside for a smoke; surely we can help people’s quit journey a little easier for them???

Enjoy your ride today.

Sue 52 – I’m glad your headache has eased. I suffer with them too and like yourself I have to take myself off for a lie down. ?

Johnuk – I really like the tool you have shared with everyone, thank you. How are you feeling now?

Speak soon ?

Wonder profile image

I love the blog today.

No excuses, stopping smoking is so positive.......

Freshly washed hair, nice perfume, cleaning your teeth that are getting whiter by the week, smiling more, not feeling ashamed, frothy coffee indoors, no smoky clothes, no dog breath, relaxing when with friends, enjoying the company and not outside in the cold, looking forward to pudding and not thinking bout fags,fags, fags, filling up the car with petrol and not buying the ciggys, treating yourself to a magazine or lipstick with no guilt, having a hug and not being paranoid of being whiffy, having money in your purse, looking forward to a tea break for the tea, skin looking healthier and no longer grey, shall i go on ?

No excuses it is the best gift you can give yourself, I just wondered why it took me nearly 30 years to wake up and smell the roses ?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Wonder

Hi Wonder, glad you liked the blog. having said that it has taken me over 40 years to wake up. If i`d have left it any longer i wouldn`t be smelling roses , I would have been pushing up roses.

By the way its lovely to hear from you. :)

EmJay profile image

Hola Everybody :0)

Lovely to read that you are all in good spirit :D

I'm in London today at a conference, lots of talks from people who say that technology is the way forward. I've even be chatting to a few folks about the possibility of using skype to help smokers to stop.. Ooooh technology scares me... I've never skyped before!

I suddenly feel a lot older than I am!

At least I'm a healthy older though :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Skype eh you are getting all modernised aren`t you. My 7yr old grandaughter uses it. but me I have no idea. good luck. :)


sue52 profile image

Hi everyone

love your post Wonder, its so true :), it's taken me 35 years to waken up, just thankful that my daughter never started, she obviously has more brains than me :D :D

i know what you mean about skype Emjay, i've got it but never used it, don't know how :D :D

have a great time at your conference :)

sue52 profile image

Hi all,

away out soon with hubby, going for a meal and then to the pictures, haven't been out in ages so thought we'd have a treat, might not get back till late but will pop on to see if your still on

have a great night :) :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Wow Sue , galavanting out eh! you enjoy. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good evening Pete, Hope your ok . and not too bad at work for you. how is Mrs Pete doing any joy with the e cig.?

Well Sue is out tonight and I have been out all day , we went up to the lake district it was beautiful but chilly. Still better than working. Just think when you retire and all the money you will have saved from not smoking , I bet your out everyday. :) will call back about 8.30. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Aup Jillygirl, sorry i'm late , had a bit of trouble with my computer :( :o sounds like you had a nice day out gal :) and Sue's off gallivanting out tonight too :) huh not bothered am not :( :(

Cant wait untill i retire gal, :D :D

Er in doors is still thinking about it, am not going to push her though

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Sue i hope you enjoy your meal gal :P :P yum yum and the pictures, God i think the last time we went to the pics, the jazz singer was on :D :D

I hope that you are feeling a lot better than last night Sue :) :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

HI Pete, glad your ok, my computer has the slow gremlins on tonight. Glad Mrs pete is still thinking about it at least it shows she is interested. I know I thought about it for years before I did anything. Chest infection did it for me. well love cant talk long as hubby got a friend round ,so I better offer them both a pint. so I will say nite nite sweet dreams and luv ya. xx

Heres a pint for you too apart from hubby your my favourite guy. :) :)



sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Nite nite Jillygirl sweet dreams, luv ya :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Thaks Jillygirl, just what i needed, and the pint of course :D :D had a bit of a ding-dong with her in doors, so just what i needed :) :)

Good night and sweet dreams to you too gal xx :) :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl and Pete,

just got back, had a lovely Italian meal then went to see loopers, it was a good night :) but it's not half cold outside

glad you had a good day Jillygirl, been there once, it is a beautiful place :)

Pete hope your computers okay, or is it going out the window like mine did :D :D :)

good idea not pushing Mrs Pete, when she's ready she'll stop :)

away to get a cuppa to heat up :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Aup Sue glad you had a nice night out gal, cus you deserved it :) :) i like Italian food, its a nice change gal :P :P yum yum

You take it easy gal, and nite nite and God bless xx :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

NITE NITE ALL! luvs ya :)

sue52 profile image

Need to go now Pete, i'm getting tired, will chat tomorrow :)

nite nite, sweet dreams luv ya :) x

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