DAILY CHAT / WEDNESDAY / 08/08/2012 - Quit Support

Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
48 Replies

HOORAY! Site is up and running. Seemed you had probs yesterday. I didnt notice until last night as child minding most of the day.

Hopefully we are back on track.

How is everyone I missed you all yesterday.

Sunny here so may do some gardening.

Keep happy and positive. Have a lovely smokefree day.

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jillygirl profile image
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48 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly, alright you just got in before me! Have now deleted mine.

You're lucky up there as it's raining down here. Mind I need it to refill my water butts as I moved what was in there to another one the other day on the back of the weather forecast. :)

I think the Health Unlocked team have got their work cut out at the moment to try and get rid of any remaining gremlins. God thet got us back up and running this morning though. :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to andi22

Wow!!! Post went straight on - amazing!! :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

shhhhhhhhhhh ! dont let the gremlins hear. :D

Lenne profile image

Blimmin gremlins. Will beat em back with a broom eh ;)

Just need a hug, dropped down to the medium sized patches again today and I am feeling sorry for myself haha! xxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to Lenne

Hiya Lenne, lovely to see you. :) Missing your fun and chat on here at times. If you're having a bit of a naff day today I guess you'll be on a bit more today? :|

Speak later and great big hug from me!!! xx :) :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Lenne

Hey Lenne we loves ya! Dont be too hard on yourself you will get through this. sent special post for you. :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning :)

Looks like we are back on :-)

Weather is a bit unsure as to what it wants to do here so I think I'll spend a day in the office :D

Jillygirl, hope the sun stays shining for you :) Are you still budgie minding, maybe you can have him singing in the garden with you? :-)

Hope that your rain butts fill quickly and then that tap in the sky shuts off for you Andi :)

Hey Lenne :-) Big huge hugs being sent to you from us :) It's okay to feel sorry for yourself but just don't let it go on for too long. How about letting it just happen until around lunch time and then take a new focus on how you are feeling? Maybe recognise that this feeling is psychological and that it won't be too long before you are used to your new friendly patch. See these patches as the new kid on the block, as in nobody wanting to be their friend but they have a lot to offer and just need some time to get to know them and to grow on you. You'll soon be buddies I'm sure :D

Today looks like a good day for either stopping smoking or staying stopped :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Morning Emjay, nice to send blogs without them disappearing.

Just cleaned Bertie budgies cage out. Goes home on Friday. Trouble is I will be whistling at him when hes gone. soon get into these habits. Not as bad as the piggies though.

Dont know if I dare log on this evening , being threatened with a hammer by a certain male person :D :D I shall have to think of some form of defence for later. he he. Wonder if he got his car.

Well love going to whizz round with the vac, then I am off in the garden. see you later.

Thanks for keeping in touch last night. xxx :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

If it's a hammer, perhaps you could erect one of those big cages like they have on home trampolines these days! :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

like it andi. will work on that. Have a lovely day. hope the sun comes out for you. see you later :)

sue52 profile image

Good morning everyone it's great we got back on here :) hopefully that's it fixed now

The weather here is grey clouds but not raining, a bit clammy though, which i hate, couldn't get to sleep last night cause of it

Lenne this feeling will pass, just hang in there and stay strong, i felt like this the other day, then i decided to refocus my thoughts, it really did work, as did talking to everyone on here,

big (((((hugs)))) to you :) x

Have a great smoke free day everyone whatever your doing :) xx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sue52

Morning Sue, shame it all went pear-shaped on here last night. :( I felt exhausted at the end of the cycling, how about you? Brilliant tv! :|

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Morning Sue , hope i`ve not pinched all the sun today. Probably wont last. just come in from the garden hubby made a cuppa. and a piece of cake. yum yum. see you later.

EmJay profile image

Ha Ha Jillygirl, maybe send Pete these chocolates then;


Hi Sue, looks like we are back on track :-) Any chance of you having a nice relaxing day today? :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Sure he will be impressed by those. :D

Got something lined up for later on if it works. :D

Had my cuppa going back out now. :)

Lenne profile image

Mornin! Thanks for all the encouraging comments and advice, I feel ten times stronger now and I've stopped swearing at the new patches and made them a cuppa tea (okay not really, made myself the tea but I have stopped being mean haha)!

I've purchased 10 packets of softmints just incase I struggle. Om nom nom nom! Much tastier than smoking right :D

Is everyone enjoying the olympics? My other half is currently working in one of the restaurants in the olympic village so I am all by myself this week but it's okay- I like being on my own, and I can watch Big Brother in the evening guilt free hurrah!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Lenne, Glad your feeling more positive. We all have days like that , consolation is it does get better. hang in there love. :)

EmJay profile image

Oh Leanne, I have to admit, Big Brother is my guilty pleasure! I love the people watching aspect of it :D Good on you for having a word with yourself and getting back (on your own olympic) track :D

Ooooh I can't wait to see what you have in store for Pete Jillygirl :D

I'm just looking at ways of publicising our site and seeing that you are getting the information that you need from it :D

I love the whole support sharing going on. You are all fab :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Hi Emjay . Your FAB too! :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to EmJay

You are fab too :) xx

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone computer started acting up so couldn't get back on till now 'D:D

we've got the sun now Jillygirl, it was just being lazy this morning like me :D

tea and cake sounds nice, need to get my hubby to make me some, yum yum xx

Loved the cycling Andi, i lost my voice with all the shouting i did :D

pity Victoria didn't get the gold medal she wanted but she was amazing to :) x

Glad your feeling better Lenne :) and feeling more positive, have a great day :) x

I'm gonna have a lazy day Emjay, i'm all sore from decorating, and jumping up and down watching the cycling :D :D it really cheered me up :) x

Can't wait to see what you have instore for Pete Jillygirl, i now it will be good :D :D

have a great day everyone, make it fun :)

I'm away to get some lunch will chat later :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Hi sue , what do yoou think about my dress sense for Pete ha ha! :D

andi22 profile image

Afternoon all, weather's gone realy weird here - still cloudy but very muggy! :o Went for a little look round the shops this afternoon and was surprised there were so many people about. Thought I might find some of these bargains they keep talking about but didn't find much out there. :( Ended up with a nice looking corn on the cob for my tea and peach for afters. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Ooh yummy that sounds really nice. I have just had prawn salad. and a slice of melon for afters. Amazing how you can eat healthy when its sunny weather. :)

seey ou in a bit. :)

sue52 profile image

:D:D:D:D that's a good one Jillygirl, like to see him try hit you with a hammer now :) xx

i had a stir fry but no afters, trying to get my appetite back it seems to have gone awol :D:D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Sounds like me last week I had no appetite. still didnt lose weight though.

You watch Pete will be late tonight. See if he got his renault car.

sue52 profile image

Bet he is late, good if he got his car though, still think he should have used the yellow one with the ribbon though he he he :) x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

I agree. blacks boring.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Ok Pete have you got your car ? seeing we missed you last night. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

No i havent got my black boring car :P :P

Took it for a test drive, put my foot down to see what it would do !!!! did some knitting - had my tea - played a game of cards - it was hopeless !! my van goes faster backwards !! :D

The blokes just got back to me after taking it to his mechanic, saying the turbo's had it :( :(

So now am looking again :(

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Oh dear, thats a shame :( I was looking forward to a ride out once i get out of my armour plating. :O Never mind love sure you will get something much better. :)

Still got pedal power. :P

sue52 profile image

Aww Pete you'll get one soon, and at least you didn't end up buying that one before it broke :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Hi Sue, you sound more cheerful today, magic gal just magic, am so pleased for you, cus i know we all have our ups and downs, at the moment i'm on a downer, cus it was a beauty of a car, but what the hec !! it wasnt to be and that is that !!

Theres a saying - them that wait, get the best !! :) but we will see eh

And you get some scrummy food down you :) do you hear me gal !!!!! :) :)

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

I'm much cheerier thanks Pete :) and you'll get a much better car at a better price :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hey Sue dig your crash helmet out . just got Pete a new motorbike. Hope he likes it. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Oh my God now what ???? :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Whats up Pete? Don`t you trust me. :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Will do Jillygirl it's pink with red flowers on it :D:D xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Hey Sue i'm a bloke :) i dont like pink :P :P mind you i do like red !!

I hope i'm not turning - changing - erm

Not going their :o :o

andi22 profile image

Hiya, :) I'm normally quite good at multi-tasking but was finding it a bit difficult trying to type and eat (crack) monkey nuts at the same time! :o :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to andi22

Hiya Andi that would be difficult :D:D:D xx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sue52

Hey Sue, you need to put spaces between your smileys! :D :D :o

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to andi22

I know keep forgetting cause i'm on my phone :D :D xx

sue52 profile image

You'll never do that Pete :D:D:D xx

andi22 profile image

Was posting and my computer died on me! :(

andi22 profile image

So you've all gone to bed now - nite nite. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Andi i aint half missed ya gal :( :( sweet dreams xxxx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Andi, nite nite gal, and I luv you tooooo gal, i do :) :) as for multitasking with monkey nuts, huh huh i can doooooooo it :P :P

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