Morning all, just had the man in to service our central heating. All I could smell when I stood near him was stale smoke, I never realised how much I must of stank before I quit. Sorry for rambling but it just shocked me how much my body is changing 😯☺
The smell😣: Morning all, just had the man in... - Quit Support
The smell😣

Hi Deb, Well done on reaching a week. Yes I think most of us don't realise how bad the smell of tobacco smoke is. It still overpowers me , even after 3 years.
Keep up the good work.

yep, i was the same too, I didn't think i stunk either until i quit. I hate the smell of cigarettes on people now ..yuk yuk yuk and the longer i am quit, the more i hate the smell

I know!!, I cannot stand the smell at all anymore!
I feel really bad now for the people around me all those years telling me how bad the smell was.
Yes Deb, all the years Smelling like an ashtray, Yuck
Its a shame I've still got Hubby smelling like one !!!
I used to always be chewing gum, and using perfume or body spray, to mask the smell, and still am when I'm out with Hubby now. I don't want anyone to think it's me that smokes and smells.
Here's to us Sweet smelling Ladies,

Yes, one of the things I hated most about smoking was the stink. Especially in my (at the time long) hair the morning after a night out. eugh!
Although I have to say, I'm sure most of us didn't smell _as bad_ as the heating man (sorry dude). Chances are he hadn't worried too much about the cleanliness of his clothes etc... as he is going to get dirty anyway with his work. The stale smell does build up.
I don't mean to be cheeky but we did all smell like the heatin guy.... My friend spayed perfume ate mints and is a clean freak. Got into my car and bang I could smell smoke I didn't tell her because I was exact same!! But we don't smell like that anymore xx my wee pal quit two weeks after me to the day I'm so proud of her she on day 3xxxx

Hi Deb, yes it's soooooo disgusting the smell of stale smoke and actually makes me feel sick. I'm sure I developed sniffer dog status coz I can smell it a mile away😩 you're doing great and it's one of the many reasons to stay true to your quit☺️x
I had to wash all my clothes in the wardrobe when I stopped. Hadn't realised how much they stunk
All those years being stinky!!! And I'd never realised!!!!
Well done on quitting
I too have noticed the yucky smell on smokers clothes yet when I smoked I was convinced I didn't smell like that .

Hi ya Debby yeah, stale smoke does flippin stink gal
but I still like the smell of new ciggies smoke though
Do you think am a bit ermmm, weird or what
You? Weird???
I'm the same
I'm soooo glad am not alone Betts
You are never alone !
A whole bunch of us on here That's what makes it so brilliant. One big (slightly weird
) happy family
I agree with you allllll the way Betts
Perhaps some of em are a bit more weirdererer than us eh

Morning all😯 my son's had their mates round last night(usual weekly event) but this morning all I can smell is stale smoke 😣 They didn't smoke in the house but outside but my house seems to stink. Going round opening all windows!! Don't want to stop my son's weekly get together but this morning I feel like I'm back at day one😦. Cravings are back in full force and I could just curl up and cry. Hope the day gets better still saying NOPE but just think that this is a battle I will never win today😞.
i hope your ok my man still smokes and twice a week i put up with the rancid smell but it gives me something to clean when its like that ,,try looking for a positive in every situation xxx

Its very sad that we imagined that a squirt of perfume and hand wash gel was masking the stale smell!