Hooked on the quick mist spray: Its been 13 wks... - Quit Support

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Hooked on the quick mist spray

newromantic profile image
newromantic3 YEAR WINNER
16 Replies

Its been 13 wks now and i know i wouldnt cope without my quick mist, i have ran out of it before and the urge to smoke just keeps coming back ahhhhh it is really doing my head in now i just wish the wanting to smoke would go away.

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newromantic profile image
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16 Replies
sue52 profile image

Hi newromantic i'm sorry your struggling with this, i don't know much about the spray but i'm sure Emjay or Claire will help you with this, i know this is really really hard but you can do this, we're all behind you, is there anything that helps you with the cravings?, some people do the breathing exercises to help, i shout and scream or beat up a pillow, that helps me, try thinking about why you want to stop maybe; don't let those white sticks get the better of you you've done so well up to now :), be proud of that, we're all proud of you :) join us on the daily chat and read through the blogs to get tips to help you

stay strong Susan :) x

andi22 profile image

Hiya Lesley,

Come on now, we CAN do this - don't forget that tomorrow we'll reach our 3 month anniversary!!! Whoop, whoop!!! :) :) and how good will we be feeling in the morning? I didn't want to post about the 13 weeks as it is so close to the 3 months and think that it's time to start counting in months? (Maybe? :o )

I'm finding that some days I hardly think of it too but some days, today for example (don't know why) I just keep thinking 'I would really love to have a fag now' but it's only a thought - and then I have to shove another mint in. :D :D I don't know what this quick mist spray is but it sounds like it works for you. Does it have nicotine in it?

I guess we're all in the same boat and eventually the urges will decrease with time.

Stay strong and don't let them get you! Andi :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Lesley,

The Girls have given you so great advice, but please try to keep strong, i have just been looking through Emjays blogs and have found this ;-


Treatment period:

At least 12 weeks then reduce gradually


1mg - 1-2 sprays each hour


Fast acting


May cause indigestion

May cause hiccups

Non-nicotine based products:

So you see the treatment period is at LEAST 12 weeks, so just give it time gal, as they say Rome wasnt built in a Day !! :) :)

Just try cutting a squirt out now and then and se how it goes, you stay with us Lesley, we will help you through this, speak soon.

Pete :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Lesley, i'm sorry gal its me again, yeah i know what you're thinking :o :o I dont know whether you read this or not, by Darrenyoung ;-

Hi all, I read most of the blogs etc & have just sat in the background quitely. However after 3 months of being smoke free, I believe I have finally kicked the habit. Its not been easy, mainly the crazy muscle/nerve pains/acid reflux I had been getting for the first 2 months, but they never changed my desire to stay quit. Suppose I had the attitude of better having a few months of discomfort & anxiety as oppose to being permently dead. Anyway I have decided I no longer need to be checking in with you guys for support & insperation, therefore rather then just vavish from here quitely, I wanted to say Thank you & I wish you all the best in your own smokefree pursuits.

If I could give any advice to anybody thinking of quitting cold turkey, it would be to ensure they gradually cut down prior tothere stopping date & are fully aware of what they can expect regarding common withdrawal symptoms that are not common knowledge.

However it is the best thing you can ever do for yourself.

Take care all.


I myself am on patches and a inhalator for the hard times, i'm on 9 weeks now, so have just got onto step 2 patches, i tell you gal its hurtin, its flippin hurtin, so you are not on your own!! :(

We've got to do this Lesley, because as Darren says, we are a long long time dead :(

So come on Lesley you get it together gal, cus we can dooooo this, just hold your head up high, and say to yourself '' I CAN DO THIS '' and dooooo it, you cant give in now gal, you've just come to farrrrr to give up :D :) Good luck.

Pete :)

newromantic profile image
newromantic3 YEAR WINNER

Thank you every one for your words of encouragement, i do sound a wimp compared to most on here lol but i have to admit i wasnt very strong willed when it came to not smoking i am very surprised i have not caved in.

The quick mist is a very good substitute to having a smoke its fast but you do have to get use to using it, sometimes when i have used it wrong the hiccups are a pain in the but as you just cannot stop them infact my kids think its funny.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to newromantic

You are far from being a wimp, Lesley God gal you have gone 13 weeks !!!!!! without that white stick, :D :D yoho gal it just takes some of us a bit longer than others thats all, as i know it will take me longer :( but i'm not bothered because i know i will succeed in the end :)

Just wondered if you had tried anything other nrt to help you ??

Pete :)

newromantic profile image
newromantic3 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Hi Pete yes i started with the inhiliator and patches, then i went on the quick mist for a change and the patches stopped. Did try the nose spray in 1 nostril and that was a deffo no no did not like that.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to newromantic

Maybe it's the hiccups you're hooked on! :D :D Have you checked out youtube for people with hiccups - there's some quite funny ones on there. :o

By the way, CONGRATULATIONS for getting to 3 months today!!! :) :) :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Lesley,

well done and congratulations on travelling so far in your stop smoking journey :-)

The hiccups are a pretty common side effect of the quick mist mouth spray. This is because a lot of people spray into the back of the mouth which then irritates the throat and causes the hiccups.

One tip that has been recommended is;

1. Give the spray a really good shake.

2. Swallow any excess saliva in mouth.

3. Either a) Put tip of finger in mouth to pull cheek away from teeth and spray or b) Spray under your tongue.

4. If possible, try not to swallow for at least 30 seconds to give spray a chance to be absorbed into mucus membrane

Ideally you want to release a spray rather than a squirt! This can be achieved by giving your product a good shake. The same problem occurs with people using gum, this is because they tend to over chew and then swallow their saliva containing the nicotine (instead of letting it be absorbed into their mouth) which then irritates their throat and causes either hiccups or indigestion, or both!

I hope you find this of help and you can understand my explanation :-/

Carry on using the spray for another couple of weeks as you are if need be and then think about maybe reducing the amount of sprays you use each time. Slowly but surely you'll find yourself not needing it as much as you feel you do now :-)

Everybody else has given you some great support and you are doing absolutely fantastic :-)

newromantic profile image
newromantic3 YEAR WINNER in reply to EmJay

Hi Emjay

I usually spray under my tongue , i get the hiccups when i swallow 2 soon. The problem i have now is that im getting palpitations and i really notice them when i go to bed because they are keeping me from going to sleep i tried to get appointment for Dr ,,,,, could it be the spray giving me them ?

EmJay profile image

Hi Lesley,

That's most definitely why you are getting the hiccups then, remember to have as less saliva in your mouth beforehand :D

With regards to the palpitations, if they were caused by the spray, chances are you would get them at any time and not just the evening.

Before you try going to sleep, think about your day, and try and clear your mind. Is anything worrying you? If so think about whether or not you can do anything about it. Focus on all the positive things that have gone well for you.

Give me a couple of minutes and I'll write up a breathing exercise for you that might help you to relax a bit before you go to sleep.

However, if you are worried or concerned, let your Doctor know and also make sure you tell her / him that you have now given up smoking.

Let me go and sort that breathing exercise out for you ready for this evening :D

newromantic profile image
newromantic3 YEAR WINNER in reply to EmJay

Thank you Emjay

regntcy profile image

I don;t think any one should just walk away from the site that have givin you so much

help, support and insperation. Keep on helping us please, even if you are cure.

thank you all.

nessmac profile image

well i used the spray and patch for the first month of quitting but had to give the spray a miss it gave me a sore throat didn't like it at all. After 2 weeks i would leave the patch on longer then after 1 month i stopped the patch s to my Daughter gave up 4 years ago because her boyfriend was a none smoker and she was a great help for me.

I still getting craving s every day and am now fighting to get the weight of but i am doing it with my own will power and am determined never to smoke again.

My reason s for stopping

1 The price of fags is getting higher and higher My husband still smoke s a packet of his fags is £7.92 you may as well say £8.00 a day he was smoking 40 a day until he be came ill and i was able to cut him down to 20 .

2 nearly 2 years ago my husband had to be put into a medical induced coma because he had sever Heart, Kidney failure and double pneumonia he was like that for a week and i saw the stuff that came out of his lung s

3 When ever i went shopping with my daughter s i would not be able to smoke because they didn't like me smoking 1 Saturday i was away shopping with my girl s my eldest daughter was getting married so we were shopping for wedding thing s any way i ended up not having a fag till that evening and when i did smoke it i felt ill and that s what made me determined to quit.

It not easy but if i can do it any 1 can you just have to get int he right frame of mind.

My husband is still smoking and the smell of the fag s makes me feel sick but he is a very sick man so i would not try to get him to quit it s to late for him maybe if he had tired earlier when he had his first heart attack.

Spice123 profile image

I am using the quick mist and I am up to day 7 the quick mist is helping as I could not do it cold turkey

quitchick profile image
quitchick3 Months Winner

hi any update on anyone using the quick mist .. did ye succeed in quitting it

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